Емпіричне дослідження соціальної активності студентської молоді
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
У статті представлено результати емпіричного дослідження соціальної активності як якісної характеристики просоціальної спрямованості особистості, внутрішньо детермінованої її індивідуальними потребами, ціннісними орієнтаціями, вольовими характеристиками та особливостями, яке назовні проявляється у прагненні до перетворення соціуму і себе та відповідних діях (соціальній діяльності). На основі одержаних результатів встановлено залежність показників професійної самореалізації від чинників соціальної активності студентської молоді.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of social activity as a qualitative characteristic of professional self-realization of the individual, internally determined by his individual needs, values, volitional characteristics and characteristics, which is manifested in the desire to transform society and self and appropriate actions (social activities). It is noted that professional self-realization is considered in a broader context and includes social activity as one of the forms of success. It was found that professional self-realization of the individual requires an appropriate mode of activity, which is characterized by purposefulness, freedom, independence and occurs as needed, and social activity aims to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities through meaningful activities that transform attitudes toward objects of knowledge. The relationship between social activity and professional self-realization of student youth is revealed. It is proved that the higher the level of self-efficacy in the activity, the better developed the professional sphere and its value components, as well as the levels of internality. It was found that the level of self-efficacy in activity is inversely dependent on self-efficacy in interpersonal communication. There is a direct relationship between the level of predominance of the professional sphere and the types of subjective control. It is established that the predominance of life values in the professional sphere of life, in particular the predominance of a high level of creativity is explained by the desire of modern youth to modernize the work process and self-realization in the profession through their own activity as individuals. It is determined that student youth seeks to achieve concrete and tangible results in their professional activities, to achieve recognition in society, approval of their own work, but due to the fact that this is only the beginning of their professional self-realization, these social activities are developing. Based on the obtained results, the dependence of indicators of professional self-realization on the factors of social activity of student youth was established.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of social activity as a qualitative characteristic of professional self-realization of the individual, internally determined by his individual needs, values, volitional characteristics and characteristics, which is manifested in the desire to transform society and self and appropriate actions (social activities). It is noted that professional self-realization is considered in a broader context and includes social activity as one of the forms of success. It was found that professional self-realization of the individual requires an appropriate mode of activity, which is characterized by purposefulness, freedom, independence and occurs as needed, and social activity aims to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities through meaningful activities that transform attitudes toward objects of knowledge. The relationship between social activity and professional self-realization of student youth is revealed. It is proved that the higher the level of self-efficacy in the activity, the better developed the professional sphere and its value components, as well as the levels of internality. It was found that the level of self-efficacy in activity is inversely dependent on self-efficacy in interpersonal communication. There is a direct relationship between the level of predominance of the professional sphere and the types of subjective control. It is established that the predominance of life values in the professional sphere of life, in particular the predominance of a high level of creativity is explained by the desire of modern youth to modernize the work process and self-realization in the profession through their own activity as individuals. It is determined that student youth seeks to achieve concrete and tangible results in their professional activities, to achieve recognition in society, approval of their own work, but due to the fact that this is only the beginning of their professional self-realization, these social activities are developing. Based on the obtained results, the dependence of indicators of professional self-realization on the factors of social activity of student youth was established.
соціальна активність, професійна самореалізація, самоефективність, ціннісна сфера, студентська молодь, social activity, professional self-realization, self-efficacy, value sphere, student youth
Габа І. М. Емпіричне дослідження соціальної активності студентської молоді / І. М. Габа // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2020. – Випуск 64. – С. 147-152.