Now showing items 3-22 of 260

    • Dialogical approach to teachers’ professional training 

      Haluziak, V. M.; Галузяк, В. М.; Fadieieva, T. J.; Фадєєва, Т. Ю.; Фадеева, Т. Ю. (Warsaw: Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych Pedagogium, 2021)
      The essence of four approaches to understand the essence of dialogue is revealed: dialogue as a form of two-way speech interaction of subjects; dialogue as a joint advancement to the truth in the process of discussing ...
    • Edutainment як новітня освітня технологія 

      Коритна, Л. В. (Вінниця : Твори, 2021)
      Метою статті є розгляд поняття "edutainment" як навчання через розваги в загальній системі та системі вищої освіти як ефективної технології розвитку творчого потенціалу людини.
    • Fulfillment of educational potential of the lecture in higher educational institutions in the context of professional development of the personality of a future teacher 

      Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Lublin : Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017)
      On the basis of generalization of recommendations highlighted in the psychological and pedagogical literature on the lecture as a form of students’ training organization and personal experience, various methods of the ...
    • Higher Education in Ukraine: Ensuring the Quality of Education 

      Lazarenko, N. I.; Лазаренко, Н. І.; Лазаренко, Н. И.; Kaplinski, V. V.; Kаplinskiу, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Kielce : Holy Cross University, 2016)
      The article introduces ideas on the quality of education in pedagogical universities
    • Higher Education in Ukraine: Ensuring the Quality of Education 

      Kаplinski, V. V.; Lazarenko, N. I.; Лазаренко, Н. І.; Лазаренко, Н. И.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Kielce : Holy Cross University, 2016)
      Стаття знайомить з ідеями щодо забезпечення якості освіти в педагогічних університетах
    • How to Provide Efficiency of Self-Education 

      Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Kaplinskіy, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Warszawa, Poland, 2017)
      The article deals with the purpose-oriented and organizational stages of self-education and its favorable conditions
    • Influence on emotional sphere of future teacher’s personality in the process of it’s general pedagogical teacher training ( practical aspect ) 

      Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Svyshch, N. M.; Grytsyk, N. V. (2020)
      The process of studying pedagogical disciplines in this direction almost wasn‟t researched. But the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle next to literature, history, culture hide in themselves an extraordinary ...
    • Peculiarities of Leadership Manifestation in the Youth Social Group 

      Shportun, O.; Branitska, T.; Kaplinsky, V.; Zharovska, O.; Baiurko, N.; Siryk, E. (2020)
      The article actualizes the problem of becoming a leader in a youth social group. Leadership is found to be a natural social and psychological process within a group aimed at personal authority influence on the ...
    • Personal Maturity as a Factor of the Teacher’s Readiness for Constructive Interaction with Students 

      Galuziak, Vasyl; Галузяк, В. М.; Kholkovska, Iryna; Холковська, І. Л. (Łódź : Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk, 2017)
      The article contains a consideration of the phenomenon of the teacher's personal maturity as the key factor of the efficiency of pedagogic activity. On the basis of an analysis of psychological and pedagogical approaches ...
    • Preparation of prospective teachers for professional self-developmen 

      Фрицюк, В. А.; Frytsiuk, V. A. (Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2016)
      In the context of modernization of higher education, one of the factors in providing the state competitiveness on the global level is to improve specialists’ preparation quality, in particular, to form prospective teachers’ ...
    • Psychocorrection of Adolescents 'Anxiety by Music Therapy 

      Matokhniuk, L.; Avramenko, N.; Kushnir, Y.; Shportun, O.; Shevchuk, V.; Shorobura, I.; Kaplinsky, V.; Overchuk, V.; Koval, T. (2021)
      Personal anxiety in adolescence is largely determined by psychological factors (personal, adaptive, motivational), and the correction of personal anxiety in adolescents is possible by combining two areas of work: ...
    • Psychological peculiarities of the personality assertiveness development 

      Liubarets, Vladyslava; Litvinova, Tetyana; Khamska, Nelina; Malikova, Svitlana; Polyanska, Catherine (Czech Republic, 2022)
      The relevance of learning and development of assertiveness in individuals of all ages today is determined by the peculiarities of challenges posed to professionals of the vast majority of both technical and humanitarian ...
    • The communicative component`s description of a future teacher`s development system 

      Kaplinskiy, Vasyl; Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (European humanitie studies: State and Society, 2017)
      In this article was given a communicative component’s description of a future teacher’s development system. Also was made an analysis of components and inward relations between them
    • The teacher’s authority as the factor of personal influence on students 

      Haluzyak, V.M.; Галузяк, В. М.; Holkovs'ka, I.L.; Холковська, І. Л.; Холковская, И. Л. (Warszawa: Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour», 2015)
      The article defines the essence and types of authority as a factor of the teacher's personal impact on students. Authority is viewed as a relatively stable emotional-value attitude of students to the teacher. An analysis ...
    • The use of adaptive learning in the study of natural and mathematical disciplines as a means of developing students’ independence 

      Sikora, Yaroslava; Kalenyk, Mykhailo; Hubina, Svitlana; Vasiuta, Viktoriia; Vasiuta, Vasyl (Czech Republic, 2022)
      One of the ways to improve the quality of general education is the development of science-based methodological systems for teaching mathematics, the activation of the educational process, the optimization of pedagogical ...
    • Theoretical analysis of the concept «Professional development of the future teacher» 

      Kaplinskiy, V. V.; Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Kaunas : Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2018)
      The article discusses the different approaches and the author's understanding of the concept of «future teachers» professional formation
    • Tolerance as a Criterion of Teacher`s Personal Maturity 

      Галузяк, В. М.; Haluziak, V. M.; Холковська, І. Л.; Холковская, И.; Kholkovska, I. (Łódź : Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk, 2018)
      Targeted modernization of education on the basis of humanization and democratization significantly change the requirements for the professional position and strategy of a teacher, provide the rejection of the directive ...
    • Upbringing – the purposeful forming or assistance in the self-development of a personality 

      Haluziak, V. M.; Галузяк, В. М.; Kholkovska, I. L.; Холковська, І. Л. (Łódź : Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk, 2017)
      У сучасній педагогічній теорії існують різні підходи до розуміння сутності виховання як фактору розвитку особистості. У статті проаналізовано різні підходи до диференціації концепцій, стратегій, моделей і парадигм виховання ...
    • Value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted youth students at a teaching university 

      Akimova, O.; Sapogov, M.; Koval, M.; Акімова, О.; Сапогов, М.; Коваль, М. (ВДПУ, 2023)
      The study of the problem of personal self-realizationof gifted youth is recognizedas one of the priority directions in the conditions of European integration of higher education, as is proven in the article. Supporting ...
    • А. С. Макаренко і В. О. Сухомлинський: дві парадигми виховання 

      Галузяк, В. М.; Haluziak, V. M (Луганський ДПУ, 2000)
      У статті представлено порівняльний аналіз поглядів А. С. Макаренка і В. О. Сухомлинського на суть і методику організації виховання. Доводиться, що видатні педагоги були представниками двох різних парадигм виховання: ...