Бак, С. М.Bak, S. M.Ковтонюк, Г. М.Kovtonyuk, G. M.2019-01-242019-01-242018Bak S. M. Existence of solitary traveling waves in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system on 2D–lattice / S. M. Bak, G. M. Kovtonyuk // Mat. Stud. 50 (2018), – P. 75–87https://library.vspu.net/items/65587bf9-4a06-4dda-9e2e-7fdc9309833cThe article deals with the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam system that describes an infinite system of particles on 2D–lattice. The main result concerns the existence of solitary traveling wave solutions. By means of critical point theory, we obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of such solutions.solitary traveling wavesfermi-Pasta-Ulam system2-d latticecritical pointsExistence of solitary traveling waves in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system on 2D–latticeArticle