Застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі навчання вищої математики у технічних ЗВО.
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У статті розкрито зміст інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, які більшість ЗВО для забезпечення належної якості вищої освіти почали активно використовувати в освітньому процесі. Для вивчення проблеми реалізації ІКТ в освітньому процесі проаналізовано дефінітивну основу дослідження. Визначено структурні елементи ІКТ, завдання яких виконувати певні функції освітнього процесу. Виокремлено знання та вміння, якими мають володіти викладачі щодо організації роботи в телекомунікаційному середовищі. Презентовано систему JetIQ, яка є власною локальною мережею ВНТУ, що забезпечує доступ до всіх ресурсів закладу, а також до глобальної мережі, і в свою чергу, є однією із найважливіших передумов впровадження ІКТ в освітній процес. Наведено результати анкетування студентів Вінницького національного технічного університету факультету інформаційних технологій та комп’ютерної інженерії щодо виявлення мотивів застосування ІКТ в освітньому процесі (на прикладі вивчення вищої математики).
The study analyzes the information and communication technologies of education, which during the pandemic require active use in the education process of free economic education and continuous improvement. The purpose of the article is to characterize the implementation of ICT in the education process and to investigate the motivation of students to use ICT in the study of higher mathematics. The main views of domestic and foreign scientists on the definition of "information and communication technologies" are analyzed. Summarizing the above views on the concept of "ICT", the authors propose to consider ICT in the context of higher mathematics as a technology that combines the best visual and accessible learning tools that provide a multilevel approach to training of future engineers, transforms the structure and content of higher mathematics in order to develop the search and information skills of future engineers and promotes the organization of their own research activities. To study the problem of ICT implementation in the education process, the definitive basis of the study is analyzed. The structural elements of ICT are determined, the task of which is to perform certain functions of the education process. The knowledge and skills that teachers must have to organize work in the telecommunications environment are highlighted. The JetIQ system was presented, which is VNTU's own local network, which provides access to all resources of the institution, as well as to the global network, and in turn, is one of the most important prerequisites for the introduction of ICT in the education process. Teachers of higher mathematics with the help of the JetIQ system create the necessary educational environment that allows the student to fully master the program of higher mathematics. It was found that the effectiveness of learning with the involvement of ICT depends on many factors such as the organization of the education process, the quality of teaching materials, skills of the teacher and especially his ability to motivate students to study their discipline and form the necessary competencies. Therefore, it is worth considering the emergence of students' positive motives for the use of ICT in the education process. The results of the survey of students of Vinnytsia National Technical University, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering on the identification of motives for the use of ICT in the education process (on the example of studying higher mathematics) are presented.
The study analyzes the information and communication technologies of education, which during the pandemic require active use in the education process of free economic education and continuous improvement. The purpose of the article is to characterize the implementation of ICT in the education process and to investigate the motivation of students to use ICT in the study of higher mathematics. The main views of domestic and foreign scientists on the definition of "information and communication technologies" are analyzed. Summarizing the above views on the concept of "ICT", the authors propose to consider ICT in the context of higher mathematics as a technology that combines the best visual and accessible learning tools that provide a multilevel approach to training of future engineers, transforms the structure and content of higher mathematics in order to develop the search and information skills of future engineers and promotes the organization of their own research activities. To study the problem of ICT implementation in the education process, the definitive basis of the study is analyzed. The structural elements of ICT are determined, the task of which is to perform certain functions of the education process. The knowledge and skills that teachers must have to organize work in the telecommunications environment are highlighted. The JetIQ system was presented, which is VNTU's own local network, which provides access to all resources of the institution, as well as to the global network, and in turn, is one of the most important prerequisites for the introduction of ICT in the education process. Teachers of higher mathematics with the help of the JetIQ system create the necessary educational environment that allows the student to fully master the program of higher mathematics. It was found that the effectiveness of learning with the involvement of ICT depends on many factors such as the organization of the education process, the quality of teaching materials, skills of the teacher and especially his ability to motivate students to study their discipline and form the necessary competencies. Therefore, it is worth considering the emergence of students' positive motives for the use of ICT in the education process. The results of the survey of students of Vinnytsia National Technical University, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering on the identification of motives for the use of ICT in the education process (on the example of studying higher mathematics) are presented.
Педагогіка. Дидактика.
вища математика, дистанційне навчання, змішане навчання, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, мотивація, higher mathematics, distance learning, blended learning, information and communication technologies, motivation
Хом’юк І. Застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі навчання вищої математики у технічних ЗВО. / І. Хом’юк, С. Кирилащук, В. Хом’юк // Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : збірник наукових праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського; ред. кол.: А. М. Коломієць, В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова, В. М. Галузяк, Н. І. Лазаренко та ін.. – 2022. – Випуск 69. – С. 38-45.