Кафедра журналістики, реклами та зв'язків з громадськістю

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    Existential Challenges for Ukraine in the War with Russia
    (2023) Слотюк, Петро
    The relevance of the study is explained by the conditions in which Ukraine found itself as a result of the Russian invasion and the challenges that have acquired a pronounced existential character for it. Despite the fact that the term "existential challenges" was used quite often by the mass media, in the scientific environment it was not used enough to explain the external and internal threats that Ukraine faced in the latest period of its history. The purpose of the research is to study the existential threats to Ukrainian society caused by the civilizational gap between East and West, which was reflected in the geopolitical ambitions of the Russian Federation and caused Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. Conclusions. Existential challenges threatening Ukraine are caused not only by the foreign political circumstances in which our state found itself before and after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. They are also caused by internal problems that were not resolved during many years of conditional independence from Russia. Such challenges are not only the Russian- Ukrainian war. These include: the absence of a political elite capable of making adequate and effective management decisions and producing ideas that would contribute to the successful development of the country; almost destroyed education system; attempts to implement initiatives that destroy the intellectual environment, science, health care, Ukrainian information space; following the conflicting demands of neighboring states, especially in the humanitarian sphere. All this significantly reduces the defense capability and stability of the country, has a negative impact on its international authority, and complicates the development of a national development strategy for the near term. At the same time, the people, in the overwhelming majority, are optimistic about their future, believe in victory over the enemy and connect their lives with Ukraine.
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    Дзялів: з історії Подільського порубіжжя (від найдавніших часів до 1946 року)
    (Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2012) Слотюк, Петро
    В книзі висвітлено історію села Дзялова (з 1946 р. с. Кам’яногірка Жмеринського району) в контексті історії Подільського порубіжжя з найдавніших часів до 1946 року. Використані фотографії, надані з особистих архівів Остапенком Петром Даниловичем, Липком Михайлом Романовичем, Томусяком Віталієм Йосиповичем. Розраховано на істориків, студентів, краєзнавців і всіх, хто цікавиться минулим рідного краю.