Особливості професійної підготовки майбутніх судноводіїв у Плімутському університеті (Велика Британія)
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Вінниця : Твори
У статті розглянуто особливості професійної підготовки майбутніх судноводіїв в одному з морських навчальних закладів Великої Британії – Плімутському університеті, відомому у світі рівнем підготовки фахівців, зокрема судноводіїв. Автор звернув увагу на організацію як навчальної роботи, зазначаючи і основні модулі за курсами, і кількість відведених на їх вивчення кредитів, так і практичної діяльності студентів Плімутського університету. Значну увагу зосереджено на технічному забезпеченні навчального процесу. Коротка характеристика симуляторів та тренажерів морського центру дала уявлення про матеріально-технічну базу університету, що безпосередньо впливає на якість підготовки майбутніх фахівців морської справи.
The importance of transporting people and goods by sea increases day in and day out. At the same time, the number of breakdowns and accidents on the water is also growing. Based on this, it is obvious that there is an extreme need for quality training of specialists in maritime affairs, in particular, navigators. Studying the experience of the training of navigators in different educational institutions contributes to improving the quality of maritime education. The author of the article analyzes the process of getting future navigators ready for the performance of their professional duties in one of the UK maritime educational institutions – Plymouth University, known all over the world for the level of training of specialists, in particular, navigators. The article gives a brief description of the structure of the university, with a more detailed description of the organization of the educational process at the faculty, where the training of navigators is held. The author considers the peculiarities of the organization of both educational works, noting the main modules of the courses, and the number of credits allocated for their study, and the practical activities of students of Plymouth University, paying attention to the technical support of the educational process. A brief description of the simulators and training equipment of the university’s Marine center gives an idea of the material and technical basis of the university, which directly affects the quality of training of future specialists in maritime affairs. The article presents a brief description of a world-class maritime simulator, which gives the possibility to create a highly accurate visual image, on the basis of which future navigators can improve their skills using the same devices, equipment and systems that are then used in real-world conditions at sea. One of the positive features of Plymouth University is that it provides an opportunity for international students from many countries to study. Preparatory courses, assistance in learning English, comfortable living conditions, study and practical classes make Plymouth University attractive for those wishing to get a maritime education. The author concludes that there is a good prospect of further training of maritime specialists at Plymouth University. This is facilitated by the traditions that exist in it, the material and technical equipment, qualified teachers and instructors.
The importance of transporting people and goods by sea increases day in and day out. At the same time, the number of breakdowns and accidents on the water is also growing. Based on this, it is obvious that there is an extreme need for quality training of specialists in maritime affairs, in particular, navigators. Studying the experience of the training of navigators in different educational institutions contributes to improving the quality of maritime education. The author of the article analyzes the process of getting future navigators ready for the performance of their professional duties in one of the UK maritime educational institutions – Plymouth University, known all over the world for the level of training of specialists, in particular, navigators. The article gives a brief description of the structure of the university, with a more detailed description of the organization of the educational process at the faculty, where the training of navigators is held. The author considers the peculiarities of the organization of both educational works, noting the main modules of the courses, and the number of credits allocated for their study, and the practical activities of students of Plymouth University, paying attention to the technical support of the educational process. A brief description of the simulators and training equipment of the university’s Marine center gives an idea of the material and technical basis of the university, which directly affects the quality of training of future specialists in maritime affairs. The article presents a brief description of a world-class maritime simulator, which gives the possibility to create a highly accurate visual image, on the basis of which future navigators can improve their skills using the same devices, equipment and systems that are then used in real-world conditions at sea. One of the positive features of Plymouth University is that it provides an opportunity for international students from many countries to study. Preparatory courses, assistance in learning English, comfortable living conditions, study and practical classes make Plymouth University attractive for those wishing to get a maritime education. The author concludes that there is a good prospect of further training of maritime specialists at Plymouth University. This is facilitated by the traditions that exist in it, the material and technical equipment, qualified teachers and instructors.
Освіта. Порівняльна педагогіка. Професійна підготовка майбутніх судноводіїв. Велика Британія
майбутні судноводії, морський навчальний заклад, модулі, кредити, практична підготовка, симулятори, тренажери, future navigators, maritime educational establishment, modules, credits, practical training, simulators, training equipment
Даниленко О. Б. Особливості професійної підготовки майбутніх судноводіїв у Плімутському університеті (Велика Британія) / О. Б. Даниленко // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / ред. кол.: А. М. Коломієць, В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова та ін. ; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2019. – Вип. 59. – С. 129-135