Гуманітарні грані гуманізації
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
Стаття присвячена проблемі гуманізації професійної підготовки майбутніх педагогів. Означена праця набуває особливої актуальності у зв’язку з процесом реформування освіти в цілому, прийняттям концепції «Нова українська школа», яка має втілити новий Державний стандарт початкової загальної освіти. З’ясовано, що суттєвою перепоною на шляху змін в освіті є функціонування авторитарної педагогіки, традиції якої можна подолати завдяки гуманізації професійної підготовки майбутніх педагогів. Узагальнено існуючі підходи та досвід гуманізації освітнього процесу у навчальних закладах..
Article is dedicated to the problem of humanization of professional training future pedagogues. It gets specially actual in connection to the process of reformation of educational system in general and also accepting concept of «New Ukrainian school» that should implement new Government standard for primary public education. Considered necessity of creating attracting environment for development of personality, securing its self actualization with absolute respect for the person. It was emphasized that the precondition of humanization of social life is the enlisted of moral values as an active public position. Emphasize conditions of implementation humanization principle in education process high education institutions, strategies and approaches to humanization of education. It was found out that the process of humanization of education has a philosophical, psychological and purely pedagogical components. Generalized experience of humanization of professional training that can be used in process of training professionals of different specializations. It was shown the considerable potential of a constructive approach to the formation of knowledge, a museum pedagogy, a connection of technical sciences with the development of culture in the process of humanization of the professional training of future specialists, the use of potential of the organization of educational process. With this purpose a special «cultural « environment is created, realize an appeal to the highest achievements in the field of culture, philosophical, historical and so on excursus is carried out.
Article is dedicated to the problem of humanization of professional training future pedagogues. It gets specially actual in connection to the process of reformation of educational system in general and also accepting concept of «New Ukrainian school» that should implement new Government standard for primary public education. Considered necessity of creating attracting environment for development of personality, securing its self actualization with absolute respect for the person. It was emphasized that the precondition of humanization of social life is the enlisted of moral values as an active public position. Emphasize conditions of implementation humanization principle in education process high education institutions, strategies and approaches to humanization of education. It was found out that the process of humanization of education has a philosophical, psychological and purely pedagogical components. Generalized experience of humanization of professional training that can be used in process of training professionals of different specializations. It was shown the considerable potential of a constructive approach to the formation of knowledge, a museum pedagogy, a connection of technical sciences with the development of culture in the process of humanization of the professional training of future specialists, the use of potential of the organization of educational process. With this purpose a special «cultural « environment is created, realize an appeal to the highest achievements in the field of culture, philosophical, historical and so on excursus is carried out.
Педагогіка. Професійна педагогіка
професійна підготовка педагогів, гуманізм, гуманізація освіти, гуманізація професійної підготовки фахівців, professional training of teachers, humanism, humanization of education, humanization of professional training of specialists
Герасимова І. Г. Гуманітарні грані гуманізації / І. Г. Герасимова, О. В. Зінько // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – Вип. 55. – С. 63-68