Гулай, Ольга ІванівнаHulai, O. I.Гулай, А. И.2017-03-282017-03-282016Теоретико-методичні основи професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців будівельного профілю в умовах неперервної освіти: автореф. та дис. ... д-ра пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти" / Гулай Ольга Іванівна ; Вінницький держ. пед. ун-т імені Михайла Коцюбинського, [Хмельницька гуманітарно-педагогічна академія]. – Захищена 24.05.2016. – Вінниця, 2016. – 40 с., 461 с.https://library.vspu.net/items/fe0de300-7ced-43da-8e3e-4ed9d60baf18Освіта. Професійна освіта. Педагогіка. БудівництвоУ дисертаційній роботі обґрунтовано й розроблено теоретичні та методичні засади ступеневої підготовки майбутніх фахівців будівельного профілю в технічних колледжах та університетах в умовах неперервної освіти. Педагогічна система ґрунтується на положеннях компетентнісного, системного, діяльнісного, особистісно орієнтованого, синергетичного, акмеологічного підходів. На основі ідей неперервної освіти запропоновано концепцію професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців будівельного профілю, яка базується на взаємодії ланок ступеневої освіти: вертикально – шляхом узгодження та побудови інтегрованих навчальних планів, а горизонтально – використанням ефективних засобів, методів і форм навчання, спрямованих на досягнення спільної мети – формування компетентного будівельника. Розроблено модель компетентнісно орієнтованої підготовки майбутніх будівельників і представлено результати її експериментальної перевірки у системі «коледж (ПТНЗ) – технічний університет». Обґрунтовано й реалізовано педагогічні умови ефективної підготовки фахівців будівельного профілю та вказано шляхи їх реалізації. Встановлено місце і роль фундаментальної складової у структурі професійної компетентності майбутніх будівельників, визначено критерії та рівні її сформованості, розроблено інноваційні технології її формування та діагностики у системі ступеневої освіти. Доведено, що практична реалізація рекомендованих положень щодо підготовки фахівців будівельного профілю сприяє формуванню їх професійної компетентності й загалом зумовлює підвищення ефективності неперервної підготовки студентів у технічних коледжах та університетах.В диссертационной работе обосновано и разработано теоретические и методические основы ступенчатой подготовки будущих специалистов строительного профиля в технических колледжах и университетах в условиях непрерывного образования. Педагогическая система построена на положениях компетентностного, системного, деятельностного, личностно-ориентированного, синергетического, акмеологического подходов. На основании идей непрерывного образования предложена концепция профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов строительного профиля, построенная на взаимодействии звеньев многоуровневого образования: вертикально – путем согласования и построения интегрированных учебных планов, а горизонтально – использованием эффективных средств, методов и форм обучения, направленных на достижение общей цели – формирование компетентного строителя. Разработана модель компетентно ориентированной подготовки будущих строителей и представлены результаты ее экспериментальной проверки в системе «колледж (ПТУЗ) – технический университет». Обоснованно и реализовано педагогические условия эффективной подготовки специалистов строительного профиля и указаны пути их реализации. Установлено место и роль фундаментальной составляющей в структуре профессиональной компетентности будущих строителей, определены критерии и уровни ее сформированности, разработаны инновационные технологии ее формирования и диагностики в системе непрерывного образования. Доказано, что практическая реализация педагогической системы подготовки специалистов строительного профиля способствует формированию их профессиональной компетентности и приводит к повышению эффективности непрерывной подготовки студентов в технических колледжах и университетах.Theoretical and methodological backgrounds of multilevel training of future engineering and architecture profile specialists in technical colleges and universities in terms of continuous education have been substantiated and developed in the thesis. The investigation has been based on the provisions of competence, systemic, behavioural, personally-oriented, synergistic, acmeological approaches. On the basis of continuous education ideas, the main directions of future engineering and architecture profile specialists’ competence formation, which takes place gradually in multilevel professional educational system, have been defined. Three criteria of future engineering and architecture specialists’ professional competence formedness have been pointed out: cognitive, behavioural and motivational – and – evaluative, as well as levels of their formedness have been defined: reproductive (low), reconstructive (middle), productive (upper), and creative (advanced). The continuous teaching conception, which is based on the interaction in the multilevel educational system, has been defined: vertically – by means of coordination and creation of integrated curricula, and horizontally – the usage of effective means, methods and forms of teaching, aimed at achieving the common goal – the formation of competent engineering and architecture specialist. Educational system of professional training of future engineering and architecture profile specialists in terms of continuous education have been substantiated, and its structural – and – functional model has been developed, which is built on basic triad: professional competence – fundamental training – creative acmeology. The structure contains the following: target block, including aim, objectives, approaches, principles, social request and employer requirements; contentual block, including educational and qualificational characteristics, educational and professional program, the very content of fundamental disciplines; operating block presupposes practical components of future specialists’ professional training; resultative block is based on criteria, indices, levels and results; block of pedagogical conditions. Realisation of professional direction of education is fulfilled through the integrity of the content of fundamental and vocational disciplines, forms and methods of teaching in accordance with the aims and objectives of engineering and architecture specialist’s vocational training. The principle of succession has been implemented through gradual formation of professional notions, skills, resulting in professional competence; paying due account to specificity of building trade during curriculum planning process, designing the transparent educational programs. Fundamentality in engineering and architecture education is considered as a means of intellectually developed specialist formation. The integration principle implementation made possible to set the multilevel educational structure of engineering and architecture profile specialists vertically (in accordance with the content and structure of disciplines) and horizontally (in accordance with methods of teaching). Pedagogical conditions of the future engineering and architecture specialists’ training system implementation have been substantiated and fulfilled in the thesis, namely: formation of positive motivation to learning; didactically substantiated objectives of learning activity; activation of learning – and – cognitive activity in accordance with the form of learning activity and students’ individual peculiarities; subject-subject interaction between student and teacher, aimed to succeed. Educational system, aimed at solving real tasks in changing life situations, focused on the distant result, which will be relevant in future, have been designed on the basis of competence approach. Structural frame of the methodological system, including personally – oriented, behavioural, interactive learning, is a credit-modular training technology. The usage of whole systemically organized complex of educational and methodological support integratively combines different methods and forms of teaching activities. Experimental studies in real conditions of students’ teaching process confirmed, in general, the correctness of the worked out multilevel educational system of future engineering and architecture profile specialists.Theoretical and methodological backgrounds of multilevel training of future engineering and architecture profile specialists in technical colleges and universities in terms of continuous education have been substantiated and developed in the thesis. The investigation has been based on the provisions of competence, systemic, behavioural, personally-oriented, synergistic, acmeological approaches. On the basis of continuous education ideas, the main directions of future engineering and architecture profile specialists’ competence formation, which takes place gradually in multilevel professional educational system, have been defined. Three criteria of future engineering and architecture specialists’ professional competence formedness have been pointed out: cognitive, behavioural and motivational – and – evaluative, as well as levels of their formedness have been defined: reproductive (low), reconstructive (middle), productive (upper), and creative (advanced). The continuous teaching conception, which is based on the interaction in the multilevel educational system, has been defined: vertically – by means of coordination and creation of integrated curricula, and horizontally – the usage of effective means, methods and forms of teaching, aimed at achieving the common goal – the formation of competent engineering and architecture specialist. Educational system of professional training of future engineering and architecture profile specialists in terms of continuous education have been substantiated, and its structural – and – functional model has been developed, which is built on basic triad: professional competence – fundamental training – creative acmeology. The structure contains the following: target block, including aim, objectives, approaches, principles, social request and employer requirements; contentual block, including educational and qualificational characteristics, educational and professional program, the very content of fundamental disciplines; operating block presupposes practical components of future specialists’ professional training; resultative block is based on criteria, indices, levels and results; block of pedagogical conditions. Realisation of professional direction of education is fulfilled through the integrity of the content of fundamental and vocational disciplines, forms and methods of teaching in accordance with the aims and objectives of engineering and architecture specialist’s vocational training. The principle of succession has been implemented through gradual formation of professional notions, skills, resulting in professional competence; paying due account to specificity of building trade during curriculum planning process, designing the transparent educational programs. Fundamentality in engineering and architecture education is considered as a means of intellectually developed specialist formation. The integration principle implementation made possible to set the multilevel educational structure of engineering and architecture profile specialists vertically (in accordance with the content and structure of disciplines) and horizontally (in accordance with methods of teaching). Pedagogical conditions of the future engineering and architecture specialists’ training system implementation have been substantiated and fulfilled in the thesis, namely: formation of positive motivation to learning; didactically substantiated objectives of learning activity; activation of learning – and – cognitive activity in accordance with the form of learning activity and students’ individual peculiarities; subject-subject interaction between student and teacher, aimed to succeed. Educational system, aimed at solving real tasks in changing life situations, focused on the distant result, which will be relevant in future, have been designed on the basis of competence approach. Structural frame of the methodological system, including personally – oriented, behavioural, interactive learning, is a credit-modular training technology. The usage of whole systemically organized complex of educational and methodological support integratively combines different methods and forms of teaching activities. Experimental studies in real conditions of students’ teaching process confirmed, in general, the correctness of the worked out multilevel educational system of future engineering and architecture profile specialists.професійна компетентність будівельниканаступність у будівельній освітімолодший спеціалістбакалаврнепреривна освітакомпетентнісний підхідтехнічний коледжтехнічний університетбудівельний профільпрофессиональная компетентность строителямладший специалистбакалаврпреемственность в строительном образованиинепрерывное образованиекомпетентностный подходтехнический колледжтехнический университетстроительный профильprofessional competence of the builderjunior specialistbachelorcontinuity in the building educationcontinuous educationcompetence approachtechnical collegetechnical universityengineering and architecture profileТеоретико-методичні основи професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців будівельного профілю в умовах неперервної освітиTheoretical and methodological backgrounds to professional training of future engineering and architecture profile specialists in terms of continuous educationТеоретико-методические основы профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов строительного профиля в условиях непрерывного образованияBook