Розвиток хорових засад Миколи Леонтовича та Родіона Скалецького в творчості Василя Ткаченка

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Сізова, Н. С.
Сизова, Н. С.
Sizova, N. S.

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У статті досліджено хорову творчість вінницького композитора другої половини ХХ століття Василя Ткаченка (1930 – 2009). Розглянуті особливості творчого методу, загальні тенденції хорової творчості, враховуючи досягнення композиторів попередників – М.Леонтовича та Р.Скалецького. Охарактеризовано основні напрямки, жанрові особливості доробку композитора протягом всього творчого шляху.
В статье исследовано хоровое творчество винницкого композитора второй половины ХХ века Василия Ткаченка (1930 - 2009). Рассмотрены особенности творческого метода, общие тенденции хорового творчества, учитывая достижения композиторов предшественников – Н.Леонтовича и Р.Скалецкого. Охарактеризированны основные направления, жанровые особенности наследия композитора на протяжении всего творческого пути.
The article explores the choral works of Vinnitsa composer of second half of XX century (1930 – 2009). The feature of creative method, general tendencies of choral creations are considered in the article, taking into account the general tendencies of choral creation achievements of composers predecessors M. Leontovich and R. Skaletsky. Basic directions and genre features of composer’s work during all his creative way are described in the article. Vinnitsa composer Vasyl Tkachenko applied to different genres of choral music during his creative way. Composer gives large attention to such genres as a cantata, choral ballad, choral poem and choral miniature. He addresses to creative acquisition of composer`s processors – Mykola Leontovich and Rodion Skalezky, who are connected with V. Tkachenko with general lines of creation so that foregoing composers also created on the expanses of Vinnitsa area. The composer`s creative method is considered in this article on an example of his works. So in his works the composer addresses to Ukrainian poets such as N.Voronuk, M.Studetsky, O.Dovgiy, A Bortnyak and others. Melodious lines in his works are mostly closed to the old Ukrainian traditional melodies and have something in common with the genre of thought. But the harmonic language of composer has more modern character, he used brave key changes of al'teracii. The most of his works have polyphonic stile. Especially important for the composer – author of choral works is a transmission of appearances, experiencing, through the deep feeling of word and ability to combine text with music. Exactly this principle of works picks out the composer among his contemporaries. The feature of creative method of V.Tkachenko is opening in music the internal sense of poetic words, dynamics in development of subject and appearances, thees are his basic tasks in music. Given creative principle is traced in the example of composer`s cantatas, which occupy one of the most essential places in his work. Close connection with a folk song, using and working on it`s intonation turns, considerable role of instrumental accompaniment, fresh harmonic constructions, the reservation of classic forms – are those constituents which allow to define the cantatas of podilsk author V.Tkachenko as a worthy follower of Ukrainian traditions in cantata writing.


Василь Ткаченко. Композитор. Леонтович. Скалецький.


хорова творчість, кантата, дума, хоровое творчество, кантата, дума, choral work, cantata, thought


Сізова Н. Розвиток хорових засад Миколи Леонтовича та Родіона Скалецького у творчості Василя Ткаченка / Н. Сізова // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: Мистецтвознавство. №1. – Тернопіль, 2015.– С. 99 – 105.



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