Відображення національного менталітету в царині полісемії (зіставний аспект)
Дробаха, Л. В.
Дробаха, Л. В.
Drobakha, L. V.
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Редакційно-видавничий відділ МДУ: Маріуполь
Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей національного світосприйняття на матеріалі назв повітряного простору, небесних тіл та природних стихій. Було проаналізовано і зіставлено прямі та переносні значення даних назв в українській, німецькій, англійській та французькій мовах. Зіставлення спільних та розбіжних значень аналізованих лексичних одиниць супроводжується кількісним аналізом.
Статья посвящена изучению особенностей национального мировосприятия на материале названий воздушного пространства, небесных тел и природных стихий. Было проанализировано и сопоставлено прямые и переносные значения данных названий в украинском, немецком, английском и французском языках. Сопоставление общих и несовпадающих значений анализируемых лексических единиц сопровождается количественным анализом.
The article covers the study of the reflection of the national mentality in the field of polysemy. In the study of languages’ peculiarities of different ethnic groups, through a detailed acquaintance and the consideration of cultural processes and traditions, which directly influence their development, an understanding gradually arises that there is an involuntary immersion in the mental space of different nations. The uniqueness of world’s language pictures can be studied in the analysis of names that seem even similar of all times and places. The article analyzes the names of the airspace and celestial bodies, in particular, the sky, the sun, the moon and the names of elements, in particular, the water and the fire. With the sky, the sun and the moon are associated signs when people made weather and crop forecasts, orientated in space and etc. The elements «water» and «fire» are referred to the fundamental principles of the world which different nations worshiped for a long time. The purpose of the article is to compare the similar and distinctive use of the aforementioned names in the direct and figurative meanings of Ukrainian, German, English and French. For the analysis the meanings were chosen which are based on the physical properties of the sky, celestial bodies and elements. Lexemes with the similar semantics were revealed by comparison both in all languages simultaneously and in separate pairs of languages. Among the distinctive cases of the use of names of the airspace, celestial bodies and elements we find the meanings which reflect their physical properties from different sides in each analysed language. The quantitative analysis of the usage of these names in Ukrainian, German, English and French in comparative aspect is carried out. In each language the number of similar meanings prevails over the number of distinctive meanings. But the presence of meanings with distinctive semantics against the background of identity revealed the national specificity of the comparable names. At the next stage of the study, it is planned to consider the use of the names of the airspace, celestial bodies and elements for denoting of concrete denotata and in figurative meanings, where the meanings will be based not on the physical properties of these phenomena, but on the national stereotyped image of it.
Статья посвящена изучению особенностей национального мировосприятия на материале названий воздушного пространства, небесных тел и природных стихий. Было проанализировано и сопоставлено прямые и переносные значения данных названий в украинском, немецком, английском и французском языках. Сопоставление общих и несовпадающих значений анализируемых лексических единиц сопровождается количественным анализом.
The article covers the study of the reflection of the national mentality in the field of polysemy. In the study of languages’ peculiarities of different ethnic groups, through a detailed acquaintance and the consideration of cultural processes and traditions, which directly influence their development, an understanding gradually arises that there is an involuntary immersion in the mental space of different nations. The uniqueness of world’s language pictures can be studied in the analysis of names that seem even similar of all times and places. The article analyzes the names of the airspace and celestial bodies, in particular, the sky, the sun, the moon and the names of elements, in particular, the water and the fire. With the sky, the sun and the moon are associated signs when people made weather and crop forecasts, orientated in space and etc. The elements «water» and «fire» are referred to the fundamental principles of the world which different nations worshiped for a long time. The purpose of the article is to compare the similar and distinctive use of the aforementioned names in the direct and figurative meanings of Ukrainian, German, English and French. For the analysis the meanings were chosen which are based on the physical properties of the sky, celestial bodies and elements. Lexemes with the similar semantics were revealed by comparison both in all languages simultaneously and in separate pairs of languages. Among the distinctive cases of the use of names of the airspace, celestial bodies and elements we find the meanings which reflect their physical properties from different sides in each analysed language. The quantitative analysis of the usage of these names in Ukrainian, German, English and French in comparative aspect is carried out. In each language the number of similar meanings prevails over the number of distinctive meanings. But the presence of meanings with distinctive semantics against the background of identity revealed the national specificity of the comparable names. At the next stage of the study, it is planned to consider the use of the names of the airspace, celestial bodies and elements for denoting of concrete denotata and in figurative meanings, where the meanings will be based not on the physical properties of these phenomena, but on the national stereotyped image of it.
Іноземні мови. Зіставне мовознавство. Германська філологія. Слов’янська філологія. Романська філологія.
семантика, зіставний аналіз, переносне значення, асоціативне значення, мовна картина світу, сопоставительный анализ, переносное значение, ассоциативное значение, языковая картина миру, semantics, comparative analysis, figurative meaning, associative meaning, the world’s language picture
Дробаха Л. В. Відображення національного менталітету в царині полісемії (зіставний аспект) / Л. В. Дробаха // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. – Випуск 19. – Серія: Філологія. – Маріуполь: Редакційно-видавничий відділ МДУ, 2018. – С. 225-230.