Забезпечення професійної спрямованості процесу формування продуктивного педагогічного мислення майбутніх учителів фізичної культури на основі компетентнісного підходу
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
У статті розглянуто педагогічні умови забезпечення професійної спрямованості процесу формуванню продуктивного педагогічного мислення майбутніх учителів фізичної культури на основі компетентнісного підходу, сутність якої полягає у спрямованості освітнього процесу на розвиток ключових і предметних компетентностей. З’ясовано, що в досвіді зарубіжних країн ключова компетенція відповідає найширшому колу специфіки, вона універсальна для різних видів педагогічної діяльності й може бути умовно названою як «здатність до діяльності». З метою практичного запровадження компетентнісного підходу запропоновано ієрархію компетентностей.
The article deals with the pedagogical condition of enforcement the professional focus of the process of forming productive pedagogical thinking of future physical education teachers based on a competence approach, the essence of which is the focus of the educational process on the development of key and subject competences. It has been defined that under the pedagogical conditions of professional training a set of interdependent elements of the educational environ mentis understood. They are the factors that are determined and understood by the participants of pedagogical cooperation, realized in the educational process of higher education and cause the efficiency of the process of professional preparation of students. It has been found that in the experience of foreign countries the key competence corresponds to the wide strange of specificities, it is universal for different types of pedagogical activity and can be referred to as ‘ability for activity’. Thus, the concept of competence is an integrative phenome on that includes the following aspects: readiness for goal setting; readiness for evaluation; readiness for action; readiness for reflection. Professionally important qualities of future teachers of physical education tinclude: motivation, determination, cognitive qualities, communicative qualities, emotional and volitional qualities, individual and psychological qualities as well as abilities of general and professional character. A hierarchy of competencies has been proposed to put the competency approach into practice. The first group includes “key” or “core” competencies, which consist of common operations and are indicators of their development. The second hierarchical group of competences consists of “general subject” competences, which are defined for each subject and are developed through out the term of study. They have a high degree of generalization and complexity. The third group of “unique subject” competences is defined for each subject and year of study and is based on the “general subject” competences.
The article deals with the pedagogical condition of enforcement the professional focus of the process of forming productive pedagogical thinking of future physical education teachers based on a competence approach, the essence of which is the focus of the educational process on the development of key and subject competences. It has been defined that under the pedagogical conditions of professional training a set of interdependent elements of the educational environ mentis understood. They are the factors that are determined and understood by the participants of pedagogical cooperation, realized in the educational process of higher education and cause the efficiency of the process of professional preparation of students. It has been found that in the experience of foreign countries the key competence corresponds to the wide strange of specificities, it is universal for different types of pedagogical activity and can be referred to as ‘ability for activity’. Thus, the concept of competence is an integrative phenome on that includes the following aspects: readiness for goal setting; readiness for evaluation; readiness for action; readiness for reflection. Professionally important qualities of future teachers of physical education tinclude: motivation, determination, cognitive qualities, communicative qualities, emotional and volitional qualities, individual and psychological qualities as well as abilities of general and professional character. A hierarchy of competencies has been proposed to put the competency approach into practice. The first group includes “key” or “core” competencies, which consist of common operations and are indicators of their development. The second hierarchical group of competences consists of “general subject” competences, which are defined for each subject and are developed through out the term of study. They have a high degree of generalization and complexity. The third group of “unique subject” competences is defined for each subject and year of study and is based on the “general subject” competences.
Освіта. Професійна освіта. Педагогіка
компетентність, педагогічна умова, професійна спрямованість, продуктивне педагогічне мислення, учителі фізичної культури, студенти, competence, pedagogical condition, professional focus, productive pedagogical thinking, physical education teachers, students
Гуменюк С. В. Забезпечення професійної спрямованості процесу формування продуктивного педагогічного мислення майбутніх учителів фізичної культури на основі компетентнісного підходу / С. В. Гуменюк // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2019. – Випуск 60. – С. 55-60.