Нові вимоги до професіоналізму вчителя з урахуванням процесів євроінтеграції.
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У статті проаналізовано нові вимоги до професіоналізму вчителя, зумовлені процесами інтеграції України в європейський освітній простір. Визначено механізми врахування цих вимог у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх педагогів. Запропоновано систему характеристик особистості вчителя, спроможного на неперервне самовдосконалення та забезпечення якості освіти на рівні європейських стандартів.
New requirements for teacher professionalism which are conditioned by the processes of Ukraine’s integration into the European educational space have been analyzed in the article. The mechanisms for taking these requirements into account in the process of training future teachers have been also determined. The system of personality characteristics of a teacher who is capable of continuous self-improvement and ensuring the education quality at the European standards level has been introduced. It has been shown that the problem of the future teachers preparation in pedagogical universities that would meet the nowaday requirements, connected with the European integration of Ukraine, is especially actual in contemporary society. It has also been proved that professional pedagogical training in conditions of European integration requires rethinking of the education content itself as well as its structure and organizational forms. On the basis of the present investigations generalization the author formulates main requirements for teacher professionalism in the context of European integration. It has been also concluded that any teacher can demonstrate the European quality of work if he (she): has profound knowledge not only of his (her) subject but of such disciplines as History, Politics and Economy; actively participates in public life; possesses information and knowledge concerning European integration; can utilize modern information and communication technologies; may be creative and open for new knowledge; has open thinking, inclination and respect for people living abroad who belong to different cultures and religions; can be prepared for the students to develop tolerance, acceptance of pluralistic values and human rights, strengthening the feeling of European identity, European citizenship, mutual understanding and empathy etc.; has innovative type of thinking, innovative culture, ability for innovative type of activity; is able to work in groups, elaborate projects and participate in the international cooperation; is able to behave in the conditions of cultural pluralism etc.
New requirements for teacher professionalism which are conditioned by the processes of Ukraine’s integration into the European educational space have been analyzed in the article. The mechanisms for taking these requirements into account in the process of training future teachers have been also determined. The system of personality characteristics of a teacher who is capable of continuous self-improvement and ensuring the education quality at the European standards level has been introduced. It has been shown that the problem of the future teachers preparation in pedagogical universities that would meet the nowaday requirements, connected with the European integration of Ukraine, is especially actual in contemporary society. It has also been proved that professional pedagogical training in conditions of European integration requires rethinking of the education content itself as well as its structure and organizational forms. On the basis of the present investigations generalization the author formulates main requirements for teacher professionalism in the context of European integration. It has been also concluded that any teacher can demonstrate the European quality of work if he (she): has profound knowledge not only of his (her) subject but of such disciplines as History, Politics and Economy; actively participates in public life; possesses information and knowledge concerning European integration; can utilize modern information and communication technologies; may be creative and open for new knowledge; has open thinking, inclination and respect for people living abroad who belong to different cultures and religions; can be prepared for the students to develop tolerance, acceptance of pluralistic values and human rights, strengthening the feeling of European identity, European citizenship, mutual understanding and empathy etc.; has innovative type of thinking, innovative culture, ability for innovative type of activity; is able to work in groups, elaborate projects and participate in the international cooperation; is able to behave in the conditions of cultural pluralism etc.
Вища освіта. Педагогіка.
євроінтеграція, європейський освітній простір, професіоналізм учителя, якість освіти, European integration, European educational space, teacher professionalism, quality of education
Лазаренко Н. І. Нові вимоги до професіоналізму вчителя з урахуванням процесів євроінтеграції / Н. І. Лазаренко // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – Вип. 54. – С. 100-106.