Шахов, В. І.Шахов, В. В.2021-06-022021-06-022019Шахов В. І. Динаміка розвитку фахово важливих якостей у структурі професійної самосвідомості студентів спеціальності психологія / В. І. Шахов, В. В. Шахов // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / ред. кол.: В. А. Фрицюк, В. І. Шахов, О. В. Акімова та ін. ; Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця : Твори, 2019. – Вип. 57. – С. 201-205УДК 159.922.1+37.015.3DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2019-57-201-205https://library.vspu.net/items/427d3cf2-0caa-4e25-ad3c-89b2f7a27326Психологія. Розвиток професійної самосвідомості. Майбутній психологThe article on the basis of generalization of psychological research examines the problem of the genesis of professional self-consciousness of personality in student age. Defines the basic approaches of leading scientists to the understanding of the nature, structure, psychological mechanisms and factors of development of professional consciousness of the person during the period of youth and their influence on the formation of self-identity. As a result of the empirical research, the following general tendency was established: first, the self-consciousness of the students of the psychological specialty is directed at oneself, the achievement of its personal, subjectively meaningful goals, then, under the influence of learning, begins to serve the goals of the future specialist's activity by forming its professionally important components. Thus, students' self-awareness in the specialty of psychology is a powerful professional resource, the implementation and improvement of which is already in the process of learning, with this process being realized and tracked by the students themselves, ultimately, contributing to the formation of their professional self-consciousness. The general tendency is defined: at first the students' self-consciousness of the psychological specialty is directed at oneself, the achievement of its personal, subjectively significant goals, then under the influence of learning begins to serve the goals of the future specialist by the formation of its professionally important components. Thus, students' self-awareness in the specialty of psychology is a powerful professional resource, the implementation and improvement of which is already in the process of learning, with this process being realized and tracked by the students themselves, ultimately, contributing to the formation of their professional self-consciousness.фахово важливі якості особистостісамосвідомістьпрофесійна самосвідомістьпрофесійна ідентичністьЯ-образрефлексивністьупевненість в собісамоповагавідповідальністьсоціальна зрілість особистостіprofessionally important personal qualitiesself-awarenessprofessional self-awarenessprofessional identityI-imagereflexivityself-confidenceself-esteemresponsibilitysocial maturity of the individualДинаміка розвитку фахово важливих якостей у структурі професійної самосвідомості студентів спеціальності психологіяDynamics of development of factory of important qualities in the structure of professional self-identity of students of specialty of psychologyArticle