Наукові підходи до розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладачів фармацевтичного профілю у системі науково-методичної роботи коледжу
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
У статті проаналізовано сучасні наукові підходи до розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладачів фармацевтичного профілю та обґрунтовано шляхи їх оптимального поєднання. Розглянуто загальнонаукові підходи: системний, синергетичний та конкретнонаукові: андрагогічний, аксіологічний, акмеологічний, діяльнісний, досліджено їх змістове наповнення, а також розглянуто спрямованість основоположних принципів цих підходів на розвиток педагогічної компетентності у системі науково-методичної роботи коледжу.
The article analyzes the modern scientific approaches to the development of the pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers and substantiates the ways of their optimal combination. The paper considers general scientific approaches (systemic, synergetic), and specific scientific approaches (andragogical, axiological, acmeological, activity). There also have been investigated the content of these approaches and the orientation of the basic principles of above mentioned approaches to the development of pedagogical competence in the system of the methodological work at college. The analysis of scientific approaches to the development of the pedagogical competence of pharmaceutical profile’s teachers in the system of the methodological work at college revealed that the result of the application of the system approach is the creation of an effective model for the development of the pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers; the synergetic approach confirms the idea of self-organization of the investigated processes, and also emphasizes the importance of activating effort and abilities of pharmaceutical profile’s teachers; andragogical approach reflects teaching and development of teachers taking into account their age characteristics, educational interests and needs, life experiences, abilities and opportunities; the axiological approach allows to direct the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers to the formation of a valuable attitude to pedagogical activity, to create a system of value benchmarks for the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers; acmeological approach allows look upon the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers as a subject of pedagogical activity and develops the forms, methods, and means that help the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers rose to the highest social and professional-pedagogical pitch; the activity approach allows activating the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers in the process of acquiring pedagogical knowledge, skills, providing the formation of motivation to educational work of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers. While the discussed principles pose the components of various scientific approaches and without their integration it is impossible to develop an effective conceptual model for the development of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers in the system of the methodological work at college, they intersect and work to achieve a common result.
The article analyzes the modern scientific approaches to the development of the pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers and substantiates the ways of their optimal combination. The paper considers general scientific approaches (systemic, synergetic), and specific scientific approaches (andragogical, axiological, acmeological, activity). There also have been investigated the content of these approaches and the orientation of the basic principles of above mentioned approaches to the development of pedagogical competence in the system of the methodological work at college. The analysis of scientific approaches to the development of the pedagogical competence of pharmaceutical profile’s teachers in the system of the methodological work at college revealed that the result of the application of the system approach is the creation of an effective model for the development of the pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers; the synergetic approach confirms the idea of self-organization of the investigated processes, and also emphasizes the importance of activating effort and abilities of pharmaceutical profile’s teachers; andragogical approach reflects teaching and development of teachers taking into account their age characteristics, educational interests and needs, life experiences, abilities and opportunities; the axiological approach allows to direct the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers to the formation of a valuable attitude to pedagogical activity, to create a system of value benchmarks for the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers; acmeological approach allows look upon the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers as a subject of pedagogical activity and develops the forms, methods, and means that help the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers rose to the highest social and professional-pedagogical pitch; the activity approach allows activating the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers in the process of acquiring pedagogical knowledge, skills, providing the formation of motivation to educational work of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers. While the discussed principles pose the components of various scientific approaches and without their integration it is impossible to develop an effective conceptual model for the development of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers in the system of the methodological work at college, they intersect and work to achieve a common result.
Педагогіка. Професійна педагогіка
педагогічна компетентність, наукові підходи, системний, синергетичний, андрагогічний, аксіологічний, акмеологічний, діяльнісний підходи, викладач фармацевтичного профілю, pedagogical competence, scientific approaches, systemic approach, synergetic approach, andragogical approach, axiological approach, acmeological approach, activity approach, pharmaceutical profile’s teach
Козаченко Г. В. Наукові підходи до розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладачів фармацевтичного профілю у системі науково-методичної роботи коледжу / Г. В. Козаченко // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – Вип. 55. – С. 94-99.