Особливості міжкультурної комунікації в поліетнічному просторі Вінниччини

dc.contributor.authorМосквічова, Ю. О.
dc.contributor.authorМосквичова, Ю. А.
dc.contributor.authorMoskvichova, Yu. O.
dc.descriptionМистецтво. Етнос. Міжкультурна комунікаціяuk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статті висвітлено специфіку міжкультурної комунікації на Вінниччині періоду незалежності України, розглянуто етнічний склад населення. Виокремлено основні напрями діяльності національно-культурних товариств та проаналізовано культурну й соціальну діяльність польської меншини, як однієї з найактивніших в регіоні. Розглянуто комплекс культурно-мистецьких заходів національних меншин та розкрито особливості взаємодії релігійних конфесій як важливої складової поліетнічного соціуму.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье освещена специфика межкультурной коммуникации на Винниччине периода независимости Украины, рассмотрено этнический состав населения. Выделены основные направления в деятельности национально-культурных обществ, а также проанализировано культурную и социальную деятельность польского меньшинства как наиболее активного в регионе. Рассмотрен комплекс культурно-художественных мероприятий национальных меньшинств и раскрыто особенности взаимодействия религиозных конфессий как важной составляющей полиэтнического социума.ru
dc.description.abstractThe article highlights the peculiarities of the intercultural communication at the Vinnytsia region, covering the period of the Ukraine’s independence, distinctiveness of which is represented by interaction of culture and leisure organizations of the titular Ukrainian nation and civil associations of national minorities. The notion of the intercultural communication that is realized through exchange between two or more different cultures, products of their material and spiritual activities, has been specified. In the article the ethnicity of region is being examined. The Vinnytsia region is multi-ethnic with the domination of the Ukrainian nation; the region, where various ethnic groups constituting 90 thousand representatives of 133 ethnicities and nationalities tolerantly coexist. The share of the national minorities comprises 5.1% of the total population of the region. The most numerous communities are Russian, Polish, Belarusian and Jewish ones. 77 national-cultural associations, uniting representatives of 15 nationalities, conduct active work aimed at preserving and development of their nations’ culture. Most of the associations are represented by the Polish. Among the most active ones are “Ruskyi dych Ukrainy” (The Ruthenian spirit of Ukraine), association “Polskyi dim” (The Polish Home) named after Tomasz Marek, Community of Belarusians, Center of the Jewish culture “Mishpacha”. The basis for development of the cultural minorities and their activity in the Vinnytsia region is the internal potential of the ethnic groups, but not the influence and support of the ethnically related neighboring states. This is predefined by the fact that the region is located in the central part of Ukraine and thus is remote from the borders with other states. As a result, the direct influence of the countries on the representatives of their ethnic groups in the region is barely perceptible. The information needs of the national minorities are met by means of broad coverage of ethno-cultural themes on national, regional TV and radio channels. The socially significant events and activities are highlighted in the printed media, namely the newspaper “Vinnytchyna” (The Vinnytsia Region), “Podillia”, “Nezavisimyi kurier” (The Independent Messenger), “Vinnytskia gazeta” (The Vinnytsia Newspaper), as well as regional magazines “Sharhorodshchyna” (The Sharhorod Region), “Yampilski visti” (The Tampil News). Ensuring of the educative needs is performed by means of the furcate network of the educational establishments, Sunday schools, trainings and national-cultural associations. The basic directions of the nations-cultural associations have been highlighted in the article: educative work; preserving and dissemination of cultural-national traditions; historic-research activity, protection of the civil, economic and social interests of the community members are among them. Additionally, the article highlights activity of the Polish minority as one of the most active in Vinnytsia region. Thanks to its activity, activity of the local authorities and involvement of the Polish twin towns, the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland was opened in Vinnytsia. The complex of cultural and artistic events, that contribute to harmonization of inter-ethnical relations and promotion of culture, traditions and customs of the national minorities, have been examined in the article. In particular, International festival of national cultures “Vsi my dity tvoi, Ukraino!” (We all are your children, Ukraine), All-Ukrainian folklore festival of the Czech, regional contest of the national minorities “Podilsi barvy” (Podillia colors), festivals of the Polish, Roma and Assyrian cultures. Peculiarities of cooperation between the religious denominations as an important constituent part of the polyethnic society have been revealed. Generally, more than 2 thousand religious organizations act in Vinnytsia region, including fully functioning denominations. The most influential religion in the region still remains Orthodox Christianity, counting 1278 religious organizations constituting 65% of the total region’s network. A significant role in the religious and cultural life of the region is occupied by the Roman Catholic Church, counting 131 religious organizations where the massive cultural events are held; among them one can find a great many of musical events (Days of the Christian culture, Holidays of the religious song, festival of organistic music “Myzuka v monastyrskych murach” (Music in the Monastery Walls). As the most dynamic components of the religious situation Protestantism, represented by 20 creeds, has been defined. The most numerous and probably the most influential is the All-Ukrainian Union of Associations of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. Vinnytsia region is deprived of any conflicts motivated by ethnic or religious intolerance. The transition from confrontation to the tolerant coexistence and cooperation of supporters of various religious units is observed. Key words: Vinnytsia region, intercultural communication, national cultural societies, religious confessions.en
dc.identifier.citationМосквічова Ю. О. Особливості міжкультурної комунікації в поліетнічному просторі Вінниччини / Ю. О. Москвічова // Міжнародний вісник: культурологія, філологія, музикознавство. – Київ : Міленіум, 2016. – Вип. I (6). – С. 47–52uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 323.15 : 316.723 : 908
dc.publisherКиїв : Міленіумuk_UA
dc.subjectміжкультурна комунікаціяuk_UA
dc.subjectнаціонально-культурні товаристваuk_UA
dc.subjectрелігійні конфесіїuk_UA
dc.subjectмежкультурная коммуникацияuk_UA
dc.subjectнационально-культурные обществаuk_UA
dc.subjectрелигиозные конфессииuk_UA
dc.subjectVinnytsia regionuk_UA
dc.subjectintercultural communicationuk_UA
dc.subjectnational cultural societiesuk_UA
dc.subjectreligious confessionsuk_UA
dc.titleОсобливості міжкультурної комунікації в поліетнічному просторі Вінниччиниuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeОcобенности межкультурной коммуникации в полиэтническом пространстве Винниччиныuk_UA
dc.title.alternativePeculiarities of intercultural communication in the polyethnic space of the vinnytsia regionuk_UA


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