Формування конкурентоспроможного фахівця у процесі професійно-екологічної освіти.
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У статті розкрито проблему формування конкурентоспроможного фахівця у процесі професійноекологічної освіти. Визначено зміст, технології та умови діяльності сучасного фахівця, які визначаються конкретними соціальними умовами, пріоритетними цінностями, ідеологією конкретного суспільства, його соціокультурного простору. Розкрито характерні особливості професійної діяльності фахівця. Подано визначення конкурентоспроможного фахівця. Висвітлено основні погляди на проблему конкурентоспроможності випускника закладу професійної освіти. Узгоджено поняття «конкурентоспроможність» із «професійною компетентністю». Розкрито оцінні аспекти підготовки конкурентоспроможного фахівця. Доведено, що ці аспекти стосуються підготовки конкурентоспроможного фахівця за умов професійноекологічної освіти. Розкрито значимість екологічної освіти та проблеми професійно-екологічної освіти у процесі підготовки фахівця-еколога.
The article reveals the problem of forming a competitive specialist in the process of vocational and environmental education. The content, technologies and conditions of activity of a modern specialist are determined, which are determined by specific social conditions, priority values, ideology of a particular society, its socio-cultural space. The characteristic features of the professional activity of the specialist are revealed. The definition of a competitive specialist as one who is able to achieve the goals in various rapidly changing educational situations, due to the mastery of methods of solving the highest class of professional problems. The main views on the problem of competitiveness of graduates of vocational education institutions are highlighted: the concept of competitiveness is applicable to graduates of vocational schools of all levels (primary, secondary, higher); the competitiveness of the graduate should be the main indicator of the success of his training; competitiveness as an integrated result of highquality general and professional education. The concept of "competitiveness" is coordinated with "professional competence". It is established that professional competence should include the formation of professional knowledge and skills in combination with critical thinking, personal qualities of professionals, and the experience of its socialization in the learning process. Evaluative aspects of training a competitive specialist as a procedure that uses a system of methods to identify the state of the subject (specialist), to determine the parameters and criteria of personal and professional characteristics that meet the needs of society, various social groups, educational services and labor market. It is proved that these aspects relate to the training of a competitive specialist in terms of vocational and environmental education. The importance of ecological education and the problems of vocational and ecological education in the process of training an ecologist are revealed.
The article reveals the problem of forming a competitive specialist in the process of vocational and environmental education. The content, technologies and conditions of activity of a modern specialist are determined, which are determined by specific social conditions, priority values, ideology of a particular society, its socio-cultural space. The characteristic features of the professional activity of the specialist are revealed. The definition of a competitive specialist as one who is able to achieve the goals in various rapidly changing educational situations, due to the mastery of methods of solving the highest class of professional problems. The main views on the problem of competitiveness of graduates of vocational education institutions are highlighted: the concept of competitiveness is applicable to graduates of vocational schools of all levels (primary, secondary, higher); the competitiveness of the graduate should be the main indicator of the success of his training; competitiveness as an integrated result of highquality general and professional education. The concept of "competitiveness" is coordinated with "professional competence". It is established that professional competence should include the formation of professional knowledge and skills in combination with critical thinking, personal qualities of professionals, and the experience of its socialization in the learning process. Evaluative aspects of training a competitive specialist as a procedure that uses a system of methods to identify the state of the subject (specialist), to determine the parameters and criteria of personal and professional characteristics that meet the needs of society, various social groups, educational services and labor market. It is proved that these aspects relate to the training of a competitive specialist in terms of vocational and environmental education. The importance of ecological education and the problems of vocational and ecological education in the process of training an ecologist are revealed.
Педагогіка. Професійна освіта.
конкурентоспроможний, фахівець, підготовка, професійно-екологічна освіта, кваліфікація, роботодавець, професійна компетентність, formation, competitive, specialist, training, vocational and environmental education, qualification, employer, professional competence
Совгіра С. Формування конкурентоспроможного фахівця у процесі професійно-екологічної освіти./ С. Совгіра, О. Браславська // Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : збірник наукових праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського; ред. кол.: А. М. Коломієць, В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова, В. М. Галузяк, Н. І. Лазаренко та ін. – 2022. – Випуск 69. – С. 79- 87.