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    Economic calculations of the choice of pesticide disposal method
    (Вінниця, 2021, 2021) Petruk, R; Bilichenko, Y; Petruk, H.; Петрук, Р; Біліченко, Ю; Петрук, Г
    Goal is a brief analysis of the main ways of dealing with unusable pesticides and pesticide-containing wastes and facilities and substantiation of technical and economic parameters of processes of neutralization of unusable pesticides and hazardous waste, as well as establishment of the most optimal methods and ways of their utilization. To establish the most optimal methods and ways of utilization of pesticides and pesticide-containing waste, a financial and economic assessment of pesticide exports from Ukraine to processing plants in Europe was made, the cost of burning pesticides at specialized plants in Ukraine was calculated, the total cost of reclamation works was calculated. on recycling of pesticide containers. To solve the tasks in the work used modern methods of scientific research: analysis - to summarize modern scientific and technical advances in the prevention of environmental pollution due to pesticides entering the environment; indication methods - for assessment of soil, water and air pollution; methods of reclamation of contaminated areas and incineration of pesticides; methods of analysis of gas mixtures, etc. For the first time scientific and methodological calculations of environmental safety parameters and management of unusable pesticides and pesticide-containing wastes, the essence of which is to take into account the main components of the cost of pesticide disposal and restoration of contaminated areas, including management actions for all components of pesticide territories and largely solve the problem of pesticide pollution. Calculations of the cost of recycling various facilities that contain unusable pesticide-containing drugs and waste and established the most optimal methods and ways of recycling pesticides in Ukraine. A brief analysis of the main methods of handling unusable pesticides and pesticide-containing waste and facilities and substantiated the technical and economic parameters of the disposal of unusable pesticides and hazardous waste, as well as the most optimal methods and methods of their disposal.
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    Waste management in Switzerland and remarks to other countries
    (Вінниця, 2021, 2021) Stalder, F.; Сталдер, Ф.
    To understand the different situations in all countries it is necessary to compare the different mentality, financial situation, culture, politic, law and other influencing factors. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer one system from one country to another without special control of allpossible situations. In most of the countries, cheap landfilling is popular. In Switzerland, since about 40 years ago landfillingof household waste was not allowed. The small country with 8.5 mil. inhabitants operate 25 incinerator plants for household- and hospital waste.There is also a recycling system in Switzerland, but recycling is too expensive. For this aspect, for most products a small part for the waste management is included in the selling price. The recycler gets this money paid by the waste foundation.
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    Problems of disinfection and processing of medical waste
    (Вінниця, 2021, 2021) Sakalova, H; Khodanitska, O; Dzikhovska, L.; Сакалова, Г; Ходаніцька, О; Дзіховська, Л.
    The article provides an analysisof medical waste management in Ukraine. As medical waste is hazardous, it partially reflects the handling of dangerous waste components, such as chemicals used in medicine, heavy metals wastes, and other separately collected waste components. Particular attention should be paid to medical waste because it can be not only a source of infectious but also toxic pollution. It can also contain very high concentrations of toxic compounds (cytostatics, antibiotics, and other drugs) and radioactive substances, which have a negative impact on human health and the environment. The amount of drugs and products of their metabolism that pollute the planet's water resources is increasing all over the world. That is why the problem of hazardous medical waste management in Ukraine needs to be solved. We have carried out monitoring of medical waste, effective methods of disposal, and storage of waste within the dental medical center. The classification of pharmaceutical and medical wastes and ways of reducing the environmental impact of medical wastes are researched. Biological waste, dressing material, polymer waste, metal, glass, chemical waste, mercury, X-ray film, paper, rubber, plaster casts, household waste were found among the medical waste of the dental clinic. The largest group of waste by weight in morphological composition are polymers(syringes, gloves, saliva ejector, etc.). Hygienic and ecological assessment of waste disinfection methods is presented and relevant recommendations are provided. The higher efficiency of autoclaving in comparison with chemical disinfection of medical waste according to certain regulatory parameters is proved. Because the chemical disinfection does not guarantee the complete destruction of the infectious agent, it is recommended only as a temporary method of waste disinfecting with the following packaging and labeling for special disinfection.
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    Дослідження методу хімічної десорбції для вилучення іонів нікелю(II) з бентонітових глин
    (Вінниця : ТОВ «Нілан-ЛТД», 2017) Сакалова, Г. В.; Sakalova, H. V.; Коваль, Н. О.; Koval, N. O.; Кащей, В. А.; Kashchei, V. A.
    У статті розглянута проблема накопичення відпрацьованих сорбентів; охарактеризовано основні методи десорбції забруднюючих речовин і регенерації сорбентів; досліджено ефективність методу хімічної десорбції для вилучення іонів нікелю (II) з бентонітових глин; розглянуті основні шляхи утилізації відпрацьованих сорбентів.