Реалізація основних принципів навчання школярів у закладах освіти Волинської губернії
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Вінниця : Твори
У статті визначено та проаналізовано основні принципи навчання, які використовували вчителі навчальних закладів Волинської губернії. Пояснено, що в сучасній освіті змінилися принципи та підходи до навчання, однак традиційні принципи не втратили своєї актуальності. Зазначено, що питання навчання дітей у закладах освіти Волинської губернії проаналізовано в наукових працях Г. Агафонової, Н. Бєлих, Д. Бовуа, С. Бричок, Є. Веденського, Є. Деєва, Т. Джаман. Подано визначення терміну «принцип навчання». Аналіз освітнього процесу навчання в закладах освіти Волинської губернії дозволив виокремити такі принципи: науковість, релігійність, доступність, послідовність, індивідуалізація навчання, принцип виховання здорової дитини.
The author of the article identifies and analyzes the using of the basic teaching principles which were used by teachers of educational institutions of Volyn province. It is explained that in the modern education principles and approaches of learning have changed but traditional principles have not lost their relevance. The author defines the purpose of the article: to determine and to analyze the implementation of the basic principles of education in educational institutions of Volyn province and make recommendations for their creative using in the modern schools. It is noted that the issues of education of children in educational institutions of Volyn province were analyzed in the scientific works by G. Agafonova, N. Belykh, D. Bovua, S. Brychok, E. Vedensky, E. Deeva, T. Jaman. The definition of the term "learning principle" is given. The modern principles of teaching presented by scientists are distinguished. The analysis of the educational process in educational institutions of Volyn province allowed to distinguish the following principles: scientific, religious, accessible, consistent, individualized learning, the principle of raising a healthy child. It is explained that the principle of nationality is traced in the work of the educational institutions of Volyn in 1917-1920 years. The author analyzes in detail every principle and its implementation in the educational process of Volyn educational institutions. The work of teachers of the Ostrog Men's Gymnasium, Volyn Theological Women 's School, Zhytomyr Mariinsky Gymnasium, the realization of the basic principles of teaching mathematics by M. Mankovsky is analyzed. It was explained that ones of the main principles of teaching were the principles of scientific and religious. It was noted that the implementation of the basic principles of training was discussed in the press at that time. It was explained that the main focus of teachers of the Volyn province was focused on the education of a spiritual, thinking, healthy student personality which is important for modern teachers. The principles of education set out in the Law «About Education» (2017) are highlighted. The author of the article outlines ways to implement the principles of education used by teachers of Volyn province in the work of educational institutions of independent Ukraine.
The author of the article identifies and analyzes the using of the basic teaching principles which were used by teachers of educational institutions of Volyn province. It is explained that in the modern education principles and approaches of learning have changed but traditional principles have not lost their relevance. The author defines the purpose of the article: to determine and to analyze the implementation of the basic principles of education in educational institutions of Volyn province and make recommendations for their creative using in the modern schools. It is noted that the issues of education of children in educational institutions of Volyn province were analyzed in the scientific works by G. Agafonova, N. Belykh, D. Bovua, S. Brychok, E. Vedensky, E. Deeva, T. Jaman. The definition of the term "learning principle" is given. The modern principles of teaching presented by scientists are distinguished. The analysis of the educational process in educational institutions of Volyn province allowed to distinguish the following principles: scientific, religious, accessible, consistent, individualized learning, the principle of raising a healthy child. It is explained that the principle of nationality is traced in the work of the educational institutions of Volyn in 1917-1920 years. The author analyzes in detail every principle and its implementation in the educational process of Volyn educational institutions. The work of teachers of the Ostrog Men's Gymnasium, Volyn Theological Women 's School, Zhytomyr Mariinsky Gymnasium, the realization of the basic principles of teaching mathematics by M. Mankovsky is analyzed. It was explained that ones of the main principles of teaching were the principles of scientific and religious. It was noted that the implementation of the basic principles of training was discussed in the press at that time. It was explained that the main focus of teachers of the Volyn province was focused on the education of a spiritual, thinking, healthy student personality which is important for modern teachers. The principles of education set out in the Law «About Education» (2017) are highlighted. The author of the article outlines ways to implement the principles of education used by teachers of Volyn province in the work of educational institutions of independent Ukraine.
Педагогіка. Історія педагогіки. Заклади освіти Волинської губернії
принципи навчання, заклади освіти, Волинська губернія, провадження, педагогічний досвід, principles of education, educational institutions, Volyn province, teaching, pedagogical experience
Марчук О. О. Реалізація основних принципів навчання школярів у закладах освіти Волинської губернії / О. О. Марчук // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / редкол.: А. М. Коломієць (головний редактор), В. І. Шахов (відповідальний редактор), О. В. Акімова ( заст. відповід. редактора) та ін.; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2020. – Вип. 62. – С. 198-203