Мовна освіта в системі професійної підготовки майбутнього педагога
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
У статті розкрито особливості підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи до ефективного викладання української мови. Автори розглянули процес навчання в сучасному вищому педагогічному закладі як діяльнісний, провідною цінністю якого є та діяльність, яка засвоюється, її зміст, функції. Значення знань при цьому не применшується, при оцінці їхньої ефективності необхідно враховувати компетентність, ініціативу, творчість, саморегуляцію, унікальність розумових здібностей. Доведено, що пріоритетної уваги набувають зміст і методики навчання, які формують світогляд, цінності особистості, уміння самостійно вчитися, критично мислити, демонструвати здатність до самопізнання й самореалізації майбутнього вчителя в різних видах творчої діяльності, умінь і навичок.
Language education in the professional system preparation of the future teacher The article reveals the peculiarities of training future primary school teachers for effective teaching of the Ukrainian language. The authors consider the learning process in a modern higher pedagogical institution as an activity-based one, the leading value of which is the activity that is learned, its content, and functions. At the same time, the importance of knowledge is not diminished, when evaluating their effectiveness, it is necessary to take into account competence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation, and the uniqueness of mental abilities. It has been proven that priority attention is given to the content and teaching methods that shape the worldview, personal values, the ability to learn independently, think critically, demonstrate the ability for self-knowledge and self-realization of the future teacher in various types of creative activity, abilities and skills. Learning the Ukrainian language at a higher educational institution should form the ability to use the acquired knowledge and experience to learn new knowledge and solve practical problems, it must be brought into line with the requirements of life. For this, in the presentation of theoretical material, it is desirable to give preference to observations followed by the analysis of facts, their classification and establishment of certain regularities; during language learning, it is necessary to involve students in active mental and speech activity, to develop in them the ability to observe and logically and accurately draw up their conclusions; it is necessary to reasonably correlate communicative orientation and conscious systematization of language material; evaluate the level of knowledge of the language not only by the clear formulation of the rules, but also by the ability to express one's own opinion, argue it and prove it with examples of linguistic facts.
Language education in the professional system preparation of the future teacher The article reveals the peculiarities of training future primary school teachers for effective teaching of the Ukrainian language. The authors consider the learning process in a modern higher pedagogical institution as an activity-based one, the leading value of which is the activity that is learned, its content, and functions. At the same time, the importance of knowledge is not diminished, when evaluating their effectiveness, it is necessary to take into account competence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation, and the uniqueness of mental abilities. It has been proven that priority attention is given to the content and teaching methods that shape the worldview, personal values, the ability to learn independently, think critically, demonstrate the ability for self-knowledge and self-realization of the future teacher in various types of creative activity, abilities and skills. Learning the Ukrainian language at a higher educational institution should form the ability to use the acquired knowledge and experience to learn new knowledge and solve practical problems, it must be brought into line with the requirements of life. For this, in the presentation of theoretical material, it is desirable to give preference to observations followed by the analysis of facts, their classification and establishment of certain regularities; during language learning, it is necessary to involve students in active mental and speech activity, to develop in them the ability to observe and logically and accurately draw up their conclusions; it is necessary to reasonably correlate communicative orientation and conscious systematization of language material; evaluate the level of knowledge of the language not only by the clear formulation of the rules, but also by the ability to express one's own opinion, argue it and prove it with examples of linguistic facts.
Освіта. Професійна освіта. Підготовка студентів. Українська мова
підготовка студентів, мовна освіта, початкова школа, молодші школярі, українська мова, методика навчання, student training, language education, primary school, younger students, Ukrainian language, teaching method
Комарівська Н. Мовна освіта в системі професійної підготовки майбутнього педагога / Надія Комарівська, Катерина Колеснік, Інна Стахова, Олександра Шикиринська // Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : збірник наукових праць / ред. кол.: А. М. Коломієць (гол. ред.), В. І. Шахов (відповід. ред.), О. В. Акімова (заст. відповід. ред.) та ін.; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2023. – Вип. 73. – С. 53-58 – https://doi.org/10.31652/2415-7872-2023-73-53-58