Формування природознавчої компетентності майбутніх учителів початкових класів у процесі фахової підготовки
Волохата, Катерина Миколаївна
Волохатая, Екатерина Николаевна
Volokhata, K. M.
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У дисертації розроблено й обґрунтовано модель формування в майбутніх учителів початкових класів природознавчої компетентності, що складається з мотиваційно-цільового, теоретико-методологічного, організаційно-педагогічного, контрольно-результативного блоків; визначено й обґрунтовано педагогічні умови формування в майбутнього вчителя початкових класів природознавчої компетентності (вироблення позитивної мотивації студентів щодо вивчення дисциплін загальноосвітньої підготовки шляхом професійного спрямування їхнього змісту; розробки й упровадження інтегрованого курсу «Основи природознавства та краєзнавства з методикою викладання»; використання проектної технології у процесі природничонаукової підготовки майбутніх вчителів початкової школи) та експериментально перевірено методику їх системної реалізації; опрацьовано компоненти (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивний, діяльнісний, оцінно-рефлексивний), показники і рівні (низький, середній, високий) сформованості в майбутніх учителів початкових класів природознавчої компетентності.
В диссертации разработана и обоснована модель формирования в будущих учителей начальных классов естественнонаучной компетентности, состоящий из мотивационно-целевого, теоретико-методологического, организационно-педагогического, контрольно-результативного блоков; определены и обоснованы педагогические условия формирования в будущего учителя начальных классов естественнонаучной компетентности (выработка положительной мотивации студентов к изучению дисциплин общеобразовательной подготовки путем профессионального направления их содержания; разработки и внедрения интегрированного курса «Основы естествознания и краеведения с методикой их преподавания», использование проектной технологии в процессе естественнонаучной подготовки будущих учителей начальной школы) и экспериментально проверено методику их системной реализации; разработано компоненты (мотивационно-ценностный, когнитивный, деятельностный, оценочно-рефлексивный), показатели и уровни (низкий, средний, высокий) сформированности в будущих учителей начальных классов естественнонаучной компетентности.
In the dissertation research on the basis of the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature the essence and the contents of natural competence as a component of professional competence of future teachers of primary school are determined. It is also determined that Natural competence of primary school teacher is an integrative quality of the person who has set professionally important teacher qualities, formed on the basis of scientific and natural world that has a set of ideas, knowledge, skills, attitudes and evaluative judgments to objects and phenomena of the natural environment; defines the place and activities of a man in nature, and the study of local lore, aimed at the revival and development of value attitude to nature; manifested in the ability to exercise pedagogical activity during the training of junior pupils the contents of elementary natural science education. In the structure of the natural competence of future teachers of primary school, the following main components are identified: motivational-value, cognitive, activity, evaluative-reflexive. According to the identified components, the criteria and indicators of the formation of the natural competence of future primary school teachers are identified: the degree of manifestation of the motivational sphere of future teachers of primary classes to the acquisition of natural sciences and the formation of the natural competence of junior pupils, the indicators of which are the awareness of the need for the improvement of science and natural sciences; the formation of its own position on natural science competence, awareness of the ways of its achievement; the presence of the need to enhance natural consciousness; a conscious assimilation by the students of natural sciences and professional knowledge, the indicators of which are the formation of the system of natural sciences and polydisciplinary contents of vocational training; the ability to apply natural sciences and professional knowledge and skills during the formation of natural science competence of junior pupils, the indicators of which are the use of natural sciences in professional activities; methodical expediency of the designed pedagogical model; possession of methods and methods of pedagogical interaction; the ability to self-assess the level of the formation of its own natural competence and readiness for its formation in junior pupils, whose indicators are an objective assessment of their own natural science competence; ability to model the self-improvement program of natural science competence; the formation of abilities to enhance natural science competence. According to the criteria and indicators, three levels of formation of the natural competence of the future primary school teachers are determined: low, medium and high. The model of formation of the natural competence of future primary school teachers is an integral system that covers interconnected blocks: motivational-purposeful, theoretical-methodological, organizational-pedagogical and control-productive. The effectiveness of using the model of formation of the natural competence of future teachers of primary school developed in the study is confirmed by the results of the pedagogical experiment. The positive pedagogical effect of the forming experiment gives grounds to consider that the proposed model of formation of the future teacher of primary school of natural science competence and the method of realization of certain pedagogical conditions are effective. The study, of course, does not exhaust all aspects of the problem. The prospect of further research is seen in the clarification of the possibilities of using interactive technologies in the formation of natural science competence in future teachers of primary school of studying and monitoring the development of natural competence of students, depending on the level of natural science competence of the primary school teacher.
В диссертации разработана и обоснована модель формирования в будущих учителей начальных классов естественнонаучной компетентности, состоящий из мотивационно-целевого, теоретико-методологического, организационно-педагогического, контрольно-результативного блоков; определены и обоснованы педагогические условия формирования в будущего учителя начальных классов естественнонаучной компетентности (выработка положительной мотивации студентов к изучению дисциплин общеобразовательной подготовки путем профессионального направления их содержания; разработки и внедрения интегрированного курса «Основы естествознания и краеведения с методикой их преподавания», использование проектной технологии в процессе естественнонаучной подготовки будущих учителей начальной школы) и экспериментально проверено методику их системной реализации; разработано компоненты (мотивационно-ценностный, когнитивный, деятельностный, оценочно-рефлексивный), показатели и уровни (низкий, средний, высокий) сформированности в будущих учителей начальных классов естественнонаучной компетентности.
In the dissertation research on the basis of the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature the essence and the contents of natural competence as a component of professional competence of future teachers of primary school are determined. It is also determined that Natural competence of primary school teacher is an integrative quality of the person who has set professionally important teacher qualities, formed on the basis of scientific and natural world that has a set of ideas, knowledge, skills, attitudes and evaluative judgments to objects and phenomena of the natural environment; defines the place and activities of a man in nature, and the study of local lore, aimed at the revival and development of value attitude to nature; manifested in the ability to exercise pedagogical activity during the training of junior pupils the contents of elementary natural science education. In the structure of the natural competence of future teachers of primary school, the following main components are identified: motivational-value, cognitive, activity, evaluative-reflexive. According to the identified components, the criteria and indicators of the formation of the natural competence of future primary school teachers are identified: the degree of manifestation of the motivational sphere of future teachers of primary classes to the acquisition of natural sciences and the formation of the natural competence of junior pupils, the indicators of which are the awareness of the need for the improvement of science and natural sciences; the formation of its own position on natural science competence, awareness of the ways of its achievement; the presence of the need to enhance natural consciousness; a conscious assimilation by the students of natural sciences and professional knowledge, the indicators of which are the formation of the system of natural sciences and polydisciplinary contents of vocational training; the ability to apply natural sciences and professional knowledge and skills during the formation of natural science competence of junior pupils, the indicators of which are the use of natural sciences in professional activities; methodical expediency of the designed pedagogical model; possession of methods and methods of pedagogical interaction; the ability to self-assess the level of the formation of its own natural competence and readiness for its formation in junior pupils, whose indicators are an objective assessment of their own natural science competence; ability to model the self-improvement program of natural science competence; the formation of abilities to enhance natural science competence. According to the criteria and indicators, three levels of formation of the natural competence of the future primary school teachers are determined: low, medium and high. The model of formation of the natural competence of future primary school teachers is an integral system that covers interconnected blocks: motivational-purposeful, theoretical-methodological, organizational-pedagogical and control-productive. The effectiveness of using the model of formation of the natural competence of future teachers of primary school developed in the study is confirmed by the results of the pedagogical experiment. The positive pedagogical effect of the forming experiment gives grounds to consider that the proposed model of formation of the future teacher of primary school of natural science competence and the method of realization of certain pedagogical conditions are effective. The study, of course, does not exhaust all aspects of the problem. The prospect of further research is seen in the clarification of the possibilities of using interactive technologies in the formation of natural science competence in future teachers of primary school of studying and monitoring the development of natural competence of students, depending on the level of natural science competence of the primary school teacher.
Педагогіка, початкова освіта,інтегрований курс
природознавча компетентність, педагогічні умови, учитель початкової школи, інтегрований курс, професійна підготовка, естественнонаучная компетентность, педагогические условия, учитель начальной школы, интегрированный курс, профессиональная подготовка, natural competence, pedagogical conditions, primary school teacher, integrated course, vocational training
Волохата К. М. Формування природознавчої компетентності майбутніх учителів початкових класів у процесі фахової підготовки : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец.:13.00.04 – теорія і методика професійної освіти / Катерина Миколаївна Волохата; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського.-Вінниця, 2018.-295 с.