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    Psychophysiological Factors Of Special Working Capacity In Contact Command Game Kinds Of Sports (Rugby On An Example).
    (2018) Kozina, Zhanneta; Kalinichenko, V’acheslav; Cretu, Marian; Boichuk, Yurii; Prokopenko, Irina; Ahmetov, Rustam; Tararak, Nataliia; Kutek, Tamara; Osiptsov, Andrey; Kostiukevych, Viktor; Guba, Anatolii; Trubchaninov, Mikola; Polianskyi, Anton; Rostovska, Viktoriya; Drachuk, Andrii; Stasiuk, Ivan
    The purpose of the work consisted in determining the factor structure of psychophysiological properties and physical preparedness of young rugby players 16-17 years and determining the influence of psycho-physiological properties on the special ability of players. Rugby players of the junior team of the sports club KhTZ (16-17 years old) took part in the study (n=20). The experiment was conducted in September 2017 in the preparatory period at the stage of specialized basic training.To determine the psychophysiological state of athletes in the first and last week of the experiment, psychophysiological indices were recorded using the computer program "Psychodiagnostics". There are 4 factors in the structure of athletes' preparedness - representatives of team contact game sports (on the example of rugby): "The ability to quickly become involved in work", "Special performance", "Mental stability," The ability to adapt". The models of multiple linear regression between results in running at 400 m for athletes - representatives of contact command game sports are drawn up. The most influential indicators for the special (anaerobic-glycolytic) performance of athletes were determined based on the results in running at 400 m: running at 3 km, running at 30 m, time of a simple visual-motor reaction, working time on the second table in the Schulte test. It is shown that the special working capacity of athletes in team game contact sports is determined not only by physical fitness data, but also by psychophysiological functions.
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    The influence of a special technique for developing coordination abilities on the level of technical preparedness and development of psycho-physiological functions of young volleyball players 14-16 years of age
    (2018) Kozina, Zhanneta; Goloborodko, Yana; Boichuk, Yurii; Sobko, Irina; Repko, Olena; Bazilyuk, Tatyana; Prokopenko, Irina; Prokopenko, Ivan; Prokopenko, Andrii; Tararak, Nataliia; Osiptsov, Andrey; Kostiukevych, Viktor; Guba, Anatolii; Trubchaniniv, Mikola; Polianskyi, Anton; Rostovska, Viktoriya; Drachuk, Andrii; Stasiuk, Ivan
    Purpose:￾ development and experimental verification of the technique of using the coordination (high speed) ladder to improve the technical skills and psychophysiological functions of young volleyball players.￾ Material￾ and￾ methods.Participants: 24 volleyball players from the Municipal Institution "Complex Children's and Youth Sports School No. 8 (14 16 years); 12 athletes entered the control group, 12 in the experimental group. The experiment was conducted during 3 month in the preparatory period at the stage of basic training of the third year of training. The experimental group trained with a coordinating ladder. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, psychophysiological testing was conducted. The following tests were used: the parameters of a simple and complex reaction in various modes of signal feeding, indicators of efficiency and the nervous system were determined. Intergroup and intra group differences in the tests were determined. Results.The construction of a training and training process in volleyball with the use of a coordination ladder with a rapid change in the type of activity had a positive effect on the psychophysiological state of volleyball players. At the representatives of the experimental group in the test "The response of choice, the number of errors" the result significantly improved (p<0.001). After the experiment, the control and experimental groups began to differ reliably among themselves. Similar data were obtained in the tests "Response time of choice in the feedback mode" and "Mental stability according to the Schulte test". The obtained data testify to the advisability of using a coordination ladder with the subsequent performance of another kind of activity as an attacking blow and receiving the ball from the bottom in the training of young volleyball players to optimize the psychophysiological state. Conclusions.The method of application of the coordination (high speed) ladder is developed. The technique is an effective, accessible and reliable means of improving the psychophysiological state, increasing the physical and technical preparedness of young volleyball players.
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    Дослідження проблеми взаємозв’язку спеціальних здібностей висококваліфікованих гравців у міні-футбол
    (ТОВ «Планер», 2017) Стасюк, Іван; Стасюк, Иван; Stasiuk, Ivan
    Стаття присвячена вивченню модельних показників спеціальних здібностей висококваліфікованих гравців у міні-футболі та дослідженню їх взаємозв’язку. Проведено кореляційний аналіз 24 показників, які склали морфо-функціональний компонент, компоненти функціональної, фізичної підготовленості та змагальної діяльності в структурі спеціальних здібностей гравців. Доведено необхідність удосконалення функціональної та фізичної підготовленості гравців, а також важливе значення морфо-функціонального компоненту, як визначальних чинників для досягнення високих спортивних результатів у міні-футболі
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    Показники інтегральної оцінки техніко-тактичної діяльності гравців високої кваліфікації у міні футболі
    (ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2017) Стасюк, Іван; Стасюк, Иван; Stasiuk, Ivan; Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет ім. І. Огієнка; Каменец-Подольский национальный университет им. И. Огиенко; Kamenetz-Podolsk national University by I. Ogienko
    В статті на основі комплексного підходу подані показники інтегральної оцінки техніко-тактичної діяльності гравців високої кваліфікації у міні-футболі. Встановлено що інтегральна оцінка є найбільш об’єктивним критерієм при визначенні рівня спортивної майстерності гравців.