Формування професійної готовності майбутніх учителів музики у педагогічних коледжах до худжожньо-творчої діяльності
Гаврилюк, Оксана Анатоліївна
Гаврилюк, О. А.
Havryliuk, O. A.
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Вінниця. ВДПУ
У дисертації теоретично й експериментально досліджено проблему
формування професійної готовності майбутніх учителів музики у
педагогічних коледжах до художньо-творчої діяльності. Конкретизовано
поняття «готовність майбутнього вчителя музики до художньо-творчої
діяльності». Обґрунтовано структурні компоненти (мотиваційно-
пізнавальний, творчо-діяльнісний, операційно-технологічний), критерії,
показники та рівні професійної готовності майбутніх учителів музики до
художньо-творчої діяльності.
Розроблено та охарактеризовано відповідні педагогічні умови та
модель формування професійної готовності майбутнього вчителя музики до
художньо-творчої діяльності (формування мотиваційної готовності
майбутніх учителів музики до художньо-творчої діяльності; оволодіння
студентами професійно-творчими вміннями та навичками шляхом залучення
до активної творчої діяльності; спрямування студентів до здійснення
самостійних художньо-творчих проектів).
Розроблено та експериментально перевірено методику реалізації
педагогічних умов формування професійної готовності майбутніх учителів
музики до художньо-творчої діяльності; розроблено та впроваджено в
освітній процес педагогічних коледжів методичний посібник «Методика
організації художньо-творчої діяльності майбутніх учителів музичного
В диссертации теоретически и экспериментально исследована проблема формирования профессиональной готовности будущих учителей музыки в педагогических колледжах к художественно-творческой деятельности. Конкретизировано понятие «готовность будущего учителя музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности». Обоснованы структурные компоненты (мотивационно-познавательный, творческо- деятельностный, операционно-технологический), критерии, показатели и уровни профессиональной готовности будущих учителей музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности. Разработаны и охарактеризованы соответствующие педагогические условия и модель формирования профессиональной готовности будущего учителя музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности (формирование мотивационной готовности будущих учителей музыки к художественно- творческой деятельности; овладению студентами профессионально- творческими умениями и навыками путем их привлечения к активной творческой деятельности; направление студентов к осуществлению самостоятельных художественно-творческих проектов). Разработано и экспериментально проверено методику реализации педагогических условий формирования профессиональной готовности будущих учителей музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности; разработаны и внедрены в образовательный процесс педагогических колледжей методическое пособие «Методика организации художественно- творческой деятельности будущих учителей музыкального искусства»
The problem of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity in pedagogical colleges is theoretically and experimentally explored in the dissertation. The relevance of the problem is intensified by the present-day requirements for the personality of a music teacher, according to the National Strategy of the Education Development in Ukraine, recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, as well as the «New Ukrainian School» key reform, which necessitate revision of the content, forms, methods, creation of the necessary conditions for the formation of professional readiness of future specialists who can organize different types of artistic activities and deploy creative activities for self- realization in the activity under investigation. The notions of «creative activity», «artistic activity», «artistic creativity», «readiness for activity», «professional readiness», «artistic and creative activity of the future music teacher» have been specified. The authors have analyzed the structure, developed and justified the usage of different approaches to the artistic and creative activity of the future music teacher: cognitive-research work in the field of varieties of arts; interpretation of works of art, creating works and representing them; independent methodological and practical work in creative projects organization. It has been proved that artistic and creative activity of future music art specialists is predetermined by the purposeful development of a person’s needs, interests, motives, creative orientation and is characterized by the availability of content (synthesis of special professional knowledge on psychological and pedagogical, musical-theoretical, methodological disciplines) and operational constituents (the availability of professional and creative skills, mastering the means, forms, methods of organization of the specified activity). The structural components (motivationally-cognitive, creative-active, operational and technological), criteria, indices and levels of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity have been justified. The outlined components and criteria let us define formation of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity as a difficult integrative process directed towards the development of the integral complex of professional and creative skills (musically-performing, scenic-artistic, and organizationally-constructive). The authors designed and characterized the appropriate pedagogical conditions and the model of formation of future music teachers’ readiness to artistic and creative activity (formation of the motivational readiness of future music teachers for artistic and creative activity; mastery of students professional- creative skills and skills by engaging in active creative activity; directing students to the implementation of artistic and creative projects). The methodological support for the suggested model of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity has been elaborated and methodologically proved; the methodological manual «The methodology of the artistic and creative activity organization of the future music teachers» has been developed and implemented in the educational process of pedagogical colleges. Three educational and organizational blocks of forming readiness of music teachers for artistic and creative activity have been developed: motivationally- informational, creatively-active, and creatively-procedural. The first stage (motivationally-informational) was associated with the formation of students’ positive motivation for the future professional activity and interest in organizing artistic and creative activities. The second stage (creatively- active) was aimed at the formation of skills of music performing and stage-artistic activity, activation of creative potential, involvement of students in the artistic values of world culture, formation of reflexive skills of future specialists through the use of creative tasks, exercises, trainings and active participation in various forms of artistic and creative activity. The third stage (creatively-procedural) was connected with the formation of organizational, communicative, artistic and constructive skills (scripting, directing of artistic and creative activities) and focused on the development of students’ capability of independent active artistic and creative activity, as well as the formation of interest in the development of integrated methods of organizing a wide range of artistic and creative activities in future professional work. We have found out that the developed method of purposeful formation of the professional readiness of future music teachers to artistic and creative activity will positively influence the process of forming the professional readiness of future music teachers and depends on the awareness of their own creative work
В диссертации теоретически и экспериментально исследована проблема формирования профессиональной готовности будущих учителей музыки в педагогических колледжах к художественно-творческой деятельности. Конкретизировано понятие «готовность будущего учителя музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности». Обоснованы структурные компоненты (мотивационно-познавательный, творческо- деятельностный, операционно-технологический), критерии, показатели и уровни профессиональной готовности будущих учителей музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности. Разработаны и охарактеризованы соответствующие педагогические условия и модель формирования профессиональной готовности будущего учителя музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности (формирование мотивационной готовности будущих учителей музыки к художественно- творческой деятельности; овладению студентами профессионально- творческими умениями и навыками путем их привлечения к активной творческой деятельности; направление студентов к осуществлению самостоятельных художественно-творческих проектов). Разработано и экспериментально проверено методику реализации педагогических условий формирования профессиональной готовности будущих учителей музыки к художественно-творческой деятельности; разработаны и внедрены в образовательный процесс педагогических колледжей методическое пособие «Методика организации художественно- творческой деятельности будущих учителей музыкального искусства»
The problem of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity in pedagogical colleges is theoretically and experimentally explored in the dissertation. The relevance of the problem is intensified by the present-day requirements for the personality of a music teacher, according to the National Strategy of the Education Development in Ukraine, recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, as well as the «New Ukrainian School» key reform, which necessitate revision of the content, forms, methods, creation of the necessary conditions for the formation of professional readiness of future specialists who can organize different types of artistic activities and deploy creative activities for self- realization in the activity under investigation. The notions of «creative activity», «artistic activity», «artistic creativity», «readiness for activity», «professional readiness», «artistic and creative activity of the future music teacher» have been specified. The authors have analyzed the structure, developed and justified the usage of different approaches to the artistic and creative activity of the future music teacher: cognitive-research work in the field of varieties of arts; interpretation of works of art, creating works and representing them; independent methodological and practical work in creative projects organization. It has been proved that artistic and creative activity of future music art specialists is predetermined by the purposeful development of a person’s needs, interests, motives, creative orientation and is characterized by the availability of content (synthesis of special professional knowledge on psychological and pedagogical, musical-theoretical, methodological disciplines) and operational constituents (the availability of professional and creative skills, mastering the means, forms, methods of organization of the specified activity). The structural components (motivationally-cognitive, creative-active, operational and technological), criteria, indices and levels of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity have been justified. The outlined components and criteria let us define formation of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity as a difficult integrative process directed towards the development of the integral complex of professional and creative skills (musically-performing, scenic-artistic, and organizationally-constructive). The authors designed and characterized the appropriate pedagogical conditions and the model of formation of future music teachers’ readiness to artistic and creative activity (formation of the motivational readiness of future music teachers for artistic and creative activity; mastery of students professional- creative skills and skills by engaging in active creative activity; directing students to the implementation of artistic and creative projects). The methodological support for the suggested model of future music teachers’ professional readiness to artistic and creative activity has been elaborated and methodologically proved; the methodological manual «The methodology of the artistic and creative activity organization of the future music teachers» has been developed and implemented in the educational process of pedagogical colleges. Three educational and organizational blocks of forming readiness of music teachers for artistic and creative activity have been developed: motivationally- informational, creatively-active, and creatively-procedural. The first stage (motivationally-informational) was associated with the formation of students’ positive motivation for the future professional activity and interest in organizing artistic and creative activities. The second stage (creatively- active) was aimed at the formation of skills of music performing and stage-artistic activity, activation of creative potential, involvement of students in the artistic values of world culture, formation of reflexive skills of future specialists through the use of creative tasks, exercises, trainings and active participation in various forms of artistic and creative activity. The third stage (creatively-procedural) was connected with the formation of organizational, communicative, artistic and constructive skills (scripting, directing of artistic and creative activities) and focused on the development of students’ capability of independent active artistic and creative activity, as well as the formation of interest in the development of integrated methods of organizing a wide range of artistic and creative activities in future professional work. We have found out that the developed method of purposeful formation of the professional readiness of future music teachers to artistic and creative activity will positively influence the process of forming the professional readiness of future music teachers and depends on the awareness of their own creative work
Теорія і методика підготовки вчителів. Музичне мистецтво. Педагогічні коледжі
готовність, професійна готовність, художньо-творча діяльність, майбутній учитель музики, педагогічний коледж, зміст і структура художньо-творчої діяльності, педагогічні умови, модель, методика, готовность, профессиональная готовность, будущий учитель музыки, художественно-творческая деятельность, педагогический колледж, содержание и структура художественно-творческой деятельности, педагогические условия, readiness, professional readiness, artistic and creative activity, future music teacher, pedagogical college, content and structure of artistic and creative activity, pedagogical conditions, model, methodology
Гаврилюк О. А. Формування професійної готовності майбутніх учителів музики у педагогічних коледжах до худжожньо-творчої діяльності : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти" / Гаврилюк Оксана Анатоліївна. – 2019 (дисертація та автореферат)