Організаційно-педагогічні умови професійної підготовки фахівців пожежно-рятувальної служби
Вовчаста, Наталія Ярославівна
Вовчаста, Наталья Ярославовна
Vovchasta, N. Y.
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У дисертації проведено ретроспективний аналіз розвитку системи пожежної безпеки і підготовки фахівців пожежно-рятувальної служби в Україні; проаналізовано систему підготовки фахівців пожежної безпеки в західноукраїнських землях; здійсне-но компаративний аналіз навчальних планів і програм ВНЗ України та Польщі.
Розроблено і теоретично обґрунтовано компетентнісну модель відповідно до вимог Болонського процесу, визначено організаційно-педагогічні умови професійної підготовки фахівців пожежно-рятувальної служби у контексті інтеграції в європейський освітній простір. Створено й експериментально перевірено методику застосування дидактичного комплексу інформаційного забезпечення дисципліни та навчального тренінгу для формування професійно-значущих якостей майбутніх працівників служб МНС. Експериментально перевірено педагогічну ефективність запропонованої методики, розроблено навчальний посібник, 2 словники, методичні рекомендації з проблеми дослідження для працівників ВНЗ МНС.
В диссертации проведен ретроспективный анализ развития системы пожарной безопасности и подготовки специалистов пожарно-спасательной службы в Украине; проанализирована система подготовки специалистов пожарной безопасности в западноукраинских землях; осуществлен компаративный анализ учебных планов и программ высших учебных заведений Украины и Польши. Разработано и теоретически обоснованно компетентносную модель подготовки в соответствии с требованиями Болонского процесса, определенны организационно педагогические условия профессиональной подготовки специалистов пожарно-спасательной службы в контексте интеграции в европейское образовательное пространство. Создана и экспериментально проверена методика применения дидактичного комплекса информационного обеспечения дисциплины и учебного тренинга для формирования профессионально значимых качеств будущих работников служб МЧС. Экспериментально проверена педагогическая эффективность предло-женной методики, разработано учебное пособие, 2 словаря, методические рекомендации по проблеме исследования для работников ВНЗ МЧС.
The retrospective analysis of development of fire safety system and training of fire-rescue specialists is realized in the thesis. It is shown that formation and development of fire-rescue service in Ukraine were in the conditions of its stateless when Ukrainian’s regions were a part of different countries (Russia, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland); the system of training of fire safety specialists on the territory of Western Ukraine is analyzed; the comparative analysis of curriculums and plans of leading higher educational establishments of Ukraine and Poland is considered; this analysis shown a lot of common in the structure of higher educational establishments and organization of educational process is represented. It is proved that during development of the educational establishments has been increasing and improving of curriculums and plans because of improving of fire-rescue service, refining of its tasks, increasing of its personnel staff, enhancing of fire safety and forms and methods of professional training. Competitive model of specialists of fire-rescue service as requests for Bologna process is developed and theoretically proved. It is combined with four models – educational discipline, management of educational process, cadet and pedagogue. It is proved that the model of preparing of specialist of fire-rescue service has special characteristic. We should choose the best advantages from the qualification and competitive models for preparing a Bachelor of speciality 6.170203 “Fire Safety”, qualification 3439 “Specialist of Fire Safety”. Organizational and pedagogical aspects of professional training of fire-rescue specialists in the context of the integration into the European educational space are purposed and introduced into the educative process of higher educational establishments of MES of Ukraine: forming credit-module system of the organization of educative process in accordance with demands on Bologna process; creating and using of didactic complex of information providing of educational (discipline); using of educational training in order to solving the problems of professional adaptation and forming professional qualities of future specialists. It is created and experimentally examined the methods of using didactic complex of information providing of (educational) discipline which we can consider as a whole didactic system. This system represents the base of knowledge which constantly increases and develops into one direction; educational training for forming professional and important qualities of future specialist of MES is focused on. It is considered that for preparing specialists of fire-rescue service should use the following kinds of educational training: video training, multimedia training and psychology training centre for fire and rescue units. Optimal results are given the combined form of using of studying methods in accordance with aims, tasks, personality of teacher and cadets’ availability of necessary resources and software are proved. Using of the didactics complexes of software of educational discipline which wrote in accordance with the requirements of Bologna process and educational training are explained. Firstly, it allows increasing the quality of training of future specialists of fire-rescue services. Secondly, it makes more active the cognitive activity of cadets; decide the problem of professional adaptation and forming professionally qualities of future specialists, to promote the motivational component of educational process. Theoretical analysis and own practical experience of education training was done. It gave us a right to formulate own definition of the educational training as a form of practical classes, which coordinate the common creative work of cadet and academic tutor for opening of creative potential in the educational process of future specialist fire-rescue services. It helps to understand and learn the methods, forms, skills, manners of action for effective implementation of professional or public functions using individual features; to form and stimulate the development of responsibility, rapid reaction, initiative, business thinking and adaptation of cadet during the process of his training to practical activity. The analysis of curricula in accordance with the standards of European higher school, which are regulated Bologna declaration, allowed formulating the following suggestions. Namely: to decrease the educational loading of academic tutors; to set optimum quantitative correlation academic tutor/ cadet, as to the amount of faculties, directions of preparation; to come to the general agreement as for the amount of educational disciplines and general educational time according to the program of preparation. The realization of competitive model of training of fire-rescue specialists in the educative process demands on Bologna process with the aim of specific organizational and pedagogical bases are favorable to increasing of effective studying in the higher educational establishments of MES of Ukraine is indicated. The pedagogical efficiency of offered methods of preparing specialists of fire-rescue service are experimentally examined; it is proved that they closely connected between itself and from its successful realization depends on effectiveness of realization of educative process and prospects of functioning of higher educational establishments of MES in general. Text book, two dictionaries, methodical recommendation of investigation for scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational establishments of MES are prepared. Our research work, of course, reserve some questions which need to continue to study of theoretical positions in the field of professional training in the higher education establishments of MES of Ukraine in accordance with the Bologna process. In particular, the research of the rules, principles, mechanisms, terms of individualization of the educational process. Further scientific searches we connect with the studying of the didactic possibilities of modern information and communication technologies; development of innovative and integrated methods of complex using of educational training during studying of future specialists of fire-rescue service.
В диссертации проведен ретроспективный анализ развития системы пожарной безопасности и подготовки специалистов пожарно-спасательной службы в Украине; проанализирована система подготовки специалистов пожарной безопасности в западноукраинских землях; осуществлен компаративный анализ учебных планов и программ высших учебных заведений Украины и Польши. Разработано и теоретически обоснованно компетентносную модель подготовки в соответствии с требованиями Болонского процесса, определенны организационно педагогические условия профессиональной подготовки специалистов пожарно-спасательной службы в контексте интеграции в европейское образовательное пространство. Создана и экспериментально проверена методика применения дидактичного комплекса информационного обеспечения дисциплины и учебного тренинга для формирования профессионально значимых качеств будущих работников служб МЧС. Экспериментально проверена педагогическая эффективность предло-женной методики, разработано учебное пособие, 2 словаря, методические рекомендации по проблеме исследования для работников ВНЗ МЧС.
The retrospective analysis of development of fire safety system and training of fire-rescue specialists is realized in the thesis. It is shown that formation and development of fire-rescue service in Ukraine were in the conditions of its stateless when Ukrainian’s regions were a part of different countries (Russia, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland); the system of training of fire safety specialists on the territory of Western Ukraine is analyzed; the comparative analysis of curriculums and plans of leading higher educational establishments of Ukraine and Poland is considered; this analysis shown a lot of common in the structure of higher educational establishments and organization of educational process is represented. It is proved that during development of the educational establishments has been increasing and improving of curriculums and plans because of improving of fire-rescue service, refining of its tasks, increasing of its personnel staff, enhancing of fire safety and forms and methods of professional training. Competitive model of specialists of fire-rescue service as requests for Bologna process is developed and theoretically proved. It is combined with four models – educational discipline, management of educational process, cadet and pedagogue. It is proved that the model of preparing of specialist of fire-rescue service has special characteristic. We should choose the best advantages from the qualification and competitive models for preparing a Bachelor of speciality 6.170203 “Fire Safety”, qualification 3439 “Specialist of Fire Safety”. Organizational and pedagogical aspects of professional training of fire-rescue specialists in the context of the integration into the European educational space are purposed and introduced into the educative process of higher educational establishments of MES of Ukraine: forming credit-module system of the organization of educative process in accordance with demands on Bologna process; creating and using of didactic complex of information providing of educational (discipline); using of educational training in order to solving the problems of professional adaptation and forming professional qualities of future specialists. It is created and experimentally examined the methods of using didactic complex of information providing of (educational) discipline which we can consider as a whole didactic system. This system represents the base of knowledge which constantly increases and develops into one direction; educational training for forming professional and important qualities of future specialist of MES is focused on. It is considered that for preparing specialists of fire-rescue service should use the following kinds of educational training: video training, multimedia training and psychology training centre for fire and rescue units. Optimal results are given the combined form of using of studying methods in accordance with aims, tasks, personality of teacher and cadets’ availability of necessary resources and software are proved. Using of the didactics complexes of software of educational discipline which wrote in accordance with the requirements of Bologna process and educational training are explained. Firstly, it allows increasing the quality of training of future specialists of fire-rescue services. Secondly, it makes more active the cognitive activity of cadets; decide the problem of professional adaptation and forming professionally qualities of future specialists, to promote the motivational component of educational process. Theoretical analysis and own practical experience of education training was done. It gave us a right to formulate own definition of the educational training as a form of practical classes, which coordinate the common creative work of cadet and academic tutor for opening of creative potential in the educational process of future specialist fire-rescue services. It helps to understand and learn the methods, forms, skills, manners of action for effective implementation of professional or public functions using individual features; to form and stimulate the development of responsibility, rapid reaction, initiative, business thinking and adaptation of cadet during the process of his training to practical activity. The analysis of curricula in accordance with the standards of European higher school, which are regulated Bologna declaration, allowed formulating the following suggestions. Namely: to decrease the educational loading of academic tutors; to set optimum quantitative correlation academic tutor/ cadet, as to the amount of faculties, directions of preparation; to come to the general agreement as for the amount of educational disciplines and general educational time according to the program of preparation. The realization of competitive model of training of fire-rescue specialists in the educative process demands on Bologna process with the aim of specific organizational and pedagogical bases are favorable to increasing of effective studying in the higher educational establishments of MES of Ukraine is indicated. The pedagogical efficiency of offered methods of preparing specialists of fire-rescue service are experimentally examined; it is proved that they closely connected between itself and from its successful realization depends on effectiveness of realization of educative process and prospects of functioning of higher educational establishments of MES in general. Text book, two dictionaries, methodical recommendation of investigation for scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational establishments of MES are prepared. Our research work, of course, reserve some questions which need to continue to study of theoretical positions in the field of professional training in the higher education establishments of MES of Ukraine in accordance with the Bologna process. In particular, the research of the rules, principles, mechanisms, terms of individualization of the educational process. Further scientific searches we connect with the studying of the didactic possibilities of modern information and communication technologies; development of innovative and integrated methods of complex using of educational training during studying of future specialists of fire-rescue service.
Пожежно-рятувальна служба, МНС України, Болонський процес, навчальний тренінг.
професійна підготовка, фахівець, пожежно-рятувальна служба, МНС України, Болонський процес, дидактичний комплекс інформаційного забезпечення дисципліни, навчальний тренінг, профессиональная подготовка, специалист, пожарно-спасательная служба, МЧС Украины, Болонский процесс, дидактичный комплекс информационного обеспечения дисциплины, учебный тренинг, professional training, specialist, fire-rescue service, MES of Ukraine, Bologna process, didactical complex of information providing of the discipline, educational training
Вовчаста Н. Я. Організаційно-педагогічні умови професійної підготовки фахівців пожежно-рятувальної служби: дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец.: 13.00.04 − теорія і методика професійної освіти / Наталія Ярославівна; Вінницький дер¬жавний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського.- Вінниця, 2010.- 271 с.