Методичні аспекти використання інтерактивного методу дискусії на заняттях із української мови як іноземної у вищій медичній школі
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Вінниця : Твори
У статті розглянуто методику проведення дискусії у процесі навчання української мови як іноземної у вищій медичній школі, зокрема описано техніки і способи проведення дискусії, оптимальні для навчального процесу з іноземними студентами, виокремлено основні етапи проведення дискусії та методичні особливості їх підготовки. Дослідження ґрунтується на використанні комплексу методів: описового, методу опитування та педагогічного спостереження. З’ясовано принципову відмінність між використанням цього методу навчання на заняттях із української мови як іноземної, доведено, що інтерактивний метод дискусії допомагає в підвищенні рівня мотивації іноземного студента, сприяє формуванню навичок усного мовлення в конфліктній ситуації «за – проти», розвиває вміння формулювати власну думку, наводити аргументи і спростовувати твердження суперників, виховує толерантність до позиції опонентів.
Various methodological aspects of conduction a discussion are considered in the article in the process of studying of Ukrainian language as foreign one, in particular, techniques and methods of conduction a discussion are described, which are optimal for educational process with foreign students. Aim of investigation is to define optimal techniques and topics of discussion for work with foreign students, to distinguish main stages of conduction a discussion and methodological peculiarities of preparation of each stage. The investigation is based on application of the complex of such methods as: descriptive, method of interrogation and pedagogical observation. It has been defined, that the main task of a teacher is combination of democracy of communicative process and compliance of clearly established rules and ethical standards of scientific dispute in the process of discussion organization with students-foreigners at Ukrainian language lessons, as well as creation of favorable psychological microclimate of a group, to prevent displays of conflict situations, personal abuses, intolerance or religious impatience. Principled difference has been defined between application of this method of education at Ukrainian language as foreign one lessons, because if a teacher and students are common language speakers, then first of all, the aim of such discussion is to fully analyze posed problem or dilemma, but if the discussion is conducted at foreign language lesson, then urgent task of this method is development of oral language skills, namely, both formal and contents components are in priority. It has been proved, that interactive method of discussion helps in increasing of the level of motivation of foreign students, as their level of motivation very often gradually falls in studying of Ukrainian language after the time when they have mastered the level of Ukrainian language that is sufficient for everyday communication. Discussion as interactive method of education at Ukrainian language as foreign one lessons promotes the formation of oral language skills at «for – against» conflict situation, develops ability to form own opinion, set arguments and disprove claims of opponents, brings up tolerance towards opponents’ opinions, at the same time, conduction a discussion requires continuous preparatory stage, appropriate lingual level of students’ preparation, as well as high professional mastery and appropriate level of methodological competence of a teacher.
Various methodological aspects of conduction a discussion are considered in the article in the process of studying of Ukrainian language as foreign one, in particular, techniques and methods of conduction a discussion are described, which are optimal for educational process with foreign students. Aim of investigation is to define optimal techniques and topics of discussion for work with foreign students, to distinguish main stages of conduction a discussion and methodological peculiarities of preparation of each stage. The investigation is based on application of the complex of such methods as: descriptive, method of interrogation and pedagogical observation. It has been defined, that the main task of a teacher is combination of democracy of communicative process and compliance of clearly established rules and ethical standards of scientific dispute in the process of discussion organization with students-foreigners at Ukrainian language lessons, as well as creation of favorable psychological microclimate of a group, to prevent displays of conflict situations, personal abuses, intolerance or religious impatience. Principled difference has been defined between application of this method of education at Ukrainian language as foreign one lessons, because if a teacher and students are common language speakers, then first of all, the aim of such discussion is to fully analyze posed problem or dilemma, but if the discussion is conducted at foreign language lesson, then urgent task of this method is development of oral language skills, namely, both formal and contents components are in priority. It has been proved, that interactive method of discussion helps in increasing of the level of motivation of foreign students, as their level of motivation very often gradually falls in studying of Ukrainian language after the time when they have mastered the level of Ukrainian language that is sufficient for everyday communication. Discussion as interactive method of education at Ukrainian language as foreign one lessons promotes the formation of oral language skills at «for – against» conflict situation, develops ability to form own opinion, set arguments and disprove claims of opponents, brings up tolerance towards opponents’ opinions, at the same time, conduction a discussion requires continuous preparatory stage, appropriate lingual level of students’ preparation, as well as high professional mastery and appropriate level of methodological competence of a teacher.
Педагогіка. Дидактика. Українська мова. Методи навчання. Дискусія. Студенти-іноземці
дискусія, техніка дискусії, способи дискусії, комунікативна компетентність, суперечка, конфліктна ситуація, українська мова як іноземна, мотивація студента-іноземця, discussion, discussion technique, methods of discussion, communicative competence, dispute, conflict situation, Ukrainian language as foreign one, motivation of a student-foreigner
Цуркан М. В. Методичні аспекти використання інтерактивного методу дискусії на заняттях із української мови як іноземної у вищій медичній школі / М. В. Цуркан // Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / ред. кол.: В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова, В. І. Бондар та ін.; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2018. – Вип. 56. – С. 44-49