Розвиток логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи в процесі фахової підготовки
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
У сучасному технологічному суспільстві логічне мислення є важливою навичкою, яка впливає на багато аспектів життя людини. Ключовими аргументами, які підкреслюють важливість цієї навички є такі, що: логічне мислення допомагає людині аналізувати ситуації, визначати причини проблем і розробляти ефективні стратегії їх вирішення; дає змогу знайти оптимальні рішення в різних сферах життя, від особистих проблем до професійних завдань; дозволяє оцінювати альтернативи, аналізувати переваги і недоліки, розуміти наслідки своїх дій і обирати найбільш обдумані та відповідальні рішення; в епоху інформаційного перенасичення логічне мислення дозволяє відсіяти надмірну, недостовірну або приховану інформацію, роблячи наші знання більш об'єктивними та корисними; допомагає людині розуміти свої власні переконання, цінності та мотивації; стимулює саморефлексію і самоконтроль, що сприяє особистісному розвитку; дозволяє ефективно аналізувати ситуації в міжособистісних відносинах, розуміти погляди і почуття інших людей, сприяючи спільному розумінню та співпраці; є важливими для активної участі в суспільних процесах і прийняття обґрунтованих громадянських рішень. Загалом, логічне мислення допомагає розвивати раціональність, аналіз, творчість і обґрунтованість в житті й професійній діяльності. Цей спосіб мислення сприяє розвитку інтелекту та покращує якість прийнятих рішень, що робить його важливим для кожної людини, незалежно від її професійної сфери та віку. Освіта нині вимагає від учителів надзвичайних зусиль, вмінь і навичок. Логічне мислення є ключовим для досягнення успіху в освітньому процесі. У педагогічній діяльності логічне мислення відіграє надзвичайно важливу роль, адже вчителі постійно зіштовхуються з великою кількістю інформації, включаючи підручники, статті, додаткові матеріали, інтернет- ресурси та інше. Логічне мислення допомагає відсіяти надмірну, недостовірну або неактуальну інформацію та вибрати те, що справді корисне для здійснення і забезпечення освітнього процесу. Учні часто зіштовхуються з різними проблемами і завданнями, і вчителі повинні бути здатними допомагати їм знаходити рішення. Логічне мислення дозволяє аналізувати ситуації, виявляти причини проблем і працювати над ефективними стратегіями їх вирішення. Вчителі не лише сприймають і використовують інформацію, а й мають виховувати критично мислячих громадян. Показуючи приклад і відпрацьовуючи цей спосіб мислення в собі, вони можуть передавати його і своїм учням. Логічне мислення допомагає вчителям бути більш ефективними в процесі навчання і вдосконаленні своїх методик, адже воно стимулює досліджувати нові підходи, аналізувати результати своєї роботи та вдосконалювати їх. Розвиток логічного мислення майбутнього вчителя початкової школи тому є актуальним питанням у галузі педагогічних досліджень. Підготовка учителів початкової школи завжди була предметом підвищеної уваги вітчизняних науковців. Різні її аспекти відображені у низці досліджень. Запропоновані науковцями підходи до підвищення ефективності формування професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів не повною мірою враховують специфіку освітньої діяльності у початковій школі та особливості їхньої фахової підготовки, зокрема необхідність у розвинутому логічному мисленні. Швидкі зміни змісту освітніх програм, навчальних предметів, засобів навчання і способів комунікації, володіння здобувачами освіти сучасними цифровими технологіями та активними методами навчання, здатність проектувати і прогнозувати роботу молодших школярів, розвивати їх здібності, необхідні для успішного оволодіння навчальною інформацією, осмислення і критичного аналізу різноманітної інформації тощо. За результатами аналізу наукових праць встановлено, що логічне мислення – це тип мислення, суть якого полягає в оперуванні поняттями, пропозиціями, висновками на базі законів логіки, їх порівнянні та співвіднесенні з діями іншого набору ідей. Інакше кажучи, комплекс розумних логічних дій або операцій мислення, пов'язаних причинно-наслідковими закономірностями, що дозволяють пов'язати наявні знання з метою пізнання реальності. Розвиток логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи є інтегративною особистісною потребою – професійною необхідністю і здатністю до створення умов, що ведуть до успішних та динамічних змін індивідуальних особливостей особистості у творчому оволодінні логічними процесами. Розвиток логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи ми розглядаємо як стійку характеристику особистості, що визначається єдністю критеріїв: мотиваційного, когнітивного, діяльнісного. Мотиваційний критерій розкривають такі показники: професійна спрямованість на розвиток логічного мислення; мотивація на самовдосконалення в методичній діяльності. Показниками когнітивного критерію логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи є: повнота теоретичних знань логічної складової планування організації освітньої діяльності у початковій школі; обізнаність з методикою розвитку математичної компетентності учнів на уроках. Показниками діяльнісного критерію розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи є: уміння використовувати теоретичні знання на практиці; здатність розвивати логічну складову математичної компетентності учнів; здатність генерувати нові ідеї, спрямовані на удосконалення навчання, виховання і розвитку учнів початкової школи. У сучасній педагогіці виокремлюють комплекс активних методів навчання, що містить сукупність форм і методів активного навчання (метод проектів, моделювання ситуацій, рольові та ділові ігри, проведення «круглих столів», мозковий штурм, кейс-метод тощо), орієнтованих на особистість здобувача освіти, на його активну участь у саморозвитку, одержанні якісних знань, умінь, творче розв’язання конкретних проблем. Робота майбутнього вчителя початкової школи над проектуванням діяльності учнів у навчальному телекомунікаційному проекті вимагає комплексного аналізу навчального матеріалу, прогнозування роботи учнів, врахування їхніх індивідуальних здібностей у навчанні, творчій діяльності тощо. Все потребує активної мисленнєвої діяльності, що сприяє розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Одним із методів активного навчання, що виокремлений у наукових публікаціях, це ігрове моделювання, яке науковцями та педагогами- практиками трактується як педагогічна технологія, що сприяє досягненню різних освітніх цілей. Ігрове моделювання конче необхідне в системі початкової освіти, оскільки гра є основою будь-якої діяльності дитини на уроках в початковій школі. Організація самостійної роботи майбутніх учителів початкової школи під час вивчення навчальних дисциплін професійної підготовки та вибіркових освітніх компонент здійснюється відповідно до робочих навчальних програм і може бути реалізована у вигляді опрацювання додаткових матеріалів, підготовки рефератів, дослідницьких, пошукових робіт чи виконання освітніх проєктів. Кожен із цих видів діяльності, особливо у випадку здійснення освітнього процесу у змішаному форматі, оснований на роботі з цифровими технологіями, значне місце серед яких займають вебтехнології та інформаційно-комунікаційні технології. Науково-дослідна діяльність є невід’ємною складовою підготовки майбутнього вчителя початкової школи. Вона об’єднує в собі три елементи: робота над науковим дослідженням за визначеною темою у співпраці з науковим керівником; засвоєння методики організації науково-дослідної роботи; написання і захист курсових робіт. Використання завдань для розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи є важливою складовою професійної підготовки педагогів. Цей підхід сприяє розвитку навичок (soft skills), які є необхідними для виконання сучасних вимог освіти та підготовки учнів початкових класів до життя в інформаційному суспільстві. Дослідження та розвиток методів навчання логічного мислення у майбутніх учителів початкової школи може сприяти покращенню якості освіти та розвитку учнівських навичок. Завдання, спрямовані на розвиток логічного мислення, можуть бути включені в навчальні програми для майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Такі завдання вимагають від студентів розв'язування проблем, аналізу ситуацій, та використання логіки для прийняття рішень. Запропонована модель розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у процесі фахової підготовки поєднує усі етапи їхньої фахової підготовки, дозволяє поєднати і дослідити усі фактори, що впливають на підвищення рівня розвитку логічного мислення. Наукова новизна одержаних результатів полягає в тому, що вперше: – обґрунтовано педагогічні умови розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці (застосування методів активного навчання та ігрового моделювання у фаховій підготовці майбутніх учителів початкової школи; організація самостійної діяльності майбутніх учителів початкової школи для розвитку їхнього логічного мислення; використання завдань для розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів у процесі фахової підготовки); – створено модель розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у процесі фахової підготовки, що визначає теоретичну базу для застосування педагогічних умов; – розроблено методичний супровід розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці; – уточнено сутність, структуру, критерії (мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісний), показники та рівні розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці; – подальшого розвитку набули положення щодо етапів, форм і методів розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці. Практичне значення одержаних результатів полягає у: впровадженні в практику професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи педагогічних умов і моделі розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці; методичних і дидактичних матеріалів для формування навичок планування і організації активних методів навчання у вигляді освітніх проєктів та навчальних ігор, що можуть бути використані з метою розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці; укладанні методичних рекомендацій щодо розвитку логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи у фаховій підготовці. Матеріали дисертації використовувалися у професійній підготовці майбутніх учителів початкової школи у закладах вищої та фахової передвищої педагогічної освіти з метою вдосконалення аудиторних занять, самостійної роботи, навчальних і виробничих практик; під час розроблення та модернізації освітньо-професійних програм.
In modern technological society, critical thinking is an important skill that influences many aspects of a person's life. Key arguments emphasizing the importance of this skill include the following: critical thinking helps individuals analyze situations, identify the root causes of problems, and develop effective strategies for solving them; it enables one to find optimal solutions in various areas of life, from personal issues to professional tasks; it allows for evaluating alternatives, analyzing advantages and disadvantages, understanding the consequences of one's actions, and making well-considered and responsible decisions; in the age of information overload, critical thinking enables individuals to sift through excessive, unreliable, or hidden information, making our knowledge more objective and useful; it helps people understand their own beliefs, values, and motivations; it stimulates self-reflection and self-control, contributing to personal development; it allows for effectively analyzing situations in interpersonal relationships, understanding the views and feelings of others, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation; it is crucial for active participation in social processes and making informed civic decisions. Overall, critical thinking helps develop rationality, analysis, creativity, and sound reasoning in both personal and professional life. This skill promotes intellectual growth and enhances the quality of decisions made, making it important for every individual, regardless of their professional field or age. In times when education demands extraordinary effort, skills, and abilities from teachers, critical thinking becomes a crucial skill for achieving success in the educational process and the upbringing of the younger generation. In pedagogical activities, logical thinking plays an extremely important role because teachers constantly encounter a large amount of information, including textbooks, articles, supplementary materials, internet resources, and more. Critical thinking helps sift through excessive, unreliable, or outdated information and choose what is truly useful for facilitating and ensuring the educational process. Students often face various problems and tasks, and teachers must be able to help them find solutions. Critical thinking allows the analysis of situations, identification of the root causes of problems, and the development of effective strategies for their resolution. Teachers should not only receive and use information but also cultivate critical- thinking citizens. By setting an example and honing this skill within themselves, they can pass it on to their students. Critical thinking helps teachers become more effective in the teaching process and in improving their teaching methods, as it encourages them to explore new approaches, analyze the results of their work, and enhance them. Therefore, developed critical thinking is an undeniable necessity for the modern teacher, as it helps them become more competent and effective in their professional activities, nurture critical-thinking citizens who can cope with the challenges of the contemporary world. Thus, the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is a relevant issue in the field of pedagogical research. The preparation of elementary school teachers has always been a subject of increased attention for domestic researchers, and various aspects of it have been reflected in numerous studies. However, the approaches proposed by researchers to enhance the formation of professional competence among future teachers do not fully take into account the specificity of educational activities in elementary school and the peculiarities of their professional training. The need for advanced logical thinking is particularly important given the rapid changes in educational programs, instructional disciplines, teaching tools, and communication methods. Teachers must also possess the skills to navigate modern digital technologies and active teaching methods, as well as the ability to design and forecast the work of younger students, develop their abilities necessary for successful acquisition of educational information, and engage in critical analysis and understanding of various types of information, among other things. Based on the analysis of scientific works, it has been established that logical thinking is a type of thinking that involves the manipulation of concepts, propositions, and conclusions based on the principles of logic. It also involves comparing and correlating them with actions from another set of ideas. In other words, it represents a complex of rational, logically reliable actions or thinking operations related to cause-and-effect regularities, which allow connecting existing knowledge with the purpose of reality. Preparing students of a pedagogical higher education institution for teaching activities involves them mastering all the components of this profession and developing the skills that correspond to these components. The logical component in the structure of pedagogical activities is related to the analysis and study of the initial state of the main components of the educational process structure as the basis for specifying the ultimate goals of teaching and formulating pedagogical tasks. To carry out teaching activities effectively, a teacher must possess a complete set of logical skills, with the most important of them falling into groups that can be combined into coherent logical procedures necessary in the teacher's work. Therefore, logical activity within the structure of pedagogical activities is associated with: рrofessional-pedagogical analysis, forecasting students' learning activities, regulating the pedagogical process, which includes defining pedagogical tasks and analyzing the adequacy of students' actions to the set tasks, formulating hypotheses based on the analysis of acquired information (identifying its meaningful dominant element), linked to the analysis of its components (both in the immediate and prospective plans), classifying and systematizing educational material, restructuring information for use in a new pedagogical situation, providing evidence, argumentation, and refutation of assumptions and conclusions at a level accessible to students. The development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is an integrative personal need, a professional necessity, and an ability to create conditions leading to successful and dynamic changes in the individual characteristics of a person in the creative mastery of logical processes. In our view, the main groups of pedagogical skills necessary for implementing the developmental functions of an elementary school teacher include: informational skills, goal setting and planning skills, organizational and communicative skills, reflective skills, moral and volitional self-regulation skills, pedagogical techniques, practical skills, and creative and intellectual skills. We consider the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers as a stable characteristic of personality, determined by the unity of criteria: motivational (attitude), cognitive (knowledge), and activity-based (skills, abilities). The motivational criterion is characterized as the need of future elementary school teachers to acquire methodological knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the development of logical thinking. The indicators of the motivational criterion include: a professional orientation toward the development of logical thinking and motivation for self-improvement in methodological activities. The next criterion in the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is the cognitive criterion. The cognitive criterion reflects the knowledge of future elementary school teachers regarding the logical components of their professional activities and the competence of elementary school students. Indicators of the cognitive criterion of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers include: the completeness of theoretical knowledge in the logical aspects of planning and organizing educational activities in elementary school; familiarity with the methods for developing mathematical competence in students during lessons. The third criterion for the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is the activity-based criterion. The activity-based criterion demonstrates the ability of future elementary school teachers to logically comprehend project-based (problem-based) learning for students, their independent work, the formation of key elements of mathematical competence, and includes proficiency in forecasting and organizing the educational process. Indicators of the activity-based criterion for the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers include the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, the capacity to develop the logical component of students' mathematical competence, and the ability to generate new ideas aimed at improving the education and upbringing of elementary school students. Sufficiently developed components of the researched problem criteria and their integral unity represent the necessary level of development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers. When determining the criteria for the development of logical thinking, we followed the principles of a criteria-based approach: criteria should record the subject's activity status, providing information about goals, motives, methods, content, conditions, and outcomes. Criteria are a typical and specific manifestation of one of the important aspects of the studied phenomenon, through which its presence and level of development can be assessed. In modern pedagogy, a complex of active teaching methods is distinguished, which includes a set of forms and methods of active learning (project-based learning, situational modeling, role-playing and business games, roundtable discussions, brainstorming, case method, and more). These methods are oriented towards the individual student's active participation in self-development, acquiring high-quality knowledge and skills, and creatively solving specific problems. The work of future elementary school teachers on designing student activities in an educational telecommunication project requires a comprehensive analysis of educational material, forecasting student work, taking into account their individual learning abilities, creative activities, and more. All of this requires active cognitive activity, which contributes to the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers. One of the active learning methods highlighted in scientific publications is game-based modeling, which is considered by researchers and practicing educators as a pedagogical technology that contributes to achieving various educational and developmental goals. Game-based modeling is essential in the elementary education system since play serves as the foundation for any child's activities in elementary school lessons. By preparing future elementary school teachers to use gaming technologies in the educational process, we mean pedagogical activities that ensure the interaction and interdependence of goals and objectives, content, forms, methods, and means of teaching, as well as conditions that promote the development of knowledge and skills in organizing and conducting educational activities, creative abilities, and the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers. Active learning methods for students, especially in elementary school, require a considerable amount of preparatory work from teachers, the main part of which is based on cognitive activity and demands a high level of logical thinking. Therefore, the preparation of future elementary school teachers for their professional activities takes place within the higher education institution. The organization of independent work for future elementary school teachers during the study of professional training disciplines and elective subjects is carried out in accordance with the working educational programs of these disciplines. It may involve the processing of additional educational materials, preparation of essays, research papers, or search activities, as well as the completion of educational projects. Each of these types of activities, particularly when educational activities are carried out in a blended format, relies on working with digital technologies, including web technologies and information and communication technologies. Engaging in research activities is an integral component of preparing future elementary school teachers. It encompasses three elements: working on a research project on a defined topic in collaboration with a research supervisor, acquiring the methodology for organizing research work, and writing and defending coursework. The preparation of coursework and the diploma thesis is one of the outcomes of the educational activities of future elementary school teachers. Logical thinking is a crucial skill for students, especially during the preparation of coursework. This ability represents a reasoned and systematic approach to the analysis, synthesis, and expression of intellectual concepts. The development of logical thinking contributes to a better understanding of the topic, effective argumentation, and increased objectivity in coursework. The use of tasks to develop the logical thinking of future elementary school teachers is an essential component of their professional training. This approach promotes the development of skills necessary to meet the modern requirements of education and prepare elementary school students for life in an information society. Research and the development of teaching methods for logical thinking in future elementary school teachers can improve the quality of education and the development of students' skills. Tasks aimed at developing logical thinking can be included in the educational programs for future elementary school teachers. These tasks require students to solve problems, analyze situations, and use logic for decision-making. The proposed model for the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers combines all stages of their professional training and allows for the integration and exploration of all factors influencing the improvement of logical thinking. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time: – the pedagogical conditions for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training are substantiated and experimentally verified: the use of active learning methods and game modeling in the professional training of future primary school teachers, the organization of independent activities of future primary school teachers for the development of their logical thinking, the use of tasks for development logical thinking of future teachers in the process of professional training; – a model of the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training was developed, which creates a theoretical basis for the application of pedagogical conditions, methodological support for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training was developed; – the essence, structure, criteria (motivational, cognitive, activity), indicators and levels of development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training were clarified; - regulations regarding the stages, forms and methods of developing the logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training gained further development. The practical significance of the obtained results consists in: development and implementation in practice of professional training of future primary school teachers of pedagogical conditions and a model for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training; development and implementation of methodical and didactic materials for the formation of planning skills and the organization of active learning methods in the form of educational projects and educational games, which can be used to develop the logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training; compilation of methodological recommendations for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training. The dissertation materials can be used in the professional training of future primary school teachers in institutions of higher and professional advanced pedagogical education with the aim of improving classroom classes, independent work, educational and production practices; during the development and modernization of educational and professional programs.
In modern technological society, critical thinking is an important skill that influences many aspects of a person's life. Key arguments emphasizing the importance of this skill include the following: critical thinking helps individuals analyze situations, identify the root causes of problems, and develop effective strategies for solving them; it enables one to find optimal solutions in various areas of life, from personal issues to professional tasks; it allows for evaluating alternatives, analyzing advantages and disadvantages, understanding the consequences of one's actions, and making well-considered and responsible decisions; in the age of information overload, critical thinking enables individuals to sift through excessive, unreliable, or hidden information, making our knowledge more objective and useful; it helps people understand their own beliefs, values, and motivations; it stimulates self-reflection and self-control, contributing to personal development; it allows for effectively analyzing situations in interpersonal relationships, understanding the views and feelings of others, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation; it is crucial for active participation in social processes and making informed civic decisions. Overall, critical thinking helps develop rationality, analysis, creativity, and sound reasoning in both personal and professional life. This skill promotes intellectual growth and enhances the quality of decisions made, making it important for every individual, regardless of their professional field or age. In times when education demands extraordinary effort, skills, and abilities from teachers, critical thinking becomes a crucial skill for achieving success in the educational process and the upbringing of the younger generation. In pedagogical activities, logical thinking plays an extremely important role because teachers constantly encounter a large amount of information, including textbooks, articles, supplementary materials, internet resources, and more. Critical thinking helps sift through excessive, unreliable, or outdated information and choose what is truly useful for facilitating and ensuring the educational process. Students often face various problems and tasks, and teachers must be able to help them find solutions. Critical thinking allows the analysis of situations, identification of the root causes of problems, and the development of effective strategies for their resolution. Teachers should not only receive and use information but also cultivate critical- thinking citizens. By setting an example and honing this skill within themselves, they can pass it on to their students. Critical thinking helps teachers become more effective in the teaching process and in improving their teaching methods, as it encourages them to explore new approaches, analyze the results of their work, and enhance them. Therefore, developed critical thinking is an undeniable necessity for the modern teacher, as it helps them become more competent and effective in their professional activities, nurture critical-thinking citizens who can cope with the challenges of the contemporary world. Thus, the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is a relevant issue in the field of pedagogical research. The preparation of elementary school teachers has always been a subject of increased attention for domestic researchers, and various aspects of it have been reflected in numerous studies. However, the approaches proposed by researchers to enhance the formation of professional competence among future teachers do not fully take into account the specificity of educational activities in elementary school and the peculiarities of their professional training. The need for advanced logical thinking is particularly important given the rapid changes in educational programs, instructional disciplines, teaching tools, and communication methods. Teachers must also possess the skills to navigate modern digital technologies and active teaching methods, as well as the ability to design and forecast the work of younger students, develop their abilities necessary for successful acquisition of educational information, and engage in critical analysis and understanding of various types of information, among other things. Based on the analysis of scientific works, it has been established that logical thinking is a type of thinking that involves the manipulation of concepts, propositions, and conclusions based on the principles of logic. It also involves comparing and correlating them with actions from another set of ideas. In other words, it represents a complex of rational, logically reliable actions or thinking operations related to cause-and-effect regularities, which allow connecting existing knowledge with the purpose of reality. Preparing students of a pedagogical higher education institution for teaching activities involves them mastering all the components of this profession and developing the skills that correspond to these components. The logical component in the structure of pedagogical activities is related to the analysis and study of the initial state of the main components of the educational process structure as the basis for specifying the ultimate goals of teaching and formulating pedagogical tasks. To carry out teaching activities effectively, a teacher must possess a complete set of logical skills, with the most important of them falling into groups that can be combined into coherent logical procedures necessary in the teacher's work. Therefore, logical activity within the structure of pedagogical activities is associated with: рrofessional-pedagogical analysis, forecasting students' learning activities, regulating the pedagogical process, which includes defining pedagogical tasks and analyzing the adequacy of students' actions to the set tasks, formulating hypotheses based on the analysis of acquired information (identifying its meaningful dominant element), linked to the analysis of its components (both in the immediate and prospective plans), classifying and systematizing educational material, restructuring information for use in a new pedagogical situation, providing evidence, argumentation, and refutation of assumptions and conclusions at a level accessible to students. The development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is an integrative personal need, a professional necessity, and an ability to create conditions leading to successful and dynamic changes in the individual characteristics of a person in the creative mastery of logical processes. In our view, the main groups of pedagogical skills necessary for implementing the developmental functions of an elementary school teacher include: informational skills, goal setting and planning skills, organizational and communicative skills, reflective skills, moral and volitional self-regulation skills, pedagogical techniques, practical skills, and creative and intellectual skills. We consider the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers as a stable characteristic of personality, determined by the unity of criteria: motivational (attitude), cognitive (knowledge), and activity-based (skills, abilities). The motivational criterion is characterized as the need of future elementary school teachers to acquire methodological knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the development of logical thinking. The indicators of the motivational criterion include: a professional orientation toward the development of logical thinking and motivation for self-improvement in methodological activities. The next criterion in the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is the cognitive criterion. The cognitive criterion reflects the knowledge of future elementary school teachers regarding the logical components of their professional activities and the competence of elementary school students. Indicators of the cognitive criterion of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers include: the completeness of theoretical knowledge in the logical aspects of planning and organizing educational activities in elementary school; familiarity with the methods for developing mathematical competence in students during lessons. The third criterion for the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers is the activity-based criterion. The activity-based criterion demonstrates the ability of future elementary school teachers to logically comprehend project-based (problem-based) learning for students, their independent work, the formation of key elements of mathematical competence, and includes proficiency in forecasting and organizing the educational process. Indicators of the activity-based criterion for the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers include the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, the capacity to develop the logical component of students' mathematical competence, and the ability to generate new ideas aimed at improving the education and upbringing of elementary school students. Sufficiently developed components of the researched problem criteria and their integral unity represent the necessary level of development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers. When determining the criteria for the development of logical thinking, we followed the principles of a criteria-based approach: criteria should record the subject's activity status, providing information about goals, motives, methods, content, conditions, and outcomes. Criteria are a typical and specific manifestation of one of the important aspects of the studied phenomenon, through which its presence and level of development can be assessed. In modern pedagogy, a complex of active teaching methods is distinguished, which includes a set of forms and methods of active learning (project-based learning, situational modeling, role-playing and business games, roundtable discussions, brainstorming, case method, and more). These methods are oriented towards the individual student's active participation in self-development, acquiring high-quality knowledge and skills, and creatively solving specific problems. The work of future elementary school teachers on designing student activities in an educational telecommunication project requires a comprehensive analysis of educational material, forecasting student work, taking into account their individual learning abilities, creative activities, and more. All of this requires active cognitive activity, which contributes to the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers. One of the active learning methods highlighted in scientific publications is game-based modeling, which is considered by researchers and practicing educators as a pedagogical technology that contributes to achieving various educational and developmental goals. Game-based modeling is essential in the elementary education system since play serves as the foundation for any child's activities in elementary school lessons. By preparing future elementary school teachers to use gaming technologies in the educational process, we mean pedagogical activities that ensure the interaction and interdependence of goals and objectives, content, forms, methods, and means of teaching, as well as conditions that promote the development of knowledge and skills in organizing and conducting educational activities, creative abilities, and the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers. Active learning methods for students, especially in elementary school, require a considerable amount of preparatory work from teachers, the main part of which is based on cognitive activity and demands a high level of logical thinking. Therefore, the preparation of future elementary school teachers for their professional activities takes place within the higher education institution. The organization of independent work for future elementary school teachers during the study of professional training disciplines and elective subjects is carried out in accordance with the working educational programs of these disciplines. It may involve the processing of additional educational materials, preparation of essays, research papers, or search activities, as well as the completion of educational projects. Each of these types of activities, particularly when educational activities are carried out in a blended format, relies on working with digital technologies, including web technologies and information and communication technologies. Engaging in research activities is an integral component of preparing future elementary school teachers. It encompasses three elements: working on a research project on a defined topic in collaboration with a research supervisor, acquiring the methodology for organizing research work, and writing and defending coursework. The preparation of coursework and the diploma thesis is one of the outcomes of the educational activities of future elementary school teachers. Logical thinking is a crucial skill for students, especially during the preparation of coursework. This ability represents a reasoned and systematic approach to the analysis, synthesis, and expression of intellectual concepts. The development of logical thinking contributes to a better understanding of the topic, effective argumentation, and increased objectivity in coursework. The use of tasks to develop the logical thinking of future elementary school teachers is an essential component of their professional training. This approach promotes the development of skills necessary to meet the modern requirements of education and prepare elementary school students for life in an information society. Research and the development of teaching methods for logical thinking in future elementary school teachers can improve the quality of education and the development of students' skills. Tasks aimed at developing logical thinking can be included in the educational programs for future elementary school teachers. These tasks require students to solve problems, analyze situations, and use logic for decision-making. The proposed model for the development of logical thinking in future elementary school teachers combines all stages of their professional training and allows for the integration and exploration of all factors influencing the improvement of logical thinking. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time: – the pedagogical conditions for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training are substantiated and experimentally verified: the use of active learning methods and game modeling in the professional training of future primary school teachers, the organization of independent activities of future primary school teachers for the development of their logical thinking, the use of tasks for development logical thinking of future teachers in the process of professional training; – a model of the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training was developed, which creates a theoretical basis for the application of pedagogical conditions, methodological support for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training was developed; – the essence, structure, criteria (motivational, cognitive, activity), indicators and levels of development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training were clarified; - regulations regarding the stages, forms and methods of developing the logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training gained further development. The practical significance of the obtained results consists in: development and implementation in practice of professional training of future primary school teachers of pedagogical conditions and a model for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training; development and implementation of methodical and didactic materials for the formation of planning skills and the organization of active learning methods in the form of educational projects and educational games, which can be used to develop the logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training; compilation of methodological recommendations for the development of logical thinking of future primary school teachers in professional training. The dissertation materials can be used in the professional training of future primary school teachers in institutions of higher and professional advanced pedagogical education with the aim of improving classroom classes, independent work, educational and production practices; during the development and modernization of educational and professional programs.
Освіта. Професійна освіта. Початкова школа. Майбутній вчитель. Розвиток логічного мислення
початкова школа, майбутній вчитель, фахова підготовка, розвиток логічного мислення
Григорчук Т. В. Розвиток логічного мислення майбутніх учителів початкової школи в процесі фахової підготовки : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії за спеціальністю 015 Професійна освіта / Т. В. Григорчук; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2023. – 268 с. – Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису