Професійна підготовка майбутніх вчителів початкових класів до формування міжпредметних естетичних компетентностей дітей молодшого віку

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У статті розглядаються актуальні питання мистецької підготовки майбутніх учителів початкових класів, розвиток їх творчого мислення й професійно важливих особистісних якостей у процесі опанування питань формування міжпредметних естетичних компетентності у дітей молодшого шкільного вік
The article examines the topical issues of artistic training of future primary school teachers, the development of their creative thinking and professionally important ersonal qualities in the process of mastering the issues of forming interdisciplinary aesthetic competence in children of primary school age. The scientific-methodical toolkit for the formation of interdisciplinary aesthetic competences of primary school students by means of art education was selected as a component of the process, the mastery of which ensures a full-fledged improvement in the quality of the general professional training of primary school teachers. The ways and means of improving the art pedagogy of education in the context of the formation of interdisciplinary aesthetic competences in primary school students in the lessons of the art education field in the light of the requirements of the New Ukrainian School are identified and substantiated; Pedagogical techniques and means of forming aesthetic competences in primary school students in art lessons, searching for «aesthetic grain» in lessons of the humanitarian cycle and the educational process of primary school are proposed. One of the important tasks of the modern humanist-oriented upbringing of the younger generation is the creation of conditions for the gradual transition of the student from the reproductive to the creative level of development, which takes place through communication and activities, the direct inclusion of students in the system of artistic and aesthetic relations, the sphere of perception of various types of art, the acquisition of artistic – aesthetic knowledge and experience, own creative activity. In the conditions of the new Ukrainian school the task of full-fledged development of the person, which involves the comprehensive identification of its potential, abilities, talents, increase of cognitive activity and positive motivation of education, arises. In the article the actual problems of aesthetic education of the personality of the junior pupil are highlighted, methodological approaches to the formation of aesthetic perception in children of junior school age and their introduction in the educational process of the modern school, the maximum use of creative potential of students are substantiated. To achieve the goal, the selection, development and testing of thecom development of aesthetic perception in children of junior school age, the pedagogical potential of using the complex of arts in the context of the formation of a child’s creative, high-spiritual personality, aesthetic perception culture of junior pupils and the acquisition of a coherent knowledge system about art was carried out. in extracurricular forms of educational work. The purpose of the paper is to determine the main methodological approaches to the formation of aesthetic perception of younger students by means of art, the disclosure of their essence in modern conditions, to prove their necessity and expediency in the educational process of elementary school. Accordingly, the goals are defined by the following tasks: to consider the use of the potential of methodological approaches to the organization of the process of aesthetic education in elementary school; to define forms and methods of activization of aesthetic perception of children of elementary school age, which are connected with artistic activit


Вища освіта. Майбутні вчителі початкових класів


естетична компетентність, мистецтво, міжпредметні зв’язки, молодший шкільний вік, творче мислення, професійна підготовка учителя початкових класів, aesthetic competence, art, interdisciplinary connections, primary school age, creative thinking, professional training of elementary school teacher


Тодосієнко Н. Л., Мальов С. В. Професійна підготовка майбутніх вчителів початкових класів до формування міжпредметних естетичних компетентностей дітей молодшого віку. Наукові записки Закарпатського угорського інституту ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ, Комунальний заклад вищої освіти «Академія культури і мистецтв» Закарпатської обласної ради. Серія : Педагогічні науки. Ужгород, 2023. Вип. 3. С.162-167. https:/DOI:10.59694/ped_sciences.2023.03.162



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