Педагогічні умови формування професійної самосвідомості майбутніх інженерів
Корсун, Юлія Олегівна
Корсун, Юлия Олеговна
Korsun, I. O.
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У дисертації на основі аналізу психологічної, педагогічної літератури та особливостей професійного становлення майбутніх інженерів з’ясовано сутність і структуру їх професійної самосвідомості, визначено критерії (інформаційно-пізнавальний, мотиваційно-ціннісний, діяльнісно-практичний), показники та рівні (високий, середній, низький) її сформованості. Теоретично обґрунтовано й експериментально перевірено ефективність методики реалізації педагогічних умов формування професійної самосвідомості майбутніх інженерів, серед яких виокремленні наступні: застосування форм і методів активного навчання, що моделюють соціальний контекст і способи професійної взаємодії, забезпечення суб’єктно-рефлексивної позиції студентів у навчальному процесі, створення комплексного освітньо-виховного середовища, що активізує формування професійно ціннісних орієнтацій студентів. Формування професійної самосвідомості майбутніх інженерів відбувалося в три етапи, серед яких визначено діагностично-рефлексивний, розвивально-корекційний та оцінно-результативний. Розроблено методику формування професійної самосвідомості у студентів-майбутніх інженерів, що складається з чотирьох блоків (цільового, змістовного, операційно-діяльнісного, оцінювально-результативного) і комплексно відображає мету, завдання, принципи, форми й методи розвитку досліджуваної якості.
В диссертации на основе анализа психологической, педагогической литературы и особенностей становления будущих инженеров определено суть и структуру их профессионального самосознания, критерии, показатели и уровни его сформированности. Критериями сформированности профессионального самосознания будущих инженеров являются информационно-познавальный, мотивационно-ценностный, деятельностно-практический. Уровни сформированности профессионального самосознания – низкий, средний, высокий. Теоретически обосновано и експериментально проверено педагогические условия формирования профессионального самосознания будущих инженеров, среди которых мы выделяем использование форм и методов интерактивного обучения, которые моделируют социальный контекст и способы профессионального взаимодействия, формирование субъектно-рфлексивной позиции в процессе профессиональной подготовки, создание учебно-воспитательной среды, которая активизирует формирование профессионально ценностных ориентаций студентов. Разработана методика формирования профессионального самосознания у студентов-будущих инженеров, которая состоит из четырёх блоков (целевого, содержательного, операционно-деятельного, оценно-результативного) и комплексно отображает цель, задания, принципы, формы и методы развития исследованного явления.
While studying at a higher educational institution some changes in future engineers’ self-consciousness occur, which are defined by the specific of a person’s professionalization. They are the following: the understanding of the future profession and oneself as its object is increasing and deepening, professional self-consciousness is being formed, norms, values and requirements characteristic for an engineering profession are being accepted, professionally important qualities are developing. The becoming of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness is characterized by certain pecuarities connected with the specific of future activity and preparation for it: technical subjects prevail, educational process is oriented at the development of technical thinking, professional skills are formed in educative-productive conditions. That is why there is a necessity for studying the contents and structure of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness and defining the pedagogical conditions of its purposeful development in educational environment of a higher educational institution. A form of professional self-consciousness’ manifestation is a person’s understanding of his or her socially professional position, interests, abilities, characteristic features, the level of general and special readiness. And the understanding of one’s own professional opportunities is closely connected with certain attitude and self-evaluation. Professional self-consciousness is a dynamic formation which constantly changes, develops and corrects on the basis of professional self-consciousness. Having analyzed different approaches to studies of professional self-consciousness it is possible to determine basic characteristic features of this phenomenon: it is systematically organized formation, it is realized in professional activity via socially professional roles which are described as indicators of professional self-consciousness and becoming, it is a psychological mechanism of a person’s professionalization. Based on the analysis of psychological, educational literature and specific features of the formation of students’ professional becoming, the results of the dissertation clarify the nature and the structure of professional self-consciousness of future engineers; define criteria (informative-cognitive, motive-valuable, practical), indicators and levels of its formation. The indicators of the first criterion are the understanding of the ideal of an engineer and own reference to it, knowledge of the peculiarities, functions and tasks of an engineering profession, knowledge of own professionally valuable personal qualities, knowledge of the directions of realization of personal professional perspective, understanding of personal professional interests and skills, attitude to oneself as an object of professional activity. The indicators of the motive-valuable criterion are self-appraisal, need for professional self-improvement and self-development, motives of choosing a profession and valuable attitude to profession. The indicators of the third criterion are striving for professional self-up-bringing, orientation at professional self-education, independence in making professional decisions, stability of professional intentions and the intensity of efforts aimed at mastering professional skills and abilities during research scientific work and practice. The levels of the formation of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness are low, medium and high. Pedagogical conditions of the formation of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness are theoretically grounded and experimentally tested. Among them we determine: the application of forms and methods of interactive education which model social context and the ways of professional interaction; the formation of subject-reflective position in the process of professional preparation; the creation of educative environment which activates the formation of professionally valuable orientations of students. The formation of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness was conducted according to the following stages: diagnostic-reflective, developing-corrective and estimation-outcoming. The methodology of the formation of future specialists’ professional self-consciousness which consists of four blocks (targeted, contextual, processual, estimation-outcoming) is developed and the goals, objectives, principles, forms and methods of development of the researched quality are reflected.
В диссертации на основе анализа психологической, педагогической литературы и особенностей становления будущих инженеров определено суть и структуру их профессионального самосознания, критерии, показатели и уровни его сформированности. Критериями сформированности профессионального самосознания будущих инженеров являются информационно-познавальный, мотивационно-ценностный, деятельностно-практический. Уровни сформированности профессионального самосознания – низкий, средний, высокий. Теоретически обосновано и експериментально проверено педагогические условия формирования профессионального самосознания будущих инженеров, среди которых мы выделяем использование форм и методов интерактивного обучения, которые моделируют социальный контекст и способы профессионального взаимодействия, формирование субъектно-рфлексивной позиции в процессе профессиональной подготовки, создание учебно-воспитательной среды, которая активизирует формирование профессионально ценностных ориентаций студентов. Разработана методика формирования профессионального самосознания у студентов-будущих инженеров, которая состоит из четырёх блоков (целевого, содержательного, операционно-деятельного, оценно-результативного) и комплексно отображает цель, задания, принципы, формы и методы развития исследованного явления.
While studying at a higher educational institution some changes in future engineers’ self-consciousness occur, which are defined by the specific of a person’s professionalization. They are the following: the understanding of the future profession and oneself as its object is increasing and deepening, professional self-consciousness is being formed, norms, values and requirements characteristic for an engineering profession are being accepted, professionally important qualities are developing. The becoming of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness is characterized by certain pecuarities connected with the specific of future activity and preparation for it: technical subjects prevail, educational process is oriented at the development of technical thinking, professional skills are formed in educative-productive conditions. That is why there is a necessity for studying the contents and structure of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness and defining the pedagogical conditions of its purposeful development in educational environment of a higher educational institution. A form of professional self-consciousness’ manifestation is a person’s understanding of his or her socially professional position, interests, abilities, characteristic features, the level of general and special readiness. And the understanding of one’s own professional opportunities is closely connected with certain attitude and self-evaluation. Professional self-consciousness is a dynamic formation which constantly changes, develops and corrects on the basis of professional self-consciousness. Having analyzed different approaches to studies of professional self-consciousness it is possible to determine basic characteristic features of this phenomenon: it is systematically organized formation, it is realized in professional activity via socially professional roles which are described as indicators of professional self-consciousness and becoming, it is a psychological mechanism of a person’s professionalization. Based on the analysis of psychological, educational literature and specific features of the formation of students’ professional becoming, the results of the dissertation clarify the nature and the structure of professional self-consciousness of future engineers; define criteria (informative-cognitive, motive-valuable, practical), indicators and levels of its formation. The indicators of the first criterion are the understanding of the ideal of an engineer and own reference to it, knowledge of the peculiarities, functions and tasks of an engineering profession, knowledge of own professionally valuable personal qualities, knowledge of the directions of realization of personal professional perspective, understanding of personal professional interests and skills, attitude to oneself as an object of professional activity. The indicators of the motive-valuable criterion are self-appraisal, need for professional self-improvement and self-development, motives of choosing a profession and valuable attitude to profession. The indicators of the third criterion are striving for professional self-up-bringing, orientation at professional self-education, independence in making professional decisions, stability of professional intentions and the intensity of efforts aimed at mastering professional skills and abilities during research scientific work and practice. The levels of the formation of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness are low, medium and high. Pedagogical conditions of the formation of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness are theoretically grounded and experimentally tested. Among them we determine: the application of forms and methods of interactive education which model social context and the ways of professional interaction; the formation of subject-reflective position in the process of professional preparation; the creation of educative environment which activates the formation of professionally valuable orientations of students. The formation of future engineers’ professional self-consciousness was conducted according to the following stages: diagnostic-reflective, developing-corrective and estimation-outcoming. The methodology of the formation of future specialists’ professional self-consciousness which consists of four blocks (targeted, contextual, processual, estimation-outcoming) is developed and the goals, objectives, principles, forms and methods of development of the researched quality are reflected.
Педавгіка, інженерія,
самосвідомість, професійна самосвідомість інженерів, підготовка майбутніх інженерів, компоненти професійної самосвідомості, рівні сформованості професійної самосвідомості, педагогічні умови формування професійної самосвідомості майбутніх інженерів, самосознание, профессиональное самосознание инженеров, подготовка будущих инженеров, компоненты профессионального самосознания, уровни профессионального самосознания, педагогические условия формирования профессионального самосознания, self-consciousness, professional self-consciousness of engineers, preparation of future engineers, components of professional self-consciousness, levels of professional self-consciousness formation, pedagogical conditions of the formation of future engineers’ self-consciousness
Корсун Ю. О. Педагогічні умови формування професійної самосвідомості майбутніх інженерів : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец.:13.00.04 – теорія і методика професійної освіти /Юлія Олегівна Корсун; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського.-Вінниця, 2019.-236 с.