Cучасні підходи до викладання іноземної мови в немовному ЗВО: дизайн-мислення
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Вінниця : Твори
Статтю присвячено опису методики та аналізу ефективності використання технології дизайн-мислення на заняттях з іноземної мови для інженерних спеціальностей авіаційного профілю. Виокремлено ряд проблем викладання іноземної мови для технічних спеціальностей. Технологія-дизайн мислення позиціонується як один з можливих шляхів їхнього вирішення. Визначено принципи, на яких ґрунтується дизайн-мислення. Розглянуто п’ять етапів цієї технології (емпатія – формулювання проблеми – висування ідей – раціоналізація та побудова прототипів – рефлексія) та їхня реалізацію на занятті з іноземної мови.
The paper positions design thinking as an effective technique and methodology aimed at solving a number of problems arising in ESP classes for engineering students. The most common one is the fact that in one group there are usually students with different foreign language skills accompanied by the problem of students` insufficient motivation for learning non-technological subjects. The article illustrates students` activities according to design thinking patterns through the example of a real English class for third-year avionics students on the “Aviation and ecology” topic. The technique involves the following steps: to empathize (to investigate users` needs), to define (to formulate users` problem), to ideate (to brainstorm assumptions and as many creative ideas as it is possible), to prototype (to transform the most rational ideas into tangible objects); to reflect (to evaluate what is done to fully understand if it is suitable). Following the results of the class, the author reaches the conclusion that immersed in the language-learning context, design thinking is characterized by a great efficiency, since students are challenged with the task of solving problematic issues by looking for and sorting information, performing such operations of the mind as analysis, synthesis, and comparison. It allows them to develop the ability to think in a foreign language, since the whole process is done in English. In addition, the organization of students' work according to the design-thinking algorithm is carried out in such a way that provides the practical orientation of language skills, as most of what they do is built upon a profession-related component. Design thinking efficiency also results from its basic principles (anthropocentrism, research-based activities, broader contextual view, collaboration and multidisciplinarity, prototyping) discussed in the article. However, the experiment has also made it clear that design-thinking is also characterized by a number of disadvantages due to its non-adaptability to the conditions of educational process organization at Ukrainian universities.
The paper positions design thinking as an effective technique and methodology aimed at solving a number of problems arising in ESP classes for engineering students. The most common one is the fact that in one group there are usually students with different foreign language skills accompanied by the problem of students` insufficient motivation for learning non-technological subjects. The article illustrates students` activities according to design thinking patterns through the example of a real English class for third-year avionics students on the “Aviation and ecology” topic. The technique involves the following steps: to empathize (to investigate users` needs), to define (to formulate users` problem), to ideate (to brainstorm assumptions and as many creative ideas as it is possible), to prototype (to transform the most rational ideas into tangible objects); to reflect (to evaluate what is done to fully understand if it is suitable). Following the results of the class, the author reaches the conclusion that immersed in the language-learning context, design thinking is characterized by a great efficiency, since students are challenged with the task of solving problematic issues by looking for and sorting information, performing such operations of the mind as analysis, synthesis, and comparison. It allows them to develop the ability to think in a foreign language, since the whole process is done in English. In addition, the organization of students' work according to the design-thinking algorithm is carried out in such a way that provides the practical orientation of language skills, as most of what they do is built upon a profession-related component. Design thinking efficiency also results from its basic principles (anthropocentrism, research-based activities, broader contextual view, collaboration and multidisciplinarity, prototyping) discussed in the article. However, the experiment has also made it clear that design-thinking is also characterized by a number of disadvantages due to its non-adaptability to the conditions of educational process organization at Ukrainian universities.
Освіта. Педагогіка. Дидактика. Технології навчання. Технологія дизайн-мислення на заняттях з іноземної мови
дизайн-мислення, технічні спеціальності, методика викладання іноземних мов, емпатія, формулювання проблеми, висування ідей, прототип, рефлексія, design thinking, technical specialties, foreign language teaching methodology, empathy, problem formulation, ideation, prototype, reflection
Фурсенко Т. М. Cучасні підходи до викладання іноземної мови в немовному ЗВО: дизайн-мислення / Т. М. Фурсенко // Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць. / редкол.: А. М. Коломієць (головний редактор), В. І. Шахов (відповідальний редактор), О. В. Акімова ( заст. відповід. редактора) та ін.; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2020. – Вип. 62. – С. 47-52