Taratuta, SvitlanaMelnyk, TetianaKozachyshyna, OksanaPradivlianna, Liudmyla2024-02-252024-02-252022Coming of Age Novels in the Era of “New Sincerity”: Trauma and Personality Development of a Teenager (based on the novels “Black Swan Green” by D. Mitchell and “Time to Speak” by K. Klimovsky) // S.Taratuta, T. Melnyk, O.Kozazhyshyna, L.Pradivlianna // AD ALTA: JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Volume 12,Issue 1, Special Issue XXVII, 2022 (May, 2022) Р. 72-76https://library.vspu.net/items/f7f5d0ce-535e-4ae5-888a-285586154203Trauma and Personality Development of a Teenager are investigated within multidisciplinary paradigm, based on the novels “Black Swan Green” by D. Mitchell and “Time to Speak” by K. Klimovsky. Postmodernism and irony are distinguished as underlying concepts of the vector of researchenNew sincerityPersonality developmentPostmodernismTraumaнова щирістьрозвиток особистостіпостмодернізмтравмаComing of age novels in the era of “New sincerity”: trauma and personality development of a teenager (based on the novels “black swan green” by d. mitchell and “time to speak” by K. Klimovsky)Article