Повтор у художній прозі Михайла Стельмаха

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Вінниця : Планер


У статті на матеріалі художньої прози Михайла Стельмаха окреслено функції, ознаки й стилістичну роль повторів. Проаналізовано стилістичні фігури, утворені лексичними і синтаксичними повторами як особливі експресивні прийоми увиразнення тексту. Розглянуто особливості смислового навантаження різних видів повторів. Принагідно окреслено особливості повторення слів різного частиномовного статусу та залежність посилення вагомості в тексті повтору як синтаксичної фігури від кратності повторення мовних одиниць у синтагматичному ряду.
В статье на материале художественной прозы Михаила Стельмаха очерчены функции, признаки и стилистическая роль повторов. Проанализированы стилистические фигуры, образованные лексическими и синтаксическими повторами как особые экспрессивные приемы выразительности текста. Рассмотрены особенности смысловой нагрузки различных видов повторов. Попутно обозначены особенности повторения слов различных частей речи и зависимость усиления значимости в тексте повтора как синтаксической фигуры от кратности повторения языковых единиц в синтагматическом ряду.
n the article on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh functions, signs and a stylistic role of repetitions are designated. The phenomenon of repetition draws attention of explorers of various fields of knowledge. In traditional functional-stylistic studios repetition is investigated in different aspects: as means of the stylistic description of language, as means of building of style, as means of building of the text and its structural organisation, in aspect of structural-semantic and syntactic features of functioning of the text. A number of researches are devoted studying of some kinds of repetition, in particular, distant, synonymic, syntactic parallelism and so forth. From the point of view of linguastylistics repetition communications analyze as means of ascent, substantial, specificity of textbuilding, an author’s modality and pragmatical installation of the text. The stylistic figures formed by lexical and syntactic repetitions as the special expressional receptions of expressiveness of the text are analysed. Features of a semantic load of various kinds of repetitions are considered. Features of repetition of words different parts of speech and dependence of intensifying of the importance in the repetition text as syntactic figure from frequency rate of repetition of language units in syntagmatic series are in passing designated. In fiction products a lot of attention was given to repetition, however is still insufficiently studied repetition in Mykhaіlо Stelmakhʼs prose, as causes an urgency of a theme of research. Article purpose – to investigate various kinds of repetition on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems: to find out specificity of use of lexical and syntactic repetitions, their semantic load and functions in prosaic art texts. n the article on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh functions, signs and a stylistic role of repetitions are designated. The phenomenon of repetition draws attention of explorers of various fields of knowledge. In traditional functional-stylistic studios repetition is investigated in different aspects: as means of the stylistic description of language, as means of building of style, as means of building of the text and its structural organisation, in aspect of structural-semantic and syntactic features of functioning of the text. A number of researches are devoted studying of some kinds of repetition, in particular, distant, synonymic, syntactic parallelism and so forth. From the point of view of linguastylistics repetition communications analyze as means of ascent, substantial, specificity of textbuilding, an author’s modality and pragmatical installation of the text. The stylistic figures formed by lexical and syntactic repetitions as the special expressional receptions of expressiveness of the text are analysed. Features of a semantic load of various kinds of repetitions are considered. Features of repetition of words different parts of speech and dependence of intensifying of the importance in the repetition text as syntactic figure from frequency rate of repetition of language units in syntagmatic series are in passing designated. In fiction products a lot of attention was given to repetition, however is still insufficiently studied repetition in Mykhaіlо Stelmakhʼs prose, as causes an urgency of a theme of research. Article purpose – to investigate various kinds of repetition on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems to find out specificity of use of lexical and syntactic repetitions, their semantic load and functions in prosaic art texts. n the article on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh functions, signs and a stylistic role of repetitions are designated. The phenomenon of repetition draws attention of explorers of various fields of knowledge. In traditional functional-stylistic studios repetition is investigated in different aspects: as means of the stylistic description of language, as means of building of style, as means of building of the text and its structural organisation, in aspect of structural-semantic and syntactic features of functioning of the text. A number of researches are devoted studying of some kinds of repetition, in particular, distant, synonymic, syntactic parallelism and so forth. From the point of view of linguastylistics repetition communications analyze as means of ascent, substantial, specificity of textbuilding, an author’s modality and pragmatical installation of the text. The stylistic figures formed by lexical and syntactic repetitions as the special expressional receptions of expressiveness of the text are analysed. Features of a semantic load of various kinds of repetitions are considered. Features of repetition of words different parts of speech and dependence of intensifying of the importance in the repetition text as syntactic figure from frequency rate of repetition of language units in syntagmatic series are in passing designated. In fiction products a lot of attention was given to repetition, however is still insufficiently studied repetition in Mykhaіlо Stelmakhʼs prose, as causes an urgency of a theme of research. Article purpose – to investigate various kinds of repetition on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems: to find out specificity of use of lexical and syntactic repetitions, their semantic load and functions in prosaic art texts. n the article on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh functions, signs and a stylistic role of repetitions are designated. The phenomenon of repetition draws attention of explorers of various fields of knowledge. In traditional functional-stylistic studios repetition is investigated in different aspects: as means of the stylistic description of language, as means of building of style, as means of building of the text and its structural organisation, in aspect of structural-semantic and syntactic features of functioning of the text. A number of researches are devoted studying of some kinds of repetition, in particular, distant, synonymic, syntactic parallelism and so forth. From the point of view of linguastylistics repetition communications analyze as means of ascent, substantial, specificity of textbuilding, an author’s modality and pragmatical installation of the text. The stylistic figures formed by lexical and syntactic repetitions as the special expressional receptions of expressiveness of the text are analysed. Features of a semantic load of various kinds of repetitions are considered. Features of repetition of words different parts of speech and dependence of intensifying of the importance in the repetition text as syntactic figure from frequency rate of repetition of language units in syntagmatic series are in passing designated. In fiction products a lot of attention was given to repetition, however is still insufficiently studied repetition in Mykhaіlо Stelmakhʼs prose, as causes an urgency of a theme of research. Article purpose – to investigate various kinds of repetition on a stuff of art prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems: to find out specificity of use of lexical and syntactic repetitions, their semantic load and functions in prosaic art texts. Research conclusions: in system of the stylistic majorants which are available in prose of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh, the special place belongs to repetition. Thanks to the chosen phylum of a locating of words the artist reaches buildings of unique colour of the narration necessary for realisation of an ideologically thematic and is art shaped plan. Repetition of syntactic constractions carries out the functions similar to lexical repetition – intensifying, allocation of pivotal components of the maintenance, connectivity of separate parts of the offer and text parts. Contact, distant and ring repetitions get the semantic importance as means of semantic rapprochement of the beginning and the narration end. Prospect of the further scientific researches it is seen in complete research of all kinds of the repetition inherent in art creativity of Mykhaіlо Stelmakh.


Лінгвістика тексту . Стилвстичні та контекстуальні вияви лексичних і граматичних одиниць


художнє мовлення, повтор, анафора, епіфора, анепіфора, ампліфікація, лінгвостилістика, художественная речь, повтор, анафора, эпифора, анепифора, амплификация, лингвостилистика, art speech (literal speech), repetition, amplification, linguastylistic


Горобець І. В. Повтор у художній прозі Михайла Стельмаха / Інна Горобець // Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Філологія (мовознавство) : збірник наукових праць / [гол. ред. І. Я. Завальнюк]. – Вінниця : Планер, 2017. – Вип. 24. – С. 134-139



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