Взаємозв’язок прокрастинації та творчого мислення
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
Стаття присвячена проблемі взаємозв’язку феномену прокрастинації та творчого мислення. Одним із факторів, що перешкоджають особистій і професійній ефективності, є прокрастинація – надзвичайно поширене нині явище. Існує гіпотеза про те, що у людей із високим рівнем прокрастинації відповідно добре розвинене творче мислення, яке надає їм здатність до нестандартного розв’язання проблем та швидкого пристосування до ситуацій. Прокрастинація розглядається нами, як психологічний патерн поведінки, що характеризується зволіканням суб'єктом запланованих дій або прийняття рішень, яке супроводжується негативними емоційними переживаннями. Аналіз літератури показав, що прокрастинація впливає на творчу діяльність, тому можна припустити, що люди з більш високим рівнем прокрастинації мають більш високий рівень творчості. Провівши дослідження нами було встановлено таку закономірність: студентам з високим рівнем прокрастинації властиві такі фактори, як схильність до ризику та фантазування; студенти з низьким рівнем частіше обирають такі фактори, як допитливість та складність завдання; а студенти з середнім рівнем прокрастинації в однаковій мірі схильні до використання усіх факторів.
The article is devoted to the problem of the relationship between the phenomenon of procrastination and creative thinking. One of the factors hindering personal and professional efficiency is procrastination ˗ an extremely common phenomenon today. The urgency of this problem and the tendency to spread it have attracted the attention of modern scientists in the field of psychology, however, many issues related to the phenomenon of procrastination are now controversial and require studying deeply and detailed analysis of this phenomenon. There is a hypothesis that people with a high level of procrastination have well-developed creative thinking, which gives people the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way and to adapt quickly to situations. Procrastination is considered by us as a psychological pattern of behavior, characterized by irrational postponement by the subject of planned actions or decision-making, which is accompanied by negative emotional experiences. Procrastination, like creativity, does not have a clear definition, so we considered it from the point of view of various concepts, which agree that, first, procrastination is associated with unresolved internal conflicts, traumas; secondly, with emotional states, irrational approach and infantilism. These factors correlate well with the concept of creativity, because all creative people are full of contradictions. An analysis of the literature has shown that procrastination affects creative activity, and therefore it can be assumed that people with a higher level of procrastination have a higher level of creativity. After studying the theoretical data of procrastination, creative thinking and their relationship, we formed a sample of 68 people, conducted an empirical study, selected diagnostic material to establish the level of procrastination and creative thinking in students, as well as to determine the impact on the level of creative thinking depending on the level of personality procrastination. We used the following methods: K. Leigh's scale of general procrastination, Takmen's procrastination scale, E. Tunic's self-assessment questionnaire of creative personality characteristics, F. Williams' test of creative (divergent) thinking. Using analysis of variance and linear correlation, we found that the level of procrastination affects the level of creative thinking, so people with a higher level of procrastination are more prone to creativity and creativity in solving problems or tasks. Thus, we have established the following pattern: students with a high level of procrastination are characterized by such factors as risk appetite and fantasizing; low-level students are more likely to choose factors such as curiosity and task complexity; and students with an average level of procrastination are equally likely to use all factors.
The article is devoted to the problem of the relationship between the phenomenon of procrastination and creative thinking. One of the factors hindering personal and professional efficiency is procrastination ˗ an extremely common phenomenon today. The urgency of this problem and the tendency to spread it have attracted the attention of modern scientists in the field of psychology, however, many issues related to the phenomenon of procrastination are now controversial and require studying deeply and detailed analysis of this phenomenon. There is a hypothesis that people with a high level of procrastination have well-developed creative thinking, which gives people the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way and to adapt quickly to situations. Procrastination is considered by us as a psychological pattern of behavior, characterized by irrational postponement by the subject of planned actions or decision-making, which is accompanied by negative emotional experiences. Procrastination, like creativity, does not have a clear definition, so we considered it from the point of view of various concepts, which agree that, first, procrastination is associated with unresolved internal conflicts, traumas; secondly, with emotional states, irrational approach and infantilism. These factors correlate well with the concept of creativity, because all creative people are full of contradictions. An analysis of the literature has shown that procrastination affects creative activity, and therefore it can be assumed that people with a higher level of procrastination have a higher level of creativity. After studying the theoretical data of procrastination, creative thinking and their relationship, we formed a sample of 68 people, conducted an empirical study, selected diagnostic material to establish the level of procrastination and creative thinking in students, as well as to determine the impact on the level of creative thinking depending on the level of personality procrastination. We used the following methods: K. Leigh's scale of general procrastination, Takmen's procrastination scale, E. Tunic's self-assessment questionnaire of creative personality characteristics, F. Williams' test of creative (divergent) thinking. Using analysis of variance and linear correlation, we found that the level of procrastination affects the level of creative thinking, so people with a higher level of procrastination are more prone to creativity and creativity in solving problems or tasks. Thus, we have established the following pattern: students with a high level of procrastination are characterized by such factors as risk appetite and fantasizing; low-level students are more likely to choose factors such as curiosity and task complexity; and students with an average level of procrastination are equally likely to use all factors.
прокрастинація, творче мислення, творча діяльність, креативність, procrastination, creative thinking, creative activity, creativity
Рум’янцева К. Є. Взаємозв’язок прокрастинації та творчого мислення / К. Є. Рум’янцева, П. Ю. Рум’янцева // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2020. – Випуск 63. – С. 209-214