Основні підходи до поняття самооцінки: класичні зарубіжні теорії

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Лебедєва, Н. А.
Лебедева, Н. А.
Lebedieva, N. A.

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Вінниця ВДПУ


У статті здійснено огляд праць зарубіжних авторів у контексті поняття самооцінки як значущої характеристики особистості. Ці напрацювання були першими та стали основою для подальших пошуків у галузі психології, педагогіки та соціології.
В статье сделан обзор работ зарубежных авторов в контексте понятия самооценки как значимой характеристики личности. Эти наработки были первыми и стали основой для дальнейших поисков в области психологии, педагогики и социологии.
The article reviews the works of foreign authors in the context of the self-esteem concept as a significant characteristic of personality. These developments were the first and became the basis for further research in the field of psychology, pedagogy and sociology. The theoretical work on the notion of self-evaluation began a century ago from the works of James and Cooly, whose theories have had an impact on research in this direction. These authors were the first theoreticians of the field of psychology, who asked the question «What is» I? «In their studies, they tried to explain the importance of its existence, level of consciousness, place in personal and social processes and development. These developments have become the basis of the theory of self-esteem. As for psychoanalytic and psychodynamic theories, Adler, Sullivan and Horney, who were under the influence of Freud and psychoanalysis, discussed concepts of self-esteem from the point of view of psychodynamics. Common in all psychodynamic perspectives, including unconscious, subconscious and conscious processes inside Freud himself. The purpose of the article is to consider the main approaches to the concept of self-esteem in the works of foreign authors: psychologists, psychoanalysts, sociologists. The importance of self-esteem can be seen from several points of view. First of all, it is important for normal psychological development. You need to believe in yourself in terms of the ability to achieve the goal. As a result, you can adequately cope with the problems of everyday life. Without belief in oneself, a person can be productive in the general sense, but it will probably be less effective and creative than having a high self-esteem. Students need special attention in this context. It is during this period that a person is formed. An inappropriate level of self-esteem can be a source of many problems associated with acute experiences, with the consequences of which are often stress and frustration.


Іноземні мови


теорії самооцінки, саморефлексія, Я-концепція, цінність, характер, потреби, теории самооценки, саморефлексия, Я-концепция, ценность, потребности, self-esteem theory, self-reflection, I-concept, value, character, needs


Лебедєва Н. А. Основні підходи до поняття самооцінки: класичні зарубіжні теорії/ Н. А. Лебедєва // Наукові записки ВДПУ ім. М. Коцюбинського Серія: Педагогіка і психологія. № 53. – 2018. – С. 233-237.



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