Вплив строків сівби на продуктивність цибулі ріпчастої

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Князюк, О. В.
Kniaziuk, O. V.
Орлюк, Л. Л.
Orliuk, L. L.

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Такий технологічний прийом вирощування як строки сівби впливають на продуктивність різностиглих сортів ріпчастої цибулі, біометричні показники росту і розвитку впродовж періоду вегетації, ступінь враження хворобами та лежкість цибулин даної культури
Такой технологический прием выращивания как сроки сева влияют на производительность сортов репчатого лука орта разного строка созревания, биометрические показатели роста и развития в течение периода вегетации, степень поражения болезнями и лежкость луковиц данной культуры
The average plant height of onion varieties Oporto (56.3 cm) was highest in early spring sowing (20.03), and average bulb weight (71.4 grams) – with before winter. The average height of plant varieties of onions Skvyrska (57.2 cm) was highest for sowing 05.04, and average bulb weight (66.4 g) in early spring. Biometric varieties of different ripening plants onions indicate preference before winter sowing time, which contributes to the formation of a larger number of leaves, their length, and aboveground parts of bulbous plants. This pattern is particularly evident for onion Early and Middle class and middle-to-best characteristics of growth and development manifested in early spring sowing. The highest yields of early ripening varieties of onions Chernyakivska (44kg/10m2) marked with before winter sowing, which is 23 kg more than in late spring (20.04). The same pattern exists in middle-class bow Oporto. The highest yield of middle-class Skvyrska (36 kg/10m2) noted in early spring sowing, which is 2 kg more than the before winter and 9 kg more than in late spring. Harvested onions should be well maintained in order to use it for consumption. Generally, losses from diseases for vegetable crops is inevitable, but need to minimize them. Recently in the selection process bred tolerant varieties and hybrids of onion to pathogens. Also, during the growing season, apply fungicides to inhibit the activity of parasitic pathogens through preventive sprays and during mass destruction plants. But when storing bulbs may be affected by diseases such as bacterial rot, gray cervical rot, Fusarium and black mold. In addition, marked weight loss sprouted bulbs and vegetables. In studying the influence of sowing time on the keeping quality of onion early ripening varieties Chernyakivska found that most weight loss bulbs (17%) seen in late spring sowing (20.04). Also, and sprouted bulbs during storage, were more (9.6%) in the late spring sowing. So before winter way of sowing onion stands out because of its use promotes resistance against pathogens of bulbs, especially cervical gray rot. Number of affected bacterial rot and black mold bulbs in mid- spring (5.04) and late spring (20.01) seeding method was approximately the same level. Defeat bulbs Fusarium largely not dependent on sowing time. In general, the before winter sowing preserved almost all bulbs (95%) , and in late spring – only 70%, or loss amounted to 30%, from which we can conclude much better keeping quality bulbs before winter sowing . Top biometric indicators onion (linear growth of plants, the average weight of bulbs) Early and middle-class are marked with before winter sowing (01.11), and the middle-in-early spring (20.03). The highest yields of early ripening varieties of onion varieties Chernyakivska (44 kg/10m2 ) and middle-class Oparto (40 kg/10m2) marked with before winter sowing, which, respectively, 23 and 17 kg more than in late spring. Middle Class onions Skvyrska ensure maximum yield in early spring sowing (20.03). Optimum sowing onion as process technology of its cultivation, increase the yield of early maturing varieties by 30-50% and Medium - 10-30%. The largest losses in storage and impression diseases of onion marked in late spring sowing (20.04), and resistant to data factors are onions sown before winter. Further scientific research is focused on the research productivity different ripening varieties of onions, turnip depending on the layout of the area and supply. Biometric different ripening varieties of plants onions indicate preference before winter sowing time, which contributes to the formation of a larger number of leaves, their length, and aboveground parts of bulbous plants. This pattern is particularly evident for onion Early and Middle-class and middle- to - best characteristics of growth and development manifested in early spring sowing


Сільське господарство. Рослинництво. Цибуля ріпчаста. Строки сівби


ріпчаста цибуля, різностиглі сорти, ріст і розвиток, біометричні показники, продуктивність, лежкість, репчатый лук, сорта разного строка созревания, рост и развитие растений, биометрические показатели, производительность, лежкость, onion, varieties of different string maturation, growth and development of plants, biometrics, performance, storability


Князюк О. В. Вплив строків сівби на продуктивність цибулі ріпчастої / О. В Князюк, Л. Л. Орлюк // Агробіологія. – № 11. – 2013. – С.23 – 27



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