Сучасні інформаційні технології та загальнодидактичні підходи у вивченні іноземних мов
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Вінниця : ВДПУ
У статті проаналізовано доцільність упровадження сучасних інформаційних та комп’ютерних технологій, мультимедійних засобів та передових методик у процес опанування іноземної мови аудиторно, дистанційно та для самостійного вивчення. Обґрунтовано необхідність використання інноваційних технологій у практиці навчання іноземних мов. Розглянуто перспективи використання можливостей мережі Інтернет, автоматичних систем перевірки та оцінювання знань, комп’ютерної техніки для більш ефективного та результативного вивчення мови.
The article analyzes the expediency of introducing modern information and computer technologies, multimedia means and advanced methods in the process of learning a foreign language in an auditorium, distance and for independent study. The necessity of using innovative technologies in the practice of teaching foreign languages is substantiated. Perspectives of using the possibilities of the Internet, automatic systems of checking and evaluation of knowledge, computer technology for more efficient and effective language learning are considered. Methodological advantages of learning foreign language by multimedia means show that this method has the greater the degree of interactive learning, makes it possible to choose the pace and level of tasks, improves the speed of the grammatical constructions and the accumulation of words inventory. Also to the definitely technical advantages this method can include the possibility of use interactive video and audio clips when learning orally to speech. Demonstrating diagrams, photos and pictures for the subject of linguistic communication, the principle is realized visibility introduction of multimedia technologies creates conditions for interactive communication that is on today is the most important part of the training process. Using multimedia technologies a teacher can submit information to a completely new and effective form, make it more complete, interesting and approximate to the subject of communication being studied. Multimedia tools allow you to use almost all agencies. Proved that the use of multimedia materials and computer networks shortens learning time almost three times, and the level of memorization through simultaneous the use of images, sound, text increases by 30-40 percentages. And also, multimedia technologies allow the developments of you are bright and more interesting speaking exercises. For student studying a foreign language with the use of multimedia dedicated technologies also has some advantages. Since these technologies are new, for students it is interesting to deal with sources new types of information. And also what is important is that assimilating new information using multimedia of these technologies, takes place in the game form. Application multimedia technologies allows students to self- but to prepare mini-projects on topics of communication and pre- to rate them. When mastering a foreign language, students there are a number of problems, one of which is a low to study the language. In such cases, it is interactive technologies are valuable for use, therefore that they create such conditions when the student feels his own success and intellectual ability. Effective cooperation and communication are the basic components of such training, which sets the goal of solving problems, acquiring monologist skills speech, responsibility, critical thinking and achievement making significant results.
The article analyzes the expediency of introducing modern information and computer technologies, multimedia means and advanced methods in the process of learning a foreign language in an auditorium, distance and for independent study. The necessity of using innovative technologies in the practice of teaching foreign languages is substantiated. Perspectives of using the possibilities of the Internet, automatic systems of checking and evaluation of knowledge, computer technology for more efficient and effective language learning are considered. Methodological advantages of learning foreign language by multimedia means show that this method has the greater the degree of interactive learning, makes it possible to choose the pace and level of tasks, improves the speed of the grammatical constructions and the accumulation of words inventory. Also to the definitely technical advantages this method can include the possibility of use interactive video and audio clips when learning orally to speech. Demonstrating diagrams, photos and pictures for the subject of linguistic communication, the principle is realized visibility introduction of multimedia technologies creates conditions for interactive communication that is on today is the most important part of the training process. Using multimedia technologies a teacher can submit information to a completely new and effective form, make it more complete, interesting and approximate to the subject of communication being studied. Multimedia tools allow you to use almost all agencies. Proved that the use of multimedia materials and computer networks shortens learning time almost three times, and the level of memorization through simultaneous the use of images, sound, text increases by 30-40 percentages. And also, multimedia technologies allow the developments of you are bright and more interesting speaking exercises. For student studying a foreign language with the use of multimedia dedicated technologies also has some advantages. Since these technologies are new, for students it is interesting to deal with sources new types of information. And also what is important is that assimilating new information using multimedia of these technologies, takes place in the game form. Application multimedia technologies allows students to self- but to prepare mini-projects on topics of communication and pre- to rate them. When mastering a foreign language, students there are a number of problems, one of which is a low to study the language. In such cases, it is interactive technologies are valuable for use, therefore that they create such conditions when the student feels his own success and intellectual ability. Effective cooperation and communication are the basic components of such training, which sets the goal of solving problems, acquiring monologist skills speech, responsibility, critical thinking and achievement making significant results.
Педагогіка. Дидактика
інформаційні технології, Інтернет, викладання та вивчення англійської мови, мультимедійні засоби, навчальний процес, information technology, the Internet, teaching and learning English, multimedia, educational process
Западинська І. Г. Сучасні інформаційні технології та загальнодидактичні підходи у вивченні іноземних мов / І. Г. Западинська // Наукові записки. Серія: педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – Вип. 55. – С. 30-38.