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    Developing Grammatical Competence in Preschoolers
    (Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2021) Kruty, К.; Kurinna, S.; Zhuravlova, L.; Zнеinova, S.; Lopatina, Н.; Lyndina, Y.; Крутій, К.; Куринна, З.; Журавльова, З.; Знейнова, З.; Лопатіна, Х.; Линдина, Ю.; Крутий, К.; Куринная, С.; Журавлева, Л.; Знейнова, С.; Лопатина, Х.; Лындина, Ю.
    The article presents a theoretical review of relevant sources on the topic in question and, consequently, formulates the basic principles, obstacles and guidelines for developing grammatically correct speech in preschoolers. The article contains the author’s linguodidactic model for developing grammatically correct speech in preschoolers, as well as pedagogical conditions for its implementation: ensuring the interrelation between the perspective trends in learning, speech activity and speech experience of children; developing preschoolers’ grammatical skills using the specially developed methodology; teaching preschoolers the rules of morphology and methods of word-formation in language lessons; applying different effective forms and methods of organizing learning and speech activity for preschoolers. The article proves that the consideration and implementation of these factors have contributed to developing the suggested linguodidactic model for developing grammatically correct speech in preschoolers. It has also allowed one to create and practically implement it within the framework of the quasi-experimental educational process. The article indicates certain noticeable shifts in children with high and sufficient levels in all parts of the language being analyzed. It indicates that mastering the methods of word-formation as a means of enriching vocabulary helps preschoolers to learn the rules of form change and word-formation. Besides, the article has proved the effectiveness of targeted development of grammatically correct speech in preschoolers. The article may be of interest to university teachers and theorists in teaching East Slavic languages as native (at the beginning of their study) or as foreign
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    Psychophysiological Mechanisms of Grammatical Structuring in the Speech Activity of a Preschool Child
    (BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2021) Kruty, К.; Bohdan, Т.; Kozyr, М.; Sviontyk, О.; Shvaliuk, Т.; Pinchuk, Y.; Крутій, К.; Богдан, Т.; Козир, М.; Свіонтик, О.; Швалюк, Т.; Пінчук, Ю.; Крутий, К.; Богдан, Т.; Козырь, М.; Свионтик, О.; Швалюк, Т.; Пинчук, Ю.
    Language as a means of implementing the speech process is an independent system with its own structure. In the context of our research, the concept of M.I. Zhynkin (1958) on the grid distribution of information in the grammatical space, which explains the mechanism of perception and awareness of speech. It is important for us to conclude that the sooner a direct connection is formed between the conceptual system and the basal ganglia, the better the child's awareness, assimilation and use of grammatical categories. To organize the normal functioning of speech requires a complex coordinated work of millions of neural elements of the brain, which are included in its various parts. It is proved that after ten years the ability to develop neural networks necessary for the construction of speech centers it disappears. The problem of forming grammatically correct speech in preschool children can be solved quickly and efficiently if you intensify the interaction of different analyzers. It is proved that the sensory information complex consists of auditory, visual and tactile images, which, complementing, amplifying each other, increase the number of useful signals, expand the speech space, which, in turn, limits the choice of adequate speech pattern during acquisition, perception and oral awareness. Children's learning of the elements of the grammatical system of language is influenced by two main factors, namely: the dependence on the simplicity or complexity of the language phenomenon and the degree of its communicative significance. The formation of grammatically correct speech (morphology, word formation, syntax) is based on a certain cognitive development of the child
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    Diagnosis of the Formation of Grammatical Aspects of Speech in Preschool Age
    (Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2021) Kruty, К.; Minenok, А.; Morozova, І.; Tsapenko, Т.; Kozynets, О.; Korniev, S.; Крутій, К.; Миненок, А.; Морозова, І.; Цапенко, Т.; Козинець, О.; Корнієв, С.; Крутий, К.; Миненок, А.; Морозова, И.; Цапенко, Т.; Козынец, О.; Корниев, С.
    The article theoretically substantiates and experimentally verifies the validity of the developed diagnostics by the method of contrast groups. The relevance of such a study is determined by the lack of development of the problem of diagnosing grammatical aspects of speech in preschool age for Slavic (inflected by nature) languages. It is proved that for a preschool child in the first stages there is no speech activity separately from the subject, so the object of its orientation is not speech activity, but a single semantic whole, an event that is presented in a sentence (sometimes a phrase, discourse). In the following stages, the child's attitude to speech reality changes. This reality is already special, different from the subject. For all stages of speech and speech development of the child is typical limited and unstable nature of orientation to certain aspects of linguistic reality, when the pre-schooler focuses on either the semantic or formal side of speech. At the end of the senior preschool age, gender differences in children's use of adjectives are the most significant. The reason for the active use in speech of adjectives by girls we see both in the psychological characteristics and gender guidelines of adults around them (active use of nouns and adjectives with hypocritical-diminutive suffixes)
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    Preparing students of pedagogical universities for work in a post-COVID educational environment with children with ADHD
    (Vienna: IfII Institut für Intellektuelle Integration, 2021) Kruty, К.; Zdanevych, L.; Holiuk, О.; Крутій, К. Л.; Зданевич, Л. В.; Голюк, О. А.
    The article reveals the relevance of introduction of distance learning into the educational process, the challenges faced by Ukrainian education (from preschool to higher) in connection with the long period of quarantine. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized and its symptoms are described. The definitions of the notions “distance education” and “distance learning” are given. The elements of the educational model “liberal arts and sciences” are described, which is based on the principles of flexibility and adaptability, and meets the social order in the post-covid educational environment and is designed to strengthen future teachers’ motivation to learn throughout life, teach them critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication (soft skills). It is found out that the proposed form is characterized by the flexible curriculum that combines the requirements of the breadth of disciplinary coverage with the depth of study of individual disciplines (courses), encourages interdisciplinarity, freedom of choice and organization of professional quasi-activity. The possibilities of using “Social Bubbles” in the conditions of post-COVID educational environment are concretized and specified
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    Influence of fitness techniques integration on the development of physical qualities and morpho-functional state of adult females
    (Hum Mov, 2021) Kruty, К.; Mozolev, О.; Bloshchynskyi, І.; Prontenko, К.; Zdanevych, L.; Popovych, O.; Pisotska, L.; Крутій, К.; Мозолєв, О.; Блощинський, І.; Пронтенко, К.; Зданевич, Л.; Попович, О.; Пісоцька, Л.; Крутий, К.; Мозолев, О.; Блощинский, И.; Пронтенко, К.; Зданевич, Л.; Попович, О.; Писоцкая, Л.
    The article focuses on the influence of recreational fitness exercises on the level of adult females’ physical qualities and morpho-functional state development. Overall, 32 women aged 30–45 years took part in the research, based on the authors’ program combining various types of fitness exercise. One-hour workouts were conducted 2 times per week at Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy for 9 months. A confirmed improvement of the morpho-functional state indicators and physical qualities development of the participants of the pedagogical experiment (p < 0.05) was established. The most significant effect referred to body mass decrease, enhancement of cardiorespiratory system functional capabilities, as well as improvement of power and coordination abilities. Conclusions. The implemented authors’ program, combining different types of fitness exercise, made the workouts flexible and varied, allowed to find an individual approach to each woman, and thus contributed to an increase of their physical condition by improving the morpho-functional state of the body and the level of physical health