Теоретичні і методичні засади формування основ педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів
Теличко, Наталія Вікторівна
Теличко, Н. В.
Telychko, N. V.
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Дисертацію присвячено фундаментальному дослідженню проблеми формування основ педагогічної майстерності як складової професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкових класів. У дослідженні уточнено сутність, зміст і структуру педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів; визначено критерії, показники та рівні її сформованості. Визначено основні положення концепції дослідження, які розкривають її сутність і сприяють реалізації провідної ідеї. Розроблено і теоретично обґрунтовано систему та структурно-функціональну модель формування основ педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів. Результати, одержані в процесі експериментальної перевірки педагогічної системи формування основ педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів, свідчать про її ефективність та доцільність упровадження в навчальний процес вищих навчальних закладів.
Диссертация посвящена фундаментальному исследованию проблемы формирования основ педагогического мастерства как составляющей профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей начальных классов. В исследовании уточнены сущность, содержание и структура педагогического мастерства будущих учителей начальных классов; определены критерии, показатели и уровни ее сформированности. Определены основные положения концепции исследования, раскрывающие ее сущность и способствующие реализации ведущей идеи. Разработана и теоретически обоснована система и структурно-функциональная модель формирования основ педагогического мастерства будущих учителей начальных классов. Результаты, полученные в процессе экспериментальной проверки педагогической системы формирования основ педагогического мастерства будущих учителей начальных классов, свидетельствуют о ее эффективности и целесообразности внедрения в учебный процесс высших учебных заведений.
The thesis is devoted to theoretical research of the problem of formation of pedagogical mastery fundamentals as a constituent part of professional training of the primary school teachers. The urgency of the subject-matter and the links of the research with scientific programmes, plans, themes have been substantiated in the introduction; the aims, the objectives, the subject and the object, the leading idea, the conception, methodological and theoretical foundations, the methods and stages of research have been defined; its scientific novelty and practical value have been disclosed; datum concerning testing and implementation of the main results of investigation have been displayed; personal contribution has been concretized; the author’s publications have been presented. In the first section – "The theoretical principles of formation of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers" – philosophical and methodological principles of pedagogical mastery ontology have been defined; results of historical and retrospective analysis of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers have been presented; contemporary tendencies of professional training of the primary school teachers in the context of formation of pedagogical mastery have been considered. In the thesis pedagogical mastery has been considered as the higher level of manifestation of a personality’s professionalism, his creativity, expression of the quality of work; the top of creativity, of professional maturity, meaning "acme"; manifestation of harmony and perfection in the teacher’s work; teacher’s responsibility for his work; integral expression of personality as the professional in his work, aimed at overcoming the "narrowness" of specialization; as the dialectical unity of continuous learning, improvement and teaching implicitly performing cultural and educational function; constant movement from one professional top to another; dialectical unity of the climax of professionalism and its infinity, since perfection has no limits and creativity serves as the way of overcoming the limits defined; manifestation of the highest form of culture and at the same time mechanism of reproducing culture patterns. In the second section – "The structure of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers" – the essence and the structure of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been defined. Pedagogical deontology, axiological and acmeological professional motivation of the students, pedagogical empowerment and professional competence aimed at the formation of deontological, axiological and acmeological and motivational, personality-developing, cognitive, communicative, practical and technological components of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been defined as its interconnected fundamentals. In scientific paper, the essence of pedagogical deontology as the basis for the formation of a teacher’s pedagogical mastery has been grounded; the essence of axiological and acmeological professional motivation of the students to the formation of pedagogical mastery has been disclosed; the role of pedagogical empowerment in the formation of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers has been determined; professional competence in the structure of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers has been characterized. In the third section – "The system of formation of fundamentals of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers" – the conceptual approaches to the formation of the principles of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been outlined; the structure of pedagogical system of formation the basis of professional skills of the primary school teacher has been substantiated; pedagogical conditions of implementation of the system of formation of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been defined; the model of the system worked-out has been structured. Conceptual vision of the system of formation of pedagogical mastery fundamentals of a future primary school teacher in the context of the research has been presented in the author's model. Such components as: objective, methodological and conceptual, theoretical and structural, praxeological, diagnostic and comparative, analytical have been defined in the structure of the system presented. The system of formation of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers provides a combination of the objectives, concepts, methodological and technological support of the process of student’s training in the context of their professional formation through the implementation of an optimal teaching environment and the use of valid means for diagnosis of formation of the phenomenon outlined according to certain criteria, indicators and levels. The fourth section – "Implementation of the system of formation of pedagogical mastery fundamentals of the future primary school teachers" – highlights the structure of the organization of experimental research of the formation of fundamentals of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers; reveals the methods of implementing the author's system by using a special training for the formation of the principles of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers; analyzes the results of experimental research. Probability and reliability of the results of experimental research have been proved by means of statistical methods for data processing using F- criterion.
Диссертация посвящена фундаментальному исследованию проблемы формирования основ педагогического мастерства как составляющей профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей начальных классов. В исследовании уточнены сущность, содержание и структура педагогического мастерства будущих учителей начальных классов; определены критерии, показатели и уровни ее сформированности. Определены основные положения концепции исследования, раскрывающие ее сущность и способствующие реализации ведущей идеи. Разработана и теоретически обоснована система и структурно-функциональная модель формирования основ педагогического мастерства будущих учителей начальных классов. Результаты, полученные в процессе экспериментальной проверки педагогической системы формирования основ педагогического мастерства будущих учителей начальных классов, свидетельствуют о ее эффективности и целесообразности внедрения в учебный процесс высших учебных заведений.
The thesis is devoted to theoretical research of the problem of formation of pedagogical mastery fundamentals as a constituent part of professional training of the primary school teachers. The urgency of the subject-matter and the links of the research with scientific programmes, plans, themes have been substantiated in the introduction; the aims, the objectives, the subject and the object, the leading idea, the conception, methodological and theoretical foundations, the methods and stages of research have been defined; its scientific novelty and practical value have been disclosed; datum concerning testing and implementation of the main results of investigation have been displayed; personal contribution has been concretized; the author’s publications have been presented. In the first section – "The theoretical principles of formation of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers" – philosophical and methodological principles of pedagogical mastery ontology have been defined; results of historical and retrospective analysis of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers have been presented; contemporary tendencies of professional training of the primary school teachers in the context of formation of pedagogical mastery have been considered. In the thesis pedagogical mastery has been considered as the higher level of manifestation of a personality’s professionalism, his creativity, expression of the quality of work; the top of creativity, of professional maturity, meaning "acme"; manifestation of harmony and perfection in the teacher’s work; teacher’s responsibility for his work; integral expression of personality as the professional in his work, aimed at overcoming the "narrowness" of specialization; as the dialectical unity of continuous learning, improvement and teaching implicitly performing cultural and educational function; constant movement from one professional top to another; dialectical unity of the climax of professionalism and its infinity, since perfection has no limits and creativity serves as the way of overcoming the limits defined; manifestation of the highest form of culture and at the same time mechanism of reproducing culture patterns. In the second section – "The structure of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers" – the essence and the structure of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been defined. Pedagogical deontology, axiological and acmeological professional motivation of the students, pedagogical empowerment and professional competence aimed at the formation of deontological, axiological and acmeological and motivational, personality-developing, cognitive, communicative, practical and technological components of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been defined as its interconnected fundamentals. In scientific paper, the essence of pedagogical deontology as the basis for the formation of a teacher’s pedagogical mastery has been grounded; the essence of axiological and acmeological professional motivation of the students to the formation of pedagogical mastery has been disclosed; the role of pedagogical empowerment in the formation of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers has been determined; professional competence in the structure of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers has been characterized. In the third section – "The system of formation of fundamentals of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers" – the conceptual approaches to the formation of the principles of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been outlined; the structure of pedagogical system of formation the basis of professional skills of the primary school teacher has been substantiated; pedagogical conditions of implementation of the system of formation of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers have been defined; the model of the system worked-out has been structured. Conceptual vision of the system of formation of pedagogical mastery fundamentals of a future primary school teacher in the context of the research has been presented in the author's model. Such components as: objective, methodological and conceptual, theoretical and structural, praxeological, diagnostic and comparative, analytical have been defined in the structure of the system presented. The system of formation of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers provides a combination of the objectives, concepts, methodological and technological support of the process of student’s training in the context of their professional formation through the implementation of an optimal teaching environment and the use of valid means for diagnosis of formation of the phenomenon outlined according to certain criteria, indicators and levels. The fourth section – "Implementation of the system of formation of pedagogical mastery fundamentals of the future primary school teachers" – highlights the structure of the organization of experimental research of the formation of fundamentals of pedagogical mastery of the future primary school teachers; reveals the methods of implementing the author's system by using a special training for the formation of the principles of pedagogical mastery of the primary school teachers; analyzes the results of experimental research. Probability and reliability of the results of experimental research have been proved by means of statistical methods for data processing using F- criterion.
Педагогічна освіта. Початкова освіта. Педагогічна майстерність
вчителі початкових класів, професійна підготовка, педагогічна майстерність, система, концепція, педагогічна деонтологія, аксіо-акмеологічна професійна мотивація, педагогічний емпауермент, професійна компетентність, педагогічна техніка, педагогічні інновації, навчальний тренінг, дидактичні ігри, учителя начальных классов, профессиональная подготовка, педагогическое мастерство, концепция, педагогическая деонтология, аксио-акмеологическая профессиональная мотивация, педагогический емпауермент, профессиональная компетентность, педагогическая техника, педагогические инновации, обучающий тренинг, дидактические игры, primary school teachers, training, pedagogical mastery, system concept, pedagogical deontology, axiological and acmeological professional motivation, pedagogical empowerment, professional competence, teaching techniques, pedagogical innovation, training, didactic games
Теоретичні і методичні засади формування основ педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів : автореф. та дис. ... д-ра. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти" / Наталія Вікторівна Теличко ; Вінницький держ. пед. ун-т ім. Михайла Коцюбинського, [Мукачівський держ. ун-т]. – Захищена 18.11.2014. – Вінниця, 2014. – 40 с., 559 с.