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Item The efficiency of small reserves for the conservation of biological diversity of typical landscapes of the Middle Pobuzhya(Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 2022) Matviichuk, O.; Shevchuk, O.; Holunova, L.; Khodanitska, O.; Tkachuk, O; Polyvanyi, S.; Vasylinych, T.One of the approaches to reduce the level of anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems is to form a network of protected habitats in areas that are intensively used by humans. An attempt was made to determine the abundance of flora and fauna and environmental efficiency in the context of intensive agricultural development in the small Podillya reserve «Ivankivskyi». The flora and fauna of the territory on the outskirts of the village Ivanky of Vinnytsia district (Lypovets territorial community) were studied with the help of generally accepted and modified methods. It was conducted to determine the environmental value of the territory, the possibility of functioning within its protected area and at the same time preserving the forms of traditional use by the locals. The birds of the territory as the largest structural component of its fauna are studied in the most detail. The factual material was collected during field research for all the seasons of 2019-2021. Materials of scientific publications, professional literature, oral reports of specialists, etc. were processed. For all species of birds, the nature of the stay on the territory, belonging to different ecological and faunal groups were established: by nesting place and dominant food spectrum. The flora and fauna of this territory have not been studied yet, as well as its environmental value has not been determined. Animal species that are protected by the Red Book of Ukraine, international protection conventions are identified. The results of the study testify to the fact that a specific floral and faunal complex was formed within the studied area, which includes 105 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 75 genera, 26 families and 3 divisions: division Equisetophyta (1 species), Pinophyta (2 species), Magnoliophyta (102 species); 82 species of animals of the Chordata type: class Amphibia (2 species), Reptilia (1 species), Aves (68 species), Mammalia (11 species). The results presented in this publication can be the basis for the organization of further monitoring of flora and fauna of the object, the development of a set of special actions for their preservation.Item Influence of Chlormequatchloride on Morphogenesis and Productivity of Cruciferous Plants(Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022) Polyvanyi, S.; Polyvana, A.; Sakalova, H.; Shevchuk, O.; Khodanitska, O.; Tkachuk, O.; Matviichuk, O.; Knyazuk, O.; Stepanenko, I.; Zavalnyuk, O.At present, there are burning issues concerning waste utilization of the agro-industrial complex, rational usage of nature and transition to the use of environmentally friendly and low-waste technologies. One of the most forward-looking areas is the application of the principles of the so-called "green chemistry", in particular, the development of technological processes using renewable raw materials and chemicals, the chemicals with a short half-life and low cost while ensuring maximum efficiency. The article presents the results of antigiberrelic preparation effect, which is characterized by low dosage and half-life in soil from 3 to 43 days on productivity, growth processes, anatomical, morphological features and functioning of the leaf apparatus of white mustard plants and rapeseed. The research shows that CCC-750 reduced the height of mustard and rapeseed plants. Inhibition of growth processes of white mustard plants at the beginning of the flowering phase with an anti-gibberellic preparation led to increased stem branching, which, in its turn, resulted in an increase in the number and area of leaves throughout the growing season. Moreover, the use of quaternary ammonium salt on winter rape plants has led to a reduction in the number of leaves and leaf area in comparison to the control samples. The application of the retardant caused an increase in the productivity of the studied cultures due to the increase in the number of pods, the increase in the mass of thousands of seeds and the number of seeds in the pod.Item Features of sheet apparatus of sugar beet under retardants treatment(2021) Шевчук, О.; Shevchuk, O.; Шевчук, В.; Shevchuk, V.Досліджено вплив препаратів ангиберелінового типу з різним механізмом дії – паклобутразол (0,05%) і декстрел (0,3%) на формування листкової поверхні, структури фотосинтетичного апарату та особливостей функціонування листка рослин цукрового буряка при штучній регуляції росту за допомогою ретардантів. Встановлено, що у рослин цукрового буряка за дії ретардантів спостерігалося уповільнення наростання сумарної листкової поверхні. При цьому більш рістгальмуючий ефект був виявлений під час застосування паклобутразолу (0,05%). У оброблених препаратами рослин кількість листків, що відмерли за весь період вегетації була незмінною в порівнянні з контролем. Встановлено, що зменшення площі листків супроводжувалося їх потовщенням за рахунок збільшення розмірів клітин стовпчастої та губчастої паренхіми, зменшенням розмірів клітин епідермісу і зростанням кількості продихів на одиницю площі листка. При цьому значення продихового показника, який характеризує відношення кількості продихів до загальної кількості всіх клітин епідермісу на одній і тій же площі, по всіх варіантах досліду було однаковим, тобто співвідношення продихів і інших клітин епідермісу під впливом ретардантів не змінювалося. Ретарданти є потужним засобом регуляції активності асиміляційного апарату – однієї із складових донорно-акцепторної системи рослин, і можуть бути застосовані для цілеспрямованої регуляції перерозподілу пластичних речовин у цукрового буряка.Item Perspectives of integration the technology of ion-exchanging ammonium extraction from the system of municipal drain water purification(Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2018) Sakalova, G.; Vasylinych, T.; Shevchuk, O.; Tkachuk, O.The exchange capacity and the selectivity of different ion-exchange products regarding the ammonium ions in purification processeswere measured; the regenerative preparation compounds’ influence on efficiency of conduction of ionexchange products regeneration was learnt. The adsorption processes were adapted to known technological schemes of sewage and polluted surface water purification, that was polluted with ammonium ions. There were measured the technological aspects of water purification by using adsorption on natural dispersed sorbents. The technological schemes of drain water purification from ammonium ions were developed.