Отображаемые элементы 159-178 из 576

      Sokolyuk, O. M. [1]
      Stepanchenko, N. [1]
      Stepanchuk, Y. S. [1]
      Stepchuk, O. A. [1]
      Stoianov, Ye. S. [1]
      Stoliarenko, O. V. [1]
      Sushkevich, L. [1]
      Synenka, Yu. V. [1]
      Tarasova, O. [1]
      Terentieva, Anna [1]
      The article substantiates the model of a digital portfolio of scientific (scientific and pedagogical) workers carrying out case studies. The main characteristics of the digital portfolio have been clarified, and its tasks have been generalized (monitoring of professional activities; systematization of materials and developments; demonstration of one's own achievements (if necessary), creation of scientific and methodological support for educational purposes; accumulation of scientific research results). Approaches to determining the main components of a digital portfolio are analyzed, and it is found that the most common free resources are used to create a digital portfolio, in particular, Google Site, Blogger, YouTube (video portfolio), PowerPoint. However, the digital transformation of science requires new, effective solutions, one of which was proposed by the authors of the article - this is the introduction of electronic document management and the formation of a professional digital portfolio of a scientific (scientific and pedagogical) worker in it. By the digital portfolio of a researcher, the authors mean an online resource that is formed from the data of the electronic document flow of a scientific institution and demonstrates generalized information about the scientific and methodological and practical personal achievements of a scientific (scientific and pedagogical) worker, as well as the results of monitoring his professional growth. Digital portfolio design is based on the principles of academic integrity, responsibility, informatization of research activities, lifelong learning, information security. Additional information of the digital portfolio includes the following sections: list of publications, collections, expertise, peer review, data on project activities, organization and participation in events, guidance or advice to PhD applicants, Doctor of Science; activity in relation to providing answers to administrative documents, monitoring and evaluation of scientific activity, personal development. Further research requires the development of criteria for an expert assessment of a digital portfolio. [1]
      The methodical bases of SMART-complex development for training of skilled workers are substantiated (organic combination of hypertext and multimedia educational information; complementarity of real and virtual components of the educational environment; compliance with educational professional standards). There is identified strong (significant expansion of training of skilled workers; small financial investments of vocational education; the possibility of inclusive education, personalized learning; efficiency of accounting and control of training, etc.) and weak (lack of strategy and tactics of SMARTcomplexes in the educational process; insufficient development of information infrastructure in some regions; lack of teacher training system using SMART-complexes; insufficient investment in innovative information technologies, etc.) aspects of development and application of SMART-complex in vocational education. The conceptual model of academic disciplines` SMART-complex as information-dynamic system of electronic educational resource of educational-methodical direction, built on constant development and change of functional connections and relations is developed. SMART-complex of academic disciplines has static, dynamic and environmental components; contains modules: educational content, system of its delivery to users, system of preparation and system of participants’ estimation of educational process. The method of preparing teachers for the development of SMART-complexes for the training of skilled workers in the agricultural, construction and engineering industries is created, covering six stages (organizational and target, content, structural, design, generalizing, procedural). Criteria and indicators for assessing the competence of teachers in the development and use of SMART-complexes are substantiated. [1]
      This article examines the processes of informatization and digitalization of education at the beginning of the XXI century, associated with informatization and digitalization of social processes. The beginning of informatization of society was in the 1970s. In the last few years, this process became global. It has affected not only the developed countries of the world community, but also many countries that are developing. In the information society, knowledge and information resources are the objects and results of work of the majority of the employed population. The reasons for the informatization of all spheres of human activity, including education, are the following: - The increasing role of intellectual work, focused on the use of information on a global scale; - rapid aging of knowledge, the need for its constant updating; for the first time in the history of civilization, generations of ideas and products of human activity are changing one another more quickly than generations of people. Informatization of education should be seen not just as the use of computers and other electronic devices in teaching, but as a new approach to the organization of learning, as a strain in the pedagogical sciences. The use of information technology (IT), communication technology (CT), and now digital technology (DT) in the educational process changes the teacher's function from informational to managerial. The teacher is now a consultant, facilitator, and coordinator of instruction. The purpose of informatization is to prepare students for full and effective participation in social, professional and everyday activities in an informational society. Nowadays the term "digital technologies" is used more and more often. The word "digital transformation" is being used more and more often. We believe that digital technologies, which are actively developing in the world, will soon overturn our idea of the possibilities of IT. What kind of technology is considered digital? These are: Internet of Things (IoT); Augmented Reality (AR); Virtual Reality (VR); Machine Learning (ML); Artificial Intelligence (Al); robotics, 3D-design. The most promising in the digital transformation of modernity is the possibility of using all of these technologies together due to their synergy. [1]
      Tkachenko, A. V. [1]
      Todosyenko, N. L. [1]
      Tokarchuk, Ya. O. [1]
      Tukalo, S. M. [1]
      Tulashvili, Y. Y. [1]
      Turzhanska, O. S. [2]
      Tymoshchuk, M. V. [1]