Оцінка сакральних ландшафтних комплексів Івано-Франківської області
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
Одним із важливих напрямків туристсько-рекреаційної діяльності населення є сакральний туризм. Під сакральним туризмом розуміється здійснення подорожей до природних і створених людиною ландшафтних комплексів, що мають священне, духовне значення. В Івано-Франківській області впродовж багатьох сторіч створено багато таких комплексів, за кількістю сакральних пам’яток цей реґіон посідає одне з провідних місць в Україні. До природних сакральних ландшафтних комплексів належать ліси, урочища, джерела, що представниками різних віросповідань у різні часи визнавалися священними. Антропогенними сакральними об’єктами є церкви, каплиці, дзвіниці, монастирі, костели, синагоги та інші культові споруди. Запропоновано методику обчислення оцінки сакральних ландшафтних комплексів із погляду туризму й рекреації. Основними параметрами сакральності є показник комплексної статусної потужності та коефіцієнт локалізації сакральних ландшафтних комплексів, добуток яких утворює комплексний показник сакралізації простору. Визначено, що найвище значення комплексного показника сакралізації простору має Івано-Франківський район.
One of the important directions of tourist and recreational activities of the population is sacred tourism. Sacred tourism refers to trips to natural and man-made landscape complexes that have sacred and spiritual significance. Many such complexes have been created in the Ivano-Frankivsk region over many centuries, and in terms of the number of sacred monuments, this region occupies one of the leading places in Ukraine. Natural sacred landscape complexes include forests, tracts, springs, which were recognized as sacred by representatives of different faiths at different times. Anthropogenic sacral objects are Orthodox, Greek-Catholic and Roman-Catholic churches, chapels, belfries, monasteries, synagogues and other cult buildings. Ancient anthropogenic sacral objects (those that believe to the epochs of Old Kyiv State and Halych-Volyn Rus Kingdom), sacral building of the times of Polish Kingdom, Austrian and Austro-Hungarian Empires and the Second Polish Republic, are differenced. We don’t recognize as sacral objects cult buildings created during the epoch of Independent Ukraine because they didn’t have a sacral significance not only in church and religious sphere but also in a social context. A methodic of estimation sacral objects calculation from the touristic and recreation point of view is proposed. Main parameters of sacredness are the indicator of complexed status capacity and the coefficient of localization of sacred objects, the product of both parameters shapes a complexed indicator of sacralization of the space. It is defined that the highest indicator of complexed status capacity of sacred objects in the Ivano-Frankivsk region has the IvanoFrankivsk district, the most index of the coefficient of localization has the Kosiv district. The Ivano-Frankivsk district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region has got the highest index of the complexed indicator of sacralization of the space. The estimation of sacral objects of the Ivano-Frankivsk region has an important significance for clustering the researched territory and shaping its sacral and geographical zoning.
One of the important directions of tourist and recreational activities of the population is sacred tourism. Sacred tourism refers to trips to natural and man-made landscape complexes that have sacred and spiritual significance. Many such complexes have been created in the Ivano-Frankivsk region over many centuries, and in terms of the number of sacred monuments, this region occupies one of the leading places in Ukraine. Natural sacred landscape complexes include forests, tracts, springs, which were recognized as sacred by representatives of different faiths at different times. Anthropogenic sacral objects are Orthodox, Greek-Catholic and Roman-Catholic churches, chapels, belfries, monasteries, synagogues and other cult buildings. Ancient anthropogenic sacral objects (those that believe to the epochs of Old Kyiv State and Halych-Volyn Rus Kingdom), sacral building of the times of Polish Kingdom, Austrian and Austro-Hungarian Empires and the Second Polish Republic, are differenced. We don’t recognize as sacral objects cult buildings created during the epoch of Independent Ukraine because they didn’t have a sacral significance not only in church and religious sphere but also in a social context. A methodic of estimation sacral objects calculation from the touristic and recreation point of view is proposed. Main parameters of sacredness are the indicator of complexed status capacity and the coefficient of localization of sacred objects, the product of both parameters shapes a complexed indicator of sacralization of the space. It is defined that the highest indicator of complexed status capacity of sacred objects in the Ivano-Frankivsk region has the IvanoFrankivsk district, the most index of the coefficient of localization has the Kosiv district. The Ivano-Frankivsk district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region has got the highest index of the complexed indicator of sacralization of the space. The estimation of sacral objects of the Ivano-Frankivsk region has an important significance for clustering the researched territory and shaping its sacral and geographical zoning.
Прикладні дослідження антропогенних ландшафтів
сакральний ландшафтний комплекс, сакральний об’єкт, показник комплексної статусної потужності, коефіцієнт локалізації сакральних ландшафтних комплексів, комплексний показник сакралізації простору, Івано-Франківська область, sacred landscape complex, sacral object, indicator of complexed status capacity, coefficient of localization of sacred objects, complexed indicator of sacralization of the space, Ivano-Frankivsk region
Хіміч М.І. Оцінка сакральних ландшафтних комплексів Івано-Франківської області. Науково-теоретичний журнал "Ландшафтознавство". Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2023, 3(1). С. 87-101