Шахов, В. І.2021-05-242021-05-242019Шахов В. І. Психологічні особливості формування професійної ідентичності студентів – майбутніх психологів / В. І. Шахов, В. В. Шахов // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2019. – Вип. 58. – С. 208-213.УДК 159.922.1+37.015.3DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2019-58-208-213https://library.vspu.net/items/68df92a9-6288-4f6a-869d-c74c45346ed3Педагогіка. ПсихологіяУ статті на основі аналізу й узагальнення теоретичних та емпіричних досліджень професійної ідентичності визначаються психологічні особливості її формування у студентів – майбутніх психологів, з’ясовуються психологічні особливості становлення професійної ідентичності в процесі навчання майбутніх психологів у вищих закладах освіти, визначаються ключові етапи становлення професійної ідентичності майбутнього психолога в студентському віці.In the article on the basis of analysis and generalization of theoretical and empirical researches of professional identity, psychological peculiarities of its formation in students – future psychologists are determined, psychological peculiarities of becoming a professional identity in the process of training future psychologists in higher educational establishments are determined, the key stages of formation of the professional identity of the future psychologist are determined in the student's age. Formation of the professional identity of a future specialist in an institution of higher education takes place in the process of obtaining knowledge, internalization of acquired knowledge, practice-oriented activity, the use of active methods of work for the development of the profession. And interaction with members of the professional community promotes the mastery of the individual professional standards, the assessment of the level of mastery of the profession. Confirmation of professional norms in the practice of professional communication and activities helps the individual to form and maintain a professional identity, to maintain their own status. Most psychologists agree that professional identity is an extremely important component of the professional "I-concept" of a person that develops and changes throughout the life course of a person. The core of understanding the phenomenon of professional identity in all without exception approaches is the value-semantic aspect. The professional identity of a person is organically linked with his personality identity. The professional identity of junior students specialty psychology is characterized by the beginning of comprehension of the essence of the work of a psychologist, familiarization with its main functions. In this period there is an entry into a new social and professional environment. The external student identity becomes an internally accepted, conscious, emotionally-painted characteristic. This is an unstable stage associated with adapting to the new social role of the student. Its essence consists in the formation of student identification ("I" -student) and unconscious admiration for future professional identity. For senior courses, awareness of specialization in the spectrum of roles is characteristic, as well as the formation of new goals and perspectives. This period, the essence of which is to rethink and refine the various options of professional-creative self-development, employment and career development.ідентичністьпрофесійна ідентичністьпрофесійна ідентичність психологасамосвідомістьпрофесійна самосвідомість«Я»-образ«Я-концепція»identityprofessional identityprofessional identity of the psychologistself-awarenessprofessional self- awareness"I" – approx"I-conceptПсихологічні особливості формування професійної ідентичності студентів – майбутніх психологівPsychological features of forming professional identity of students – future psychologistsArticle