Формування художньо-естетичної компетентності засобами декоративно-ужиткового мистецтва: зміст і структура феномену
Зузяк, Т. П.
Zuziak, T. P.
Марущак, О. В.
Marushchak, O. V.
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Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing»
У статті проаналізовано поняття компетентності як інтегративної характеристики особистості педагога; визначено поняття художньо-естетичної компетентності, її основні компоненти (когнітивний, мотиваційно-ціннісний, діяльнісно-практичний, рефлексивний, комунікативний, естетичний). Зазначено, що успіх та ефективність формування художньо-естетичної компетентності залежить від сукупності адекватних принципів, функціональної спрямованості навчання, методів і прийомів, засобів та педагогічних умов, за яких буде організовано навчання.
В статье проанализированы понятия компетентности как интегративной характеристики личности педагога; определено понятие художественно-эстетической компетентности, ее основные компоненты (когнитивный, мотивационно-ценностный, деятельностно-практический, рефлексивный, коммуникативный, эстетический). Отмечено, что успех и эффективность формирования художественно-эстетической компетентности зависит от совокупности адекватных принципов, функциональной направленности обучения, методов и приемов, средств и педагогических условий, при которых будет организовано обучение.
In the conditions of creating a national system of education that will promote the development of personal competences on the basis of culture and art of the Ukrainian people, folk traditions, attracting the younger generation to the achievements of spiritual culture, the issue of formation of future artistic and aesthetic competence by arts and craftsmen becomes a matter of urgency. The subject of research is the process of formation of students of educational institutions of higher education of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical foundations of the formation of a future teacher of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. To achieve the research goal and for solution of the tasks was to use a set of theoretical research methods: the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and special literature, as well as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, systematization of theoretical data, comparative analysis of the dissertation pa-pers in order to clarify the essence the concept of «professional competence of the teacher»; substantiation of the content and definition of the structure of the artistic and aesthetic competence of the teacher. The article analyzes the notion of competence as an integrative qualification of the personality of the teacher, which characterizes his ability to perform pedagogical activity using of the integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience, values and significant personal qualities, measure and the main criterion for its compliance with its requirements. Artistic and aesthetic competence is defined as a professional-personal multidimensional phenomenon, which has a meta-structure and is characterized by the ability to create own works of decorative and applied arts, readiness to perceive the achievements of the world and domestic folk art, which is based on the awareness of folk culture and creativity, artistic taste, artistic knowledge and judgmental judgments. The artistic and aesthetic competence of a future teacher in the field of decorative arts as a personal entity is a single, integral structure. It has the main components: cognitive (the perception of decorative art as a social phenomenon and a constantly developing system; awareness of the connection of the decorative and utilitarian art with thinking, culture and social development of the people), motivational-value (the presence of motives, goals, needs, values, reflects the motivated personality to the development, preserved I am an extension of the traditions of my own ethnic group), activity-practical (the ability of the individual to know and preserve the national traditions of his ethnic group, as well as the practical and practical realities of their reproduction and creative transfer on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills; to use existing professional knowledge, skills and abilities for realization tasks of professional activity), reflexive (person’s ability to self-assess the attitude to the artistic traditions of one's and other ethnic groups, ability to analyze the course and results of their own practical activities, objective to evaluate himself, his level of artistic skill), communicative (the ability of the individual to self-communicate in the knowledge of the traditions of decorative and applied arts and to artistic dialogue with representatives of his and other ethnic groups on the basis of tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect in the process of knowledge of folk traditions), aesthetic (the integrator of the rest components in the process of mastering the traditions of decorative and applied arts). The success and effectiveness of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence depends on a set of adequate principles, a functional orientation of teaching, methods and techniques, means and pedagogical conditions, in which training is organized. Therefore, we can see the prospects for further research in determining the pedagogical conditions, considering pedagogical technologies for the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of future teachers by means of decorative and applied art.
В статье проанализированы понятия компетентности как интегративной характеристики личности педагога; определено понятие художественно-эстетической компетентности, ее основные компоненты (когнитивный, мотивационно-ценностный, деятельностно-практический, рефлексивный, коммуникативный, эстетический). Отмечено, что успех и эффективность формирования художественно-эстетической компетентности зависит от совокупности адекватных принципов, функциональной направленности обучения, методов и приемов, средств и педагогических условий, при которых будет организовано обучение.
In the conditions of creating a national system of education that will promote the development of personal competences on the basis of culture and art of the Ukrainian people, folk traditions, attracting the younger generation to the achievements of spiritual culture, the issue of formation of future artistic and aesthetic competence by arts and craftsmen becomes a matter of urgency. The subject of research is the process of formation of students of educational institutions of higher education of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical foundations of the formation of a future teacher of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. To achieve the research goal and for solution of the tasks was to use a set of theoretical research methods: the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and special literature, as well as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, systematization of theoretical data, comparative analysis of the dissertation pa-pers in order to clarify the essence the concept of «professional competence of the teacher»; substantiation of the content and definition of the structure of the artistic and aesthetic competence of the teacher. The article analyzes the notion of competence as an integrative qualification of the personality of the teacher, which characterizes his ability to perform pedagogical activity using of the integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience, values and significant personal qualities, measure and the main criterion for its compliance with its requirements. Artistic and aesthetic competence is defined as a professional-personal multidimensional phenomenon, which has a meta-structure and is characterized by the ability to create own works of decorative and applied arts, readiness to perceive the achievements of the world and domestic folk art, which is based on the awareness of folk culture and creativity, artistic taste, artistic knowledge and judgmental judgments. The artistic and aesthetic competence of a future teacher in the field of decorative arts as a personal entity is a single, integral structure. It has the main components: cognitive (the perception of decorative art as a social phenomenon and a constantly developing system; awareness of the connection of the decorative and utilitarian art with thinking, culture and social development of the people), motivational-value (the presence of motives, goals, needs, values, reflects the motivated personality to the development, preserved I am an extension of the traditions of my own ethnic group), activity-practical (the ability of the individual to know and preserve the national traditions of his ethnic group, as well as the practical and practical realities of their reproduction and creative transfer on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills; to use existing professional knowledge, skills and abilities for realization tasks of professional activity), reflexive (person’s ability to self-assess the attitude to the artistic traditions of one's and other ethnic groups, ability to analyze the course and results of their own practical activities, objective to evaluate himself, his level of artistic skill), communicative (the ability of the individual to self-communicate in the knowledge of the traditions of decorative and applied arts and to artistic dialogue with representatives of his and other ethnic groups on the basis of tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect in the process of knowledge of folk traditions), aesthetic (the integrator of the rest components in the process of mastering the traditions of decorative and applied arts). The success and effectiveness of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence depends on a set of adequate principles, a functional orientation of teaching, methods and techniques, means and pedagogical conditions, in which training is organized. Therefore, we can see the prospects for further research in determining the pedagogical conditions, considering pedagogical technologies for the formation of artistic and aesthetic competence of future teachers by means of decorative and applied art.
Технологічна освіта. Художньо-естетична компетентність. Структура компетентності.
компетентність, професійна компетентність, художньо-естетична компетентність, декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво, компетентность, профессиональная компетентность, художественно-эстетическая компетентность, декоративно-прикладное искусство, competence, professional competence, artistic and aesthetic competence, arts and crafts
Zuziak T. P. Formation of artistic-aesthetic competence means of decorative and consumer art: content and structure of phenomenon / Zuziak T.P., Marushchak O.V. // Formation of artistic-aesthetic competence means of decorative and consumer art: content and structure of phenomenon. Development of modern science: the experience of European countries and prospects for Ukraine : monograph / edited by authors. Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing», 2019. - Р. 17-40. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.30525/978-9934-571-78-7_18).