Розвиток фахової компетентності вчителів природничих дисциплін у післядипломній педагогічній освіті

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Шевченко, І. А.
Шевченко, И. А.
Shevchenko, I. A.

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Вінниця: ВДПУ


У дисертації досліджено актуальну проблему розвитку фахової компетентності вчителів природничих дисциплін у післядипломній педагогічній освіті. На підставі аналізу філософської, педагогічної, психологічної, методичної літератури розкрито сутність і зміст поняття «розвиток фахової компетентності вчителів ПД». Визначено структуру та компоненти, охарактеризовано критерії, показники та рівні розвитку фахової компетентності; організаційно-педагогічні умови розвитку фахової компетентності. Розроблено модель розвитку фахової компетентності вчителів природничих дисциплін, ефективність якої експериментально підтверджено.
В диссертации исследуется актуальная проблема развития профессиональной компетентности учителей естественных дисциплин в последипломном педагогическом образовании. На основании анализа философской, педагогической, психологической, методической литературы раскрыты сущность и содержание понятия развития профессиональной компетентности учителей естественных дисциплин. Определено структуру, компоненты, охарактеризовано критерии, показатели, уровни развития профессиональной компетентности, организационно-педагогические условия развития профессиональной компетентности. Разработана модель развития профессиональной компетентности учителей естественных дисциплин, эффективность которой экспериментально подтверждена.
Traditionally, the work of institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education was aimed at improving / maintaining the qualifications of natural science teachers, and not on their development. More attention was given to general professional knowledge and very little - professional. Today, technology as one of the strategic directions of society's development requires the development of professional competence of teachers in the context of the innovative technological approach and their inclusion in innovation training. However, in the domestic system of postgraduate pedagogical education, this problem is not given due attention, therefore research in this direction is popular and relevant. The researching is devoted to the actual problem of development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences in postgraduate pedagogical education. With the help of the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature, the significance of the basic concepts (competence approach, competence and competence, professional competence, professional competence development, postgraduate pedagogical education), key and subject competence, substantiated the content components and structure of professional competence, analyzed the experience development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences in postgraduate pedagogical education. It was also found out that the study of the conditions for the development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences was only outlined, but not developed either theoretically or practically. Therefore, special scientific research of this problem is necessary. The structure and components are determined, the criteria, indicators and levels of development of professional competence are characterized; organizational and pedagogical conditions of development of professional competence. The model of development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences, whose efficiency has been experimentally confirmed, is presented in the work. The analysis of the content of professional competence of natural sciences teachers made it possible to conclude that professional competence is a holistic, integrated, multilevel concept, which includes knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity, experience of value attitudes. Based on the above, the four components were distinguished in the structure of the professional competence of the teachers of natural sciences. The motivational-value component reflects the presence of positive motives, the direction of the teacher to succeed in his professional activities; susceptibility to pedagogical innovations; this component manifests itself through the value attitude to its professional activities and self-development in it. Theoretical and methodological component reflects the enrichment of teachers with theoretical knowledge; awareness of the features of innovation and technological activity; understanding the importance of further development for the achievement of professional and personal success. The professional-practical component reflects the teacher's ability to apply his knowledge and skills in practice, to use pedagogical technologies; the ability to independently put and solve problems; readiness to broadcast practical experience. The reflective-correction component reflects the teacher's ability to self-examine innovation and technological activity; assessment of own professional experience; development of corrective position. All of these components are closely interrelated and interdependent. The tested model of development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences gives an opportunity to assess the level of development of professional competence of teachers, to exercise methodological influence, to evaluate the effectiveness of educational and self-education activities, to develop effective teaching methods and to correct them if necessary. The model contains: goal-setting component; conceptual, content component; procedural-technological component, which includes the components: information, organizational, innovation-technological and personal-activity; diagnostic and productive component. The organizational and pedagogical conditions, which provide positive dynamics of development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences, are determined. The conditions include: creating an innovative educational environment in the defense industry; introduction of innovative learning based on a combination of formal, nonformal and informal education of natural sciences teachers; development of updated software and educational and methodological support, designing of samples of new educational practice with the purpose of independent development of value orientations and personal qualities of natural science teachers. The tested model of development of professional competence of teachers of natural sciences makes it possible to assess the level of development of professional competence of teachers, to exercise methodological influence, to evaluate the effectiveness of educational and self-education activities, to develop effective teaching methods and to correct them if necessary.


Освіта. Професійна освіта. Післядипломна педагогічна освіта. Розвиток фахової компетентності


компетентність, фахова компетентність, розвиток фахової компетентності, післядипломна педагогічна освіта, модель розвитку фахової компетентності вчителів природничих дисциплін, компетентность, профессиональная компетентность, развитие профессиональной компетентности, последипломное педагогическое образование, модель развития профессиональной компетентности учителей естественных дисциплин, competence, professional competence, development of professional competence, postgraduate pedagogical education, model of development of professional competence of natural sciences teachers, formal education, informal education, informational education


Шевченко І. А. Розвиток фахової компетентності вчителів природничих дисциплін у післядипломній педагогічній освіті : дис. ... на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата пед. наук: [спец.] 13.00.04 – «Теорія і методика професійної освіти» / І. А. Шевченко; Вінницький держ. пед. ун-т імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – 326 с.



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