Кафедра англійської мови та методики її навчання

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    Еволюція дослідження синтаксису поетичного тексту у світлі різних поетик
    (Кіровоград, 2011) Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В.; Strilchuk, A.
    У статті висвітлюються різні наукові підходи до тлумачення синтаксичних одиниць поетичного тексту з позицій античної, формальної, структурної та когнітивної поетики. Встановлено внесок кожної поетологічної школи у вивчення синтаксису віршованого мовлення, їх взаємозв’язок та наступність у дослідженні синтаксичних одиниць вірша.
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    Symmetry as a principle of contemporary American poetry text organization
    (Вінниця, 2011) Strilchuk, A.; Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В.
    The paper poses symmetry as a principle of organizing a contemporary American poetry text, its syntactic level in particular. Texts of modern and postmodern American poetry demonstrate such types of symmetric constructions as translational, mirror image, and spiral. The article provides a linguistic and cognitive account of the outlined types of syntactic constructions and image-schematic structures, which represent their preconceptual meaning.
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    Semiosis of syntactic constructions of a poetry text: cognitive and semiotic aspect (based on contemporary American poetry texts)
    (Кіровоград, 2012) Strilchuk, A.; Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В.
    The article highlights cognitive and semiotic peculiarities of syntactic constructions of poetry texts. It has been found out that semiosis of syntactic units is realized in two stages: perception and semiotization, which result accordingly in the formation of the signified (meaning) and the signifier (form) of syntactic constructions of a poetry text.
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    Constructive and creative mapping as a cognitive and semiotic mechanism of the formation of syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry texts
    (Вінниця, 2010) Strilchuk, A.; Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В.
    The article elucidates the operations of constructive and creative mapping – extension, compression and permutation – and analyses their role in objectifying the fragments of American worldview and the creation of originality and novelty of syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry texts.
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    Linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of the formation of syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry texts
    (Lodz: Peter Lang, 2012) Strilchuk, A.; Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В.
    Syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry with their characteristic novelty and originality of form pose an interesting problem from the point of view of the mechanisms which determine their formation and functioning. We claim that the conceptual structure of poetic syntactic units is represented by conventional grammatical metaphors which constitute an integral part of human conceptual system and are thought to be responsible for our understanding of grammatical conventions such as word formation, phrase and sentence structure and syntactic relations of their parts. In texts of modernist and postmodernist American poetry conceptual grammatical metaphors serve as a kind of triggers which tend to be activated due to basic techniques of syntactic foregrounding – juxtaposition, compression, permutation and graphic asymmetry. The latter impede the readers’ perception of the poetic units attracting their attention by means of the form to the meaning of the poetic message. Apart from that the techniques of syntactic foregrounding play a significant role in objectifying the fragments of contemporary American world view.