Зінченко, Л. В.Пономарьов, О. С.Zinchenko, L.Ponomaryov, O.2021-06-242021-06-242018Зінченко Л. В. Духовність і відповідальність спортсмена / Л. В. Зінченко, О. С Пономарьов // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет ім. Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – Вип. 54. – С. 14-20.УДК 796.051:342https://library.vspu.net/items/df1a947b-46bc-4219-821f-de7cd66ef422Методика спорту.Розглянуто необхідність духовного виховання спортсмена. Показано роль виховання у формуванні й розвитку його духовного світу і культури. Розкрито значення духовності як важливого джерела особистої відповідальності спортсмена. Визначено цілі, види й напрями відповідальності як у спортивній діяльності, так і за її межами, у тому числі по завершенні спортивної кар’єри. КлючовіThe article considers the necessity of sportsman spiritual education. Shown the role of this education in the formation and development of his spiritual world and culture. Revealed the significance of spirituality as an important source of personal responsibility of the sportsman. Defined goals, types and directions of responsibility both in sporting activities, and beyond its limits, including at the end of a sports career. The insufficiently solved aspects of the problem lie in the plane of the systematic approach to the organization of the purposeful formation of the spirituality of the sportsman, the development of his spiritual world and the implantation of a responsible attitude towards himself, the teachers and trainers, teammates and rivals. It seems also insufficiently studied the issue of developing these qualities in the general context of the formation of a humanistic system of life goals and values and understanding of his mission, purpose and meaning about his life. In other words, requires a more in-depth study and the problem of the formation of sportsman's outlook as a fully developed person. The notion of spirituality is associated with the phenomenon of responsibility, which carries is important meaning to the load in pedagogy, including sports. The degree of development of the spiritual world, culture, morals and responsibility of the sportsman is particularly clearly manifested in the relationship with his comrades in the team sports. Here, his individual responsibility is formed under the essential influence of the sense of team responsibility and becomes a kind of manifestation. The sportsman's responsibility is closely linked with his moral principles and beliefs, with his vital values. In this regard, it is necessary to understand the existence of certain differences in the nature of the responsibility of the sportsman in individual and in team sports. Therefore, in individual views, he answers in the first mainly for himself and for the results of his own performance in the competitions. In conditions of team struggle, responsibility arises not only for individual actions, but also for the nature of the sportsman's interaction with other members of the team, and even for the moral state of the team and the psychological climate in itспортсменвихованнянавчально-тренувальний процесдуховністьдуховний світвідповідальністьспортивна діяльністькультураsportsmanupbringingtraining processspiritualityspiritual worldresponsibilitysports activitycultureДуховність і відповідальність спортсмена.Spirituality and responsibility of a sportsmanArticle