Фізичне виховання дітей старшого дошкільного віку та молодших школярів засобами ботмерівської гімнастики
В статті висвітлюються особливості використання ботмерівської гімнастики в роботі з дітьми та наведені приклади загальнорозвивальних вправ. В статье освещаются особенности использования ботмеровской гимнастики в работе с детьми, представлены примеры общеразвивающих упражнений. An active introduction of innovative technologies is used in modern conditions of the development of education. In this context, gymnastics as a system of specially selected exercises has got some powerful possibilities to solve the problems, which improve the general state of the health. An innovative method of the health gymnastics is aimed at the development of close connection of the child’s motor skills with the natural rhythms of the universe and the achievement of harmony between the personality and the environment. Botmer’s gymnastics helps to create the meaningful interaction with your own body as well. Its main content is the human interaction with the space forces, that surround it. Thus, the initial position of Botmer’s gymnastics is: 1. Movement - is the transition from the rest point to any direction of the space. All exercises begin with a standing position and end with it. Movements in physical exercises of Botmer’s gymnastics are always smooth. 2. The body is not bound for the man. During doing exercises the person gets acquainted with the space, using his body, but not his head. The main purpose Botmer’s gymnastics is to teach a person how to feel in the space harmoniously. 3. A sense of internal rhythm of the organism and its interrelation with the rhythms of the space.
A huge amount of different things is used Botmer’s gymnastics (balls, sticks, ropes, etc.). After gaining the ability of children to see the geometry in the surrounding reality, you may begin doing the system of the exercises. The teacher on his own can invent exercises with geometric content and periodically add them to the physical education classes. Physical education classes may be accompanied by a quiet, classical or ethnic music. All things consider, the modernization of educational content provides its orientation to humanize the life of personality and the formation of its motor skills.