Формування творчих здібностей учнів початкової школи в умовах освітньо-розвивального середовища
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Вінниця : Твори
У статті охарактеризовано особливості формування творчих здібностей учнів початкової школи в умовах освітньо-розвивального середовища, конкретизовано умови розвитку творчих здібностей молодших школярів, розвиток їх творчого потенціалу; обґрунтовано основні напрями реалізації творчої потреби учнів: розвиток інтересу до навчально-пізнавальної діяльності та формування ігрової діяльності; вказано на провідну роль позашкільної діяльності як важливого фактора розкриття здібностей молодших школярів, конкретизовано основні методи і прийоми самовдосконалення творчості педагога, розвитку його власного творчого потенціалу, що дає можливість ефективно співпрацювати з учнями в умовах освітньо-розвивального середовища початкової школи. Запропоновано приклади завдань для розвитку творчих здібностей учнів початкової школи згідно з вимогами, які ставляться до такого виду роботи. Конкретизовано умови створення сприятливих умов розвитку творчих здібностей молодших школярів у практиці роботи сучасної початкової школи.
The article describes the peculiarities of the formation of creative abilities of elementary school students in the educational environment, specifies the conditions for the development of creative abilities of junior pupils, development of their creative potential; the basic directions of realization of creative demand of students are grounded: development of interest to educational-cognitive activity and formation of gaming activity; it is indicated on the leading role of extracurricular activities as an important factor in the disclosure of abilities of junior pupils. The basic methods and techniques of self-improvement of the teacher's creativity, development of his own creative potential, which gives an opportunity to cooperate effectively with students in the conditions of educational and developing environment of elementary school, are specified. Descripted the approaches t of the concept of «creativity» and their differentiation into groups (research of the products of creative activity – inventions, scientific theories, works of art and literature, moral norms, etc., research of creative process, studying the personality of the creator: the dependence of creative productivity on the intellect as a whole, from the personality trait, their peculiar set and combination, the study of the influence of external conditions, primarily social, promoting creativity or inhibiting it). Based on the study of outstanding scientists described types of creative abilities. Examples of tasks for the development of creative abilities of elementary school pupils according to requirements related to this kind of work are offered (construction of sentences taking into account the proposed speech situation; compilation of the text by the suppressed title and the ending; textual descriptions of analogs for the given beginning; compiling the text by name and reference words; self-determination of the topic and compilation of text for reference words; deployment of a certain plot in the text; compilation of communication messages in a series of plot drawings). The conditions for creating favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities of junior pupils in the practice of the work of a modern elementary school are specified.
The article describes the peculiarities of the formation of creative abilities of elementary school students in the educational environment, specifies the conditions for the development of creative abilities of junior pupils, development of their creative potential; the basic directions of realization of creative demand of students are grounded: development of interest to educational-cognitive activity and formation of gaming activity; it is indicated on the leading role of extracurricular activities as an important factor in the disclosure of abilities of junior pupils. The basic methods and techniques of self-improvement of the teacher's creativity, development of his own creative potential, which gives an opportunity to cooperate effectively with students in the conditions of educational and developing environment of elementary school, are specified. Descripted the approaches t of the concept of «creativity» and their differentiation into groups (research of the products of creative activity – inventions, scientific theories, works of art and literature, moral norms, etc., research of creative process, studying the personality of the creator: the dependence of creative productivity on the intellect as a whole, from the personality trait, their peculiar set and combination, the study of the influence of external conditions, primarily social, promoting creativity or inhibiting it). Based on the study of outstanding scientists described types of creative abilities. Examples of tasks for the development of creative abilities of elementary school pupils according to requirements related to this kind of work are offered (construction of sentences taking into account the proposed speech situation; compilation of the text by the suppressed title and the ending; textual descriptions of analogs for the given beginning; compiling the text by name and reference words; self-determination of the topic and compilation of text for reference words; deployment of a certain plot in the text; compilation of communication messages in a series of plot drawings). The conditions for creating favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities of junior pupils in the practice of the work of a modern elementary school are specified.
Освіта. Теорія виховання. Формування творчих здібностей. Початкова школа
творчі здібності, молодші школярі, початкова школа, освітньо-розвивальне середовище, креативна особистість, творча діяльність, creative abilities, junior schoolchildren, elementary school, educational and developing environment, creative personality, creative activity
Писарчук О. Т. Формування творчих здібностей учнів початкової школи в умовах освітньо-розвивального середовища / О. Т. Писарчук // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / ред. кол.: В. А. Фрицюк, В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова та ін. ; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2019. – Вип. 57. – С. 48-56