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dc.contributor.authorПрокопчук, Л. В.
dc.contributor.authorProkopchuk, L. V.
dc.identifier.citationПрокопчук Л. В. Асоціативні порівняння в мовотворчості М. Стельмаха (на прикладі роману «Чотири броди») / Л. В. Прокопчук // Міжнародний вісник: Культурологія. Філологія. Музикознавство. – 2013. – Вип. 1. – С. 102-105.uk_UA
dc.descriptionФілологія. Асоціативні порівнянняuk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті з’ясовано асоціативну природу порівняльних конструкцій, уживаних у художній прозі М. Стельмаха, проаналізовано їхню структуру й функціонально-семантичне навантаження.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье проанализированы сравнительные конструкции, используемые в языке произведений М. Стельмаха: определена их ассоциативная природа, охарактеризованы структура и семантика.ru
dc.description.abstractIn the article the author has analyzed the structure and functional-semantic loading of the comparative constructions used by M. Stelmakh in the novel «The four fords». The ways of renewing of common to the whole people comparative constructions have been determined – lexical-semantic comparative of the comparative constructions' components. The unordinary conjunction of these components has been characterized. The semantic peculiarities of the comparative structure's components have been ascertained and it has been shown their correlation with the generalized lexical nature. Determined the types of comparative constructions by the form expression of the compared object. Distinguished the thematic groups of traditional images of comparison used by M. Stelmakh. Cleared up the transformational methods of traditional comparisons: inserting additional components, the substitution of one of the components of the comparative constructions. By the form expression of the objective part we distinguish several types of similes (comparisons): the object expressed by a single noun or other substantivized word; noun, denoted by one or several dependent words; object, ex-pressed by the adverb; object – subordinate part of the complex sentence with the explicit or implicit verbal predicate. Among asyndetic comparative constructions, recorded in the inverstigated novel, we distinguish structures, objective part of which is expressed by: noun in the form of instrumental case (so-called, instrumental comparative). In the investigated novel, the author pays much attention to the description of the beauty of the native land, revealing of the inner life of his characters. Originality of such comparisons provides, first of all, lexico-semantic filling of comparative constructions component in particular, their exceptional combinability. Group of comparisons, which make portrait description of the characters more varied, is rather numerous. They are concentrated, brief carrier of the information, indicating both external features and inner state of the characters. The author realizes the artistic modeling of the portrait mainly by means of traditional verbal images. These are characteristics of the world, the author lives in, the integral continuation of which are: features of rural everyday realities, plants of Padilla region, its nature. Traditional verbal images in the structure of comparisons, integrally interweaving into the tissue of the language of analyzed novel of the author, help to reproduce, in specific sensual pictures, national-language coloring of the place of the described events, convey the author's or character's mood. Characteristic feature of the considered novel is “animation” of natural phenomena, celestial bodies. In such comparative constructions we observe their concretization, which is based on sensual perception of the realities of celestial space on nature. The writer, artistically reinterpreting folk comparisons, creates original author's tropes on the basis of folk imaginations. Determinant method of such transformation is the introduction of additional components to mare the described events more varied. Individual author's associations contribute to functioning of such personified images. Comparisons in M. Stelmakh's novel «The four fords» create specific concretely-sensual pictures, reflecting folk poetic thinking of the artist as well as his knowledge of folk colloquial sources of literary language. They, as other artistic means, form specific character of the author's concept style.en
dc.subjectпорівняльна конструкціяuk_UA
dc.subjectкомпонент порівняльної конструкціїuk_UA
dc.subjectасоціативні порівнянняuk_UA
dc.subjectоказіональні порівнянняuk_UA
dc.subjectсравнительная конструкцияuk_UA
dc.subjectкомпонент сравнительной конструкцииuk_UA
dc.subjectассоциативные сравненияuk_UA
dc.subjectокказиональные сравненияuk_UA
dc.subjectcomparative constructionsuk_UA
dc.subjectcomponent of the comparative constructionuk_UA
dc.subjectassociative connectionuk_UA
dc.subjectan occasional comparative constructionsuk_UA
dc.titleАсоціативні порівняння в мовотворчості М. Стельмаха (на прикладі роману «Чотири броди»)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeАссоциативные сравнения в языке произведений М. Стельмаха (на примере романа «Четыре брода»)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAssociative Similes in the Works by M. Stelmakh (on the Novel «Four Fords»)uk_UA

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