Now showing items 1-20 of 204

    • A model of prospective psychologists’ professional development at a university. 

      Лебедєва, Н. А.; Лебедева, Н. А.; Шахов, В. В.; Шахов, В. І.; Lebedieva, N. A.; Shakhov, V. V.; Shakhov, V. I. (Lodz-Warszawa, 2018)
      In order to study the process of a future psychologist’s professional development which has a peculiar structure, content and qualitative characteristics, it is extremely important within the frame work of targeted ...
    • Advancing internationalization agenda amidst the war in Ukraine: kindness and trauma-informed teaching project in teacher education. 

      Svitlana A. Kuzmina, Sue F. Foo, Olha V. Matviienko, Tamara V. Glazunova.; Кузьміна С.А., Су Ф. Фу, Матвієнко О.В., Глазунова Т.В. (Universitat Politecnica de Val'encia, 2023)
      The paper aims to describe and analyze graduate students' collaborative online learning project between Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia [VSPU] Ukraine, and Worcester State ...
    • Analysing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Development of Contemporary Philology: The Use of Automated Tools in Linguistic Research 

      Грачова, І. Є.; Hrachova, I.; Бахов, І.; Bakhov, I; Іщук, Н.; Ishchuk, N.; Джиджора, Л.; Dzhydzhora, L.; Страшко, І.; Strashko, I. (Archives des Sciences, 2024)
      Відносини між лінгвістикою та штучним інтелектом досі залишаються суперечливими. Актуальність даної роботи полягає в трактуванні технічного прогресу як перспективного для галузі лінгвістики, оскільки синергія штучного ...
    • Autonomy in Language Learning 

      Лісниченко, А. П.; Лисниченко, А. П.; Lisnychenko, A. P. (Uzbekistan,, 2018)
      In the article the lesson of Methodology on the topic “Autonomy in the classroom” is described; the activities of revealing the teacher and pupils’ functions in autonomous learning and autonomous learning elements are ...
    • Birth of a Surreal Image in Attributive Constructions 

      Прадівлянна, Л.М.; Прадивлянная, Л. Н.; Pradivlianna, L.M. (Київ, 2019)
      Introduction. The article focuses on the problems of the surreal images in the poetry of David Gascoigne – one of the leaders of surrealist movement in Great Britain. Surrealist image remains a complex phenomenon with ...
    • Communicative Language Teaching 

      Теклюк, Г.П.; Теклюк, А.П.; Tekliuk, H.P. (Дрогобич: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020)
      The article considers the communicative methodology, or CLT, its principles, techniques and characteristics, as well as its impact on other approaches to learning foreign languages. According to the communicative language ...
    • Constructive and creative mapping as a cognitive and semiotic mechanism of the formation of syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry texts 

      Strilchuk, A.; Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В. (Вінниця, 2010)
      The article elucidates the operations of constructive and creative mapping – extension, compression and permutation – and analyses their role in objectifying the fragments of American worldview and the creation of originality ...
    • Content-Based Instruction 

      Теклюк, Г.П.; Теклюк, А.П.; Tekliuk, H.P. (Запоріжжя: Запорізький національний університет, 2020)
      The article notes that learning through content can make learning English more exciting and motivating. Students use the English language to achieve real goals, which makes them more independent and confident. Students can ...
    • Democratization of Education in Emerging Countries 

      Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Kuzmina, S. A.; Пауел, Д.; Пауэл, Д.; Powell, D.; Цвік, C.; Цвик, С.; Cwick, S.; Халід, T.; Халид, T.; Khalid, T.; Софо, С.; Sofo, S. (NAC-WCCT. North American Chapter Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, 2016)
      Education is a democratizing catalyst that enhances choice, individual welfare, and productivity by increasing access and equity of opportunity. However, there are significant challenges to democratization of education, ...
    • Educational Technologies for Maturing Democratic Approaches to Pedagogical Practices in Ukraine 

      Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Kuzmina, S. A.; Пауел, Д.; Пауэл, Д.; Powell, D.; Ямчинська, Т.; Ямчинская, Т.; Yamchynska, T.; Шестопалюк, О.; Шестопалюк, А.; Shestopaliuk, О.; Кузьмін, Е.; Кузьмин, Е.; Kuzmin, Y. (Procedia – Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2015)
      Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University has taken significant steps in policy and practice toward democratization of education. However, many Ukrainian universities have failed to meet European standards required of the ...
    • English Language Education at Ukrainian University: Interdisciplinary Aspect 

      Матвієнко, О.В.; Матвиенко, О.В.; Matvienko, O.V.; Кузьміна, С.А.; Кузьмина, С.А.; Kuzmina, S.A. (Arab World English Journal: Special Issue on English in Ukrainian Context., 2020)
      The main aim of the article is to consider the interdisciplinary aspect of English language education of pre-service teacher training at Ukrainian university. Since it is a review article, the paper intends to address the ...
    • Foreign Language Anxiety: Classroom VS Distance Learning 

      Lisnychenko, Alla; Dovhaliuk, Tamila; Khamska, Neonila; Glazunova, Tamara; Лісниченко, A.; Довгалюк, Т.А.; Хамська, Н.Б.; Глазунова, Т.В. (Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020)
      Anxiety is a powerful affective factor that makes a negative impact on the foreign language learning and performance. It is important to be aware of the learning conditions that can influence the foreign language anxiety ...
    • Gamified English Language Learning in Ukraine: Critical Divide between Tradition and Innovation 

      Olha Matviienko; Svitlana Kuzmina; Zoya Yanishevska; Матвієнко О., Кузьміна С., Янішевська З. (Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 2023)
      The article aims to describe gamification and educational technologies integrated into English teacher education as impactful and novel practices in Ukraine. Therefore the study briefly reviews educational technologies ...
    • Gender roles construction in the British press of the XXI century 

      Козачишина, О.Л.; Козачишина, О.Л.; Kozachyshyna, O.L; Федорчук, Н.В.; Федорчук, Н.В.; Fedorchuk, N.V. (Science and Education a new Dimension (Philology)., 2020)
      The article deals with the study of two-component nominal word combinations containing gender markers “woman”, “female”, “lady”, “girl”, “male”, “man”, “boy” in the British newspapers of 2017-2018. The analysis of the ...
    • Globalization and Internationalization in Education: Pros and Cons 

      Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Kuzmina, Svitlana A.; Глазунова, Т. В.; Glazunova, T. V. (Маріуполь, 2018)
      The article deals with the issues of globalization and internationalization in education, their positive and negative impact. It considers educational integration as a process that provides a great many opportunities for ...
    • Influence of foliar feeding on the grain productivity of corn hybrids in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine 

      Kolisnyk, O.M.; Khodanitska, O.O.; Butenko, A.O.; Lebedieva, N.A. (Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2020)
      Ukraine is a large agricultural country with grain production of more than 60 million tons. At that, the percentage of tilled agricultural land reaches 80%, and in some regions even exceeds 90%. The environmental imbalance ...
    • Is Artificial Intelligence a Utopia or the Future of Foreign Language Learning? 

      Грачова, І. Є.; Ворначев, А.; Кушмал, Л.; Нікольська, Н.; Hrachova, I.; Vornachev, A.; Kushmar, L.; Nikolska, N. (AWEJ, 2024)
      У роботі розглядається проблема штучного майбутнього у вивченні англійської мови. Англійська мова займає провідне місце у всіх сферах людської діяльності. У 21 столітті це непросто уявити людську діяльність без допомоги ...
    • Lexical and Semantic Synesthesia as a Means of Impressionistic Imagery 

      Pradivlianna L, Kozachyshyna O.; Прадівлянна Л.М., Kozachyshyna O.Л. (Журнал крос-культурної освіти/ Journal of Cross-Cultural Education. Вінниця: ВДПУ,№ 1., 2023)
      Impressionism nowadays is regarded as a type of artistic thinking that emerges in the periods of crisis in culture and society. Best known in art, it did not develop into a specific literary style, but was used as a ...
    • Linguistic and cognitive features of syntactic foregrounding in contemporary American poetry texts 

      Мосійчук, А. В.; Мосийчук, А. В.; Mosiichuk, А. (Вінниця, 2013)
      The paper highlights linguistic and cognitive nature of syntactically foregrounded elements of contemporary American poetry texts, which attract the reader’s attention due to their specific formal organization. The principle ...
    • Linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of the formation of syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry texts 

      Strilchuk, A.; Стрільчук, А. В.; Стрильчук, А. В. (Lodz: Peter Lang, 2012)
      Syntactic constructions of contemporary American poetry with their characteristic novelty and originality of form pose an interesting problem from the point of view of the mechanisms which determine their formation and ...