Психологічні аспекти проблеми розвитку професійної рефлексії майбутніх фахівців із соціальної роботи
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Вінниця : Твори
У статті розкрито аспекти проблеми розвитку професійної рефлексії студентів закладів вищої освіти, визначено її значущість для реформації сучасної вищої освіти на засадах екологічності педагогічної взаємодії, компетентнісного підходу. Професійну рефлексію схарактеризовано в контексті системної особистісної властивості. Конкретизовано, що цілеспрямований розвиток у студентів здібностей до професійної рефлексії збагачує складові майбутньої фахової діяльності. Розвиток професійної рефлексії вимагає використання цільового арсеналу засобів, що сприятимуть осмисленню студентами процесу накопичення й структурування фахового досвіду. Здійснено розгляд змісту і складових професійної рефлексії, запропоновано авторський погляд на систему супроводу її розвитку в студентів.
The article deals with problems’ aspects of students’ professional reflexia development of students of institutions of higher education, determine its significance for reformation the modern higher education on base on ecology of pedagogical interaction, competency aproach. Professional reflexia is characterized in the context of personal quality – determinant of professional students’ subjection of future social work professionals. Professional reflexia assures the comprehension of professional actions, the ability to analyze the diverse situations of professional activity, planning, control and selfcontrol in the process of interpersonal interaction, awareness own ideological, ethical, value expectations and building communication and behavior strategy according with them. It is defined the importance of develop reflexive students’ abilities of future specialists in social work for forming the professional identification, assimilation of ethical principles, acceptance of professional roles, rules, norms, requirements and values of a specialty. It is concretized, that purposeful development of students' ability to professional reflexia (reflexive thinking, reflexive management, reflexive introspection skills) enriches the components of future professional activities. Besides, development of students' ability to professional reflexia has to become an integral part of models and methods of professional students training in pedagogical higher education institutions. Development of professional reflexia requires the use of lots of ways to facilitate understanding by students the process of accumulation and structuring of professional experience of future specialist. It is analyzed the content and components of professional reflexia. It is proposed author's view on the system of accompaniment of development of professional reflexia in students such ways as training, didactic, role-playing and business games, creation of typical situations of professional activity, educational and creative projects, coaching programs, reflexive workshops, master classes etc.
The article deals with problems’ aspects of students’ professional reflexia development of students of institutions of higher education, determine its significance for reformation the modern higher education on base on ecology of pedagogical interaction, competency aproach. Professional reflexia is characterized in the context of personal quality – determinant of professional students’ subjection of future social work professionals. Professional reflexia assures the comprehension of professional actions, the ability to analyze the diverse situations of professional activity, planning, control and selfcontrol in the process of interpersonal interaction, awareness own ideological, ethical, value expectations and building communication and behavior strategy according with them. It is defined the importance of develop reflexive students’ abilities of future specialists in social work for forming the professional identification, assimilation of ethical principles, acceptance of professional roles, rules, norms, requirements and values of a specialty. It is concretized, that purposeful development of students' ability to professional reflexia (reflexive thinking, reflexive management, reflexive introspection skills) enriches the components of future professional activities. Besides, development of students' ability to professional reflexia has to become an integral part of models and methods of professional students training in pedagogical higher education institutions. Development of professional reflexia requires the use of lots of ways to facilitate understanding by students the process of accumulation and structuring of professional experience of future specialist. It is analyzed the content and components of professional reflexia. It is proposed author's view on the system of accompaniment of development of professional reflexia in students such ways as training, didactic, role-playing and business games, creation of typical situations of professional activity, educational and creative projects, coaching programs, reflexive workshops, master classes etc.
Психологія. Розвиток професійної рефлексії. Фахівці з соціальної роботи
професійна рефлексія, особистісно-професійний розвиток, студенти закладів вищої освіти, фахівці з соціальної роботи, суб’єкт професійної діяльності, professional reflection, personal and professional development, students of higher education institutions, specialists in social work, the subject of professional activity, specialists in social work
Коломієць Л. І. Психологічні аспекти проблеми розвитку професійної рефлексії майбутніх фахівців із соціальної роботи / Л. І. Коломієць, Г. Б. Шульга // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / ред. кол.: А. М. Коломієць, В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова та ін. ; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2019. – Вип. 59. – С. 152-158