Legal status of the directory of the Ukrainian national republic as a body of collegiate authority (November 1918 – November 1919)

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Praha. Česká republika, Nemoros


Restoration of Ukrainian statehood in the era of the Directory of the Ukrainian National Republic, which came to power through a rebellion, and which wanted to restore the democratic values of building a Ukrainian state during the Central Rada. The Directory was created as a revolutionary body that was to exist temporarily and transfer its powers to the body of representative powel; but internal disputes of political leaders over the formation of state policy in public spheres of life. As a result, the state body became authoritarian with humanistic ideals.


Теорія та історія публічного управління. Директорія УНР. Орган колегіальної влади. Правовий статус


legal status, state body, Directory, Ukrainian National Republic, Ukrainian statehood, collegial body


Kushko I. Legal status of the directory of the Ukrainian national republic as a body of collegiate authority (November 1918 – November 1919) / Igor Kushko // Modern Science – Moderní věda. – Praha. Česká republika, Nemoros, 2021. – №4. – P. 71-79



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